/ / What is anarchy? Complete utopia or the kingdom of terror?

What is anarchy? A complete utopia or the realm of terror?

The fact that such an "anarchy", the majoritypopulation had a wrong opinion. Blame the anarchism in Russia, which gave the kingdom of terror at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Anarchists blew up bombs, organized sabotage, believing that they could lead the country to prosperity only in this way. But still, what is anarchy?

What is Anarchy?
In fact, anarchy is powerless, more precisely.lack of centralized management, while giving the maximum degree of freedom for the individual. Anarchy does not allow one person to rise at the expense of another, she must exclude a large number of unnecessary bureaucratic operations. The need to register the law in the courts will disappear. With anarchy, every citizen of the country will not be a small cog in the state machine, but a prominent representative of society, who will take an active part in its development. For any government, any country, a person is an electorate. Under anarchy, the very notions of “politician”, “ruler” will disappear as superfluous. Each enterprise will be managed by its own workers. However, it remains unclear the mechanism of commodity circulation within the country, which should be adjusted in such a way that there is no shortage in one part of the state and no excess in another.

Anarchy is
What is anarchy is easier to understand by example.The country of “powerlessness” decided to establish an anarchic system of government. In this case, it will be divided into separate regions - communes. Each of them will manage its own district with the help of the meeting, at which any issue will be resolved. The relationship between the communes will be made in the order of natural settlement with each other. For example, one region can produce a certain type of product, which is in demand in another, between which barter relationships will then take place. Money in the country "Powerless" is impossible, since for their production will already need a means to suppress some types of freedom. In addition, money can cause temptation, which in the absence of regulatory authorities will gradually lead to the rampant terror. The anarchist system is considered utopia because every citizen must support this type of government. Every resident of the country must either be fully provided with everything necessary, or be so conscious as to work only for the welfare of his country.

The example clearly shows what isanarchy. This is a utopian system that excludes such basic functions of the state as social services, the army, and the police. Accordingly, such a country will not be able to conduct any foreign policy, and internal management will also be impossible, since in order to make any decision important for the country as a whole, it will be necessary to gather the entire population. Anarchy in its essence is possible only in a small society, living separately from the rest of the world.

Anarchism in Russia
Anarchy is not a realm of terror, which suited the Russian nihilist society, but a utopian state system, the emergence of which in a separate state seems unlikely.