/ / "Secrets of the body" - an exhibition of human bodies in Minsk

"Secrets of the body" - an exhibition of human bodies in Minsk

С середины осени и до окончания новогодних vacation in Minsk available to visit was one of the most striking and shocking exhibitions in the world. The fascinating title is “The Secrets of the Body. The Universe Inside ”unites about 200 copies, clearly demonstrating the structure of the human body and organs. All this is not mock-ups, but specially processed real biological material. How interesting is the exhibition of human bodies in Minsk and what can people tell who have already visited it?

The history and ideology of the project

Exhibition of human bodies in Minsk

A unique traveling exhibit has been created.seven years ago in the USA. The main idea is to tell and show the available human anatomy to each viewer. To create "benefits" really used the body of volunteers, but nothing sinister or frightening in the exhibits there. In fact, the collection consists of what physicians and students enrolled in the medical profession see every day at work. The creator of the exhibition Heidi Pinchel in all her interviews emphasizes: there is no desire or goal to scare someone, this is a serious informative lecture that will be useful to everyone. The exhibition of human bodies in Minsk is available for visiting by schoolchildren and has a low age requirement.

Interesting Facts

Secrets of the human body exhibition Minsk
This project was originally created astraveling exhibition. The authors sought to tell the available about the functioning of the human body to people from around the globe. During the work of the exhibition has already visited more than 300 million viewers. Prior to Minsk, the collection was located in Los Angeles. Where she goes next - until the big secret to the public. Particular attention is paid to the submission of information. Special standards have been developed for the selection of premises and the installation of copies in it. The anatomy of the human body - the exhibition (Minsk is a city of residence today) is not entertaining, but purely scientific. For better mastering of the material, the exposition is supplemented with information stands. In addition, at each opening, qualified personnel are selected who speak the language of the state in which the exhibition operates and conduct familiarization excursions.

"Secrets of the human body" exhibition (Minsk): what can be seen?

In the United States and Europe, a testament during the life of their ownbodies for medical research after death is normal. Most of the exhibits have just such an origin (some were used with official permission of the relatives of the deceased). Modern technologies allow for a long time to preserve the biomaterial in its natural form. We are talking about the method of polymer plastination, which involves replacing the natural fluid in the cells with silicone. The exhibition of human bodies in Minsk allows us to consider the structure of the skeleton and muscles, as well as internal organs and other tissues. Among the exhibits there are separate bodies with a demonstration of the form "in section". Both solid bodies and their large parts are present. The creators of the collection believe that one can learn how to properly care for oneself and be attentive to health only by understanding how our body functions. "Secrets of the human body" - the exhibition (Minsk), which is able to help in the knowledge of oneself and the awareness of one's own needs.

The main thing - loyalty perception

Anatomy of the human body exhibition Minsk
Организаторы приглашают увидеть все собственными eyes of all comers. For the entire time the collection was shown there were no complaints from viewers. To some, it seems unethical to use real bodies as textbooks. However, due to the special processing, the exhibits do not differ in anything except high detail and quality from modern anatomical models used in educational institutions. In fact, hardly anyone can be intimidated and shocked by the exhibition of human bodies in Minsk. Photos and videos are in the public domain on the Internet since the very first discovery. Age restrictions - “6+”. Indeed, many visitors come in families, bringing with them children of primary school age.

Exhibition of human bodies in Minsk: photos and reviews

Exhibition of human bodies in Minsk photo
Understand how interesting you personally will beA visit to this event can be consulted with those who have already visited it. Minsk residents simply need to ask friends and acquaintances, since the exhibition was open for quite a long time, and there were no problems with the number of visitors. We bring to your attention and reviews from urban and thematic forums. “Anatomy of the human body” - an exhibition (Minsk), which is a rather discussed event by city residents. Opinions are mostly positive: it is interesting, unusual and, of course, useful. There are no complaints about the style of the exhibits, as well as complaints about the collection as a whole. Many viewers say that there are too many visitors on weekends, but in general this does not interfere with getting to know the exhibits and the accompanying information. And yet on some resources you can find negative reviews. What is remarkable - they are left by those who have not visited and does not plan to visit the exhibition. Accordingly, these negative opinions can certainly be described as subjective.

Mode of operation and price

Exhibition of human bodies in Minsk reviews
Exhibition of human bodies in Minsk opened 3October 2014, closing is scheduled for January 11, 2015. The exposition is located in the complex "Minsk-Arena", the premises of the velodrome. Visiting hours - from 11.00 to 21.00, there are a lot of exhibits and teaching material, in the evening it is recommended to come with a margin of time for a full inspection. The exhibition of human bodies in Minsk has good reviews, and this is another reason to visit it. Affordable ticket prices are also pleasing: from 130,000 to 195,000 Belarusian rubles. On weekdays, discounts, cheaper and group visits with advance booking of tickets.