The family name is inherited by people of the same gender fromgeneration to generation. Originally they were only people rich and noble. After the abolition of serfdom, they were given to former serf peasants. Most often they were made by the name of the former owner. That's why there are namesake who have absolutely no kinship.
How were the names formed?
They could be formed on behalf of the father (for example,Ivanov, Petrov, Ilyin). Could point to the profession of man (Kuznetsov, Goncharov). Some characterize a person externally - Krasavin, Bezborodov - or describe his internal qualities (for example, Bogomolov, Dobrov, etc.). However, guessing the meaning of the surname is not always correct. There is a special science - onomastics, which tries to understand the secret of proper names.
We get our full name from the father and can nothis choice. However, after majority, each person is free to take a pseudonym. Some take French, Spanish, American surnames. Girls, as a rule, care more about this question, especially if the father's surname is not sound.
American surnames of girls: in what their feature?
As is known from history, the main inhabitants of America- immigrants from Europe, Africa and other countries. The difference is only in the time of their resettlement. Most of them saved their last names when they moved. But later they changed, adapting to the English language. Some were cut, others changed some sounds. Indians and Africans surnames were given a nickname.
As a result, the American surnames of girls and mendo not differ in any way. Initially, the differences were, for example, if an American was a Bulgarian. However, some of them simply have a specifically feminine sound.
The most popular American names for girls and surnames
To date, the most popular arethe following American surnames: Smith, Williams, Miller, Taylor, Brown, Davis. For example, such names as Moore, Thomas, Walker, Houston, Bellows, Stone, etc. are much less common.
What sways names, then here is the space toowide. Most American female names are in tune with ours, but they are pronounced differently. For example, Helen, Catherine, Joan, Hannah, etc. There are less familiar to the Russian ear Betty, Carolyn, Judy, Goldie, Amelie. Popular names of American stars, for example Riana, Jennifer, Charlize, etc., are popular.
The meanings of some American names and names of girls
American surnames of girls, as noted above, have different origins. Let's try to determine the meaning of some of them.
Most of the names that came to America fromEngland, are completely consonant with names. For example, Henry, Owen, Thomas. The surnames with prefixes Mc (poppy) and O "(o) are very beautiful, both of which denote the relationship of the father, for example, McMillan is the son of Milan, or O" Brian is the son of Brian. The prefix "poppy" came from Scotland, and "O" from Ireland.
Part of the names derived from the names of the area.For example: English, Irish, Wales, Welsh, etc. It is easy to determine from where the person comes from. Some designate a profession or position (Parker, Forester, Foster, Sheriff, Burgess). Most often, they were formed from nicknames. These could be any public office, agricultural profession, hobby, craft, etc.
Так же, как и русские фамилии, некоторые American were formed from the characteristics of man. Perhaps in the future, the connection between the character and the surname of a person has been lost. In addition, sometimes the name calls the exact opposite quality: for example, Fears - for a beautiful person. This group includes the following surnames: Bigg, Strong, Low, Little.
It should be noted that a large group consists ofbeautiful American surnames for girls who came from Spain, Germany, Greece, etc. However, most of them have changed over time and acquired an English sound.