/ / Park "Scarlet Sails" (Voronezh): infrastructure

Scarlet Sails Park (Voronezh): infrastructure

Voronezh is a city located in the south of CentralRussia. He bears the honorary title of "City of Military Glory." And this is the historical center, in which many attractions. We will talk about one of them in this article. We describe the park "Scarlet Sails". Voronezh is very proud of him. This place is considered one of the best for recreation.

City decoration

Voronezh parks are many and varied, butfor many, the most beautiful of them is the park with the sonorous name “Scarlet Sails”. His name is associated with A. Green's story of the same name, a magic dream, something bright and kind.

Park Scarlet Sails Voronezh

In 2015, Runet users honored thisvisibility of the fifth place in the rating Yell.ru, that is, it is among the five best parks in Russia. Also, world experts, he ranked among the 400 best parks in the world. What is remarkable about this place?

Let's get a little into history.The park is quite young, it was first opened to visitors in 1975. It should be noted that the place for its foundation was chosen more than successful. It was placed on the left bank of the Voronezh reservoir in the shadow of the majestic pines. Green alleys, flowering cherries and the smooth surface of the river disposed to a quiet rest and contemplation of all this beauty. But over time, everything changed: the once flowering avenues turned into an abandoned and littered garbage dump.

New life

On September 15, 2011, after the reconstruction, the green zone re-opened its doors to residents and visitors to the city. Then it became clear that the situation has changed completely.

The park was revived and became even more beautiful than in the pasttime. In the project he thought about it as a European park for a family holiday. Nowadays, it is possible to relax both adults and children in comfort.

Landscaping area is about 50,000 square meters. m, of which almost 1500 square meters. m - flower beds.


Address where the park "Scarlet Sails": Voronezh, Levoberezhny district, Arzamas street, 93.

What can a visitor find here?

Green recreation area - the fruit of teamworkFrench designers, headed by Olivier Dame, who took into account the wishes of local residents and made all the necessary changes to the original project. During the reconstruction, the designers tried not to break the creative concept that was in 1975, but they also modernized it in accordance with modern requirements.

Park Scarlet Sails Voronezh playbill

The park is very conveniently divided into thematic zones.Here you will find an equipped beach, playgrounds, comfortable benches, picnic areas, a café, a dance floor, as well as a summer theater, which is an open stage, a viewing window - a gazebo with a large window overlooking the reservoir and much more. All this - the park "Scarlet Sails" (Voronezh). Urban-scale events are often held here, so this is also a kind of cultural and entertainment center.

Comfortable conditions for visitors

The park is arranged in such a way that it willcomfortable to be people of different generations. Here you can relax, walking along the avenue, take part in active sports, and all the conditions for games are created for children. In addition, and not least, the park has created conditions for those who are physically limited in their abilities.

Park Scarlet Sails Voronezh photo

This is an ecologically clean area, so fresh pine air is guaranteed.

To all other entertainment provided, inthe park has boat and catamaran rental, and you can sunbathe and swim on a small beach. In the summer, there is an outdoor cinema. For dogs there is a separate area for walking, the rest of the animals are not allowed to be.

For security purposes, a video surveillance system is installed. A nice bonus is the availability of Wi-Fi.

The Scarlet Sails park (Voronezh) is open daily from 7:00 to 23:00. Poster of events guarantees an unforgettable pastime.

Entertainment for children

Toddlers are happy to visit the beautiful woodenfortress with walls and towers. In the courtyard, the guys will gladly ride down the hill. The kids like inflatables and merry-go-rounds, a colorful playground with a sandpit, swings and a slide.

Rope town "Thousand knots", whichIt is designed not only for children, but also for people of any age, lovers of bright impressions will like it. It developed routes of varying degrees of complexity depending on the age category of the visitor. The height of rope structures from 1 to 8 meters. Here, the kids will not be bored, they will love the park "Scarlet Sails" (Voronezh).

The photo displays the beauty of the Voronezh park, we also see on it that very popular wooden fortress.

Parks of Voronezh

"City of birds" and the rose garden

On the territory of the park they arranged the “City of birds” withnesting boxes, which can be seen on each tree. This place was designed in accordance with the original design decision. Birdhouses decorated under various buildings of the city, for example, resemble the appearance of a theater, a bathhouse, a school, a kindergarten. It turns out a separate town with its life.

For this park, a new variety was specially bred.Rose "Voronezh". They are extremely cold-resistant and have unique properties. Bright yellow flowers adorn the park from early spring until the onset of cold weather, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful rose garden.

Place for active recreation

In the park "Scarlet Sails" sports fansevents will also find something for themselves. On the territory there are playgrounds for beach volleyball and a football field, there are also various outdoor trainers and tennis tables. In winter, a skating rink opens here, attracting numerous visitors to the ice. In the park there is even a "snow tubing trail" for lovers of skiing from a snowy slope.

Park Scarlet Sails Voronezh events

Beautiful view of the alley

There are many trees and various shrubs.The wide alleys are paved with paving slabs, the secondary ones are asphalt, and the narrow paths that go deep into the park are strewn with fine gravel. Children can ride bicycles and rollerblades along wide paved paths.

Walking through the park, you can find information boards, educating visitors about the history of the past days and events that happened once in Voronezh.

In conclusion, we say that the recreation area andentertainment "Scarlet Sails" - a cozy place, filled with the peace and beauty of Russian nature. The well-considered infrastructure of the park has become a key moment in its popularity. Visitors with pleasure capture moments of their rest on the photo. One of the most popular places for a photo shoot is a ship here under scarlet sails.