/ / "Kostenki" - a museum-reserve. History of

"Kostenki" is a museum-preserve. History of occurrence

"Kostenki" - an archaeological museum-reserve. He is known around the world complex of ancient sites of the Stone Age. Over 130 years of research here.

"Kostenki" - a museum-reserve. Location

An old village located 40 kilometers awaysouth of Voronezh, called Kostenki. At different times, on the territory of this settlement alone, more than 26 sites of the most ancient primitive people of the Stone Age were discovered and investigated.

Kostenki, Museum Reserve

The museum got its name from the name of the village. It is located in the territories with. Kostenki and with. Borschevo.

25 security zones with stone age monuments,the total area of ​​which is about 9 hectares, combines the museum reserve "Kostenki". Voronezh region has an amazing and unique historical landmark, which is known throughout the world. This place has a beautiful unofficial name - "Pearl of the World Paleolithic".

Creating a museum

The idea of ​​creating such a wonderful museumowned by A.N. Rogachev - known Soviet archeologist. Built it at the expense of local Voronezh authorities. The excavation and conservation of the monument itself was carried out by an expedition of the regional Leningrad branch of the Archaeological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the direction of A.N. Rogachev.

Then they created this temporary exhibition. In 1983, the museum was opened, then still a branch of the Voronezh Museum of Local Lore.

Kostenki - Archaeological Museum-Reserve
And in 1991, this branch separated from the mainlocal history museum and received the status of the museum-reserve. Moreover, it included not only the main museum above one of the sites ("Kostenki-11"), but also all the existing monuments (Upper Paleolithic) of the Kostenkovo-Borschevsky district, as well as the Slavic settlement - Borschevskoe. So the state archaeological museum-reserve "Kostenki" was formed. The main purpose of its creation is the protection, study and popularization of the Upper Paleolithic sites.

Finds on ancient sites

All parking have their own rooms.In the process of recent studies of ancient sites (Kostenki-14, 12), sensational finds were found that definitely change the views on primitive history.

Kostenki State Archaeological Museum-Reserve

In the parking lot "Kostenki-14" in 2000The most ancient ornaments in Europe (Eastern) were found - lines with an ornament made of tubular bird bones, shell pendants. They were found in a layer of volcanic ash, brought to the Russian plain from the territory of Italy more than 38 thousand years ago.

Эти старинные находки (украшения и остатки settlements), precisely in the ashes, suggest that this settlement ceased to exist during a global catastrophe that occurred in Europe during that era.

In 2001, almost the samea whole skeleton of a still very young mammoth and even the skull of this animal (usually it is poorly preserved). For the territories of Siberia is a normal phenomenon. However, everything happened in Kostenki. Here, previously, archaeologists usually found only individual mammoth bones. In ancient times, people brought them to their parking lots for household needs.

It turns out that the mammoth found here orfell into the karst funnel, or it sucked into the swamp. In the same year, a head from a figurine from a human figure, made from a mammoth tusk (age 37 thousand years) was also found. This became a worldwide sensation, since today this find is the oldest sculpture (human statue) in the Paleolithic of Europe.


Prior to this discovery, the age of the sculptural images was determined approximately at the level of 32 thousand years. It turns out that they are older than more than 10 thousand years.

Also according to an analysis in 2002 of the American laboratory, the Kostenok-12 age (the oldest lower cultural layer) is up to 50 thousand years (instead of 40 thousand) for the Upper Paleolithic.

"Kostenki" (Museum-Reserve) will be longreplenish the most ancient historical facts of life of people of that curious era. Most of the history of these places is still resting under water and is waiting for its researchers.

How did it all begin?

In 1979, the first parking lot was opened.It represents the dwelling of a man from the Stone Age. It was built about 20,000 years ago from mammoth bones. This ancient house consists of 570 mammoth bones. The size of the dwelling is 9 meters in diameter. It is surrounded by storerooms in the form of pits. For the first time it was discovered by a local resident I.I. Protopov (built the cellar) in 1949.

Now this unique home is right insidethe building of the museum itself is in the same place and almost in the same condition as it was when that local resident first saw it. A lot of amazing can present to its visitors "Kostenki", a museum-reserve.

Museum Reserve Kostenki, Voronezh Region
A lot of amazing legends were born due to the fact that people found huge, inconceivable bones of mammoths (they had never seen such animals).
One of them says that a huge beast lives under the ground, which does not appear in public. And from the words "ma" - "earth", "mut" - "mole", people began to call him "Mamut".

Today, more than 60 settlements have been discovered on this territory, whose age is between 45 and 15 thousand years.

Kostenki (Museum-Reserve) has a hugea number of various ancient artifacts. It exhibits the most ancient instruments of labor, statues of women ("Paleolithic Venus"), and various household items. And the figures for some reason, for the most part, were carved into the shape of pregnant women. They had a symbol - the continuation of life.

All this is invaluable and the only evidence of the longest epoch in the cultural development of mankind on Earth.