Cicadas - insects singing

Cicadas - insects belonging to the order of the proboscis(Rhynchota), a suborder of homoptera (Homoptera). They are widespread, mainly in places with hot climates. About 1,700 song species are now known, but only a few of them can be found on the territory of our country. The most common mountain cicada comes across (the name is unfortunate, because it lives beautifully in lowland forests, right up to Kostroma), less often the oak forest and the common forest are inhabitants of southern forests.

cicadas insects
All types of cicadas have a short head with a strongoutstanding face eyes, located on the sides of the head, and three small ocelli in the center, forming a triangle. Antennae are short, five-segmented. The abdomen is thick, in females at the end is the ovipositor, and in males a copulation apparatus. Depending on the species, the wings may be colorless or brightly colored, but at the same time transparent. They are always 2 pairs of cicadas. The photo shows well that the back is shorter than the front.

The oral apparatus consists of a proboscis(modified lips), inside of which are long and sharp bristles (like jaws). The latter moves freely, but cannot bend; therefore, the creature punctures the skin of plants effortlessly. Cicadas are insects feeding on their sap. Neither bite nor gnaw they can not. Proboscis, and females also egg-laying, pierce various parts of plants. After such damage, juice continues to flow from them,

cicadas photo
hardening in air and being a nutrient, the so-called "manna".

Their sizes vary greatly depending onkind of. For example, royal cicadas are insects with a body length of more than 6 cm and a wingspan of up to 18 cm, and the mountain type, reaching far to the north, is only 2 cm in size.

Отличительной особенностью является способность males sing. They chirr due to cymbals - convex plates located on the anterior segment of the abdomen. "Roulades" are issued mainly in the hottest time of the day, most likely to attract females. Indian and South American cicadas make sounds that are not inferior in volume to locomotive whistles.

These are good flying insects. They live in trees and shrubs. Lifestyles of all kinds are similar. Females lay their eggs in leaf stalks or under the bark of branches.

cicada sound
The larvae emerging from them fall to the ground andburrow into it. Sometimes deep enough - a meter and more. They have an awkward, thickened, discolored body with firm smooth skin and strong single-segmented limbs, especially the front ones, which perform the digging function. They live and feed on the roots of plants, and before turning into an adult, they rise to the surface. The duration of the larval stage depends on the species, some have 2 years, and others have 4 years, and there are individuals that have up to 17 years. During this time, they experience a few molts.

Do cicada larvae harm trees for surefound out. It is known that in ash and lime forests, where they were found a huge amount (up to several hundred), the inhibition of plants was not detected. However, in Brazil it is believed that cicadas are insects that cause great harm to coffee plantations.