/ / What will tell the big nose

About what the big nose will tell

For a long time it was believed that the big nosemen - a sign of their sexual strength. More precisely, the big nose was directly linked to the size of "manhood." But as it has long been proven, there is no relationship between the size of these two organs. Thus, the myth that supposedly short nosed and bald men are entirely sexual giants belongs to pure fiction.

True, scientists advise to pay attention to the size of the hip of a man, if you

big nose
want to be determined by the appearance of his sexual capabilities. It turns out that the longer the thigh with respect to the whole leg, the more pronounced the sexual activity of the man.

Now it’s clear where the myth about the “strength” of lowmen? Yes, in a short-legged person, the size of the thigh, as a rule, is much higher than the value of the gastrocnemius of the leg. A short-legged - it is usually low people.

But the big nose can talk about someother qualities of a beloved man. After all, it was not for nothing that the Chinese believed that the nose was the lord of the face. They endowed him with a defining ability to influence the fate and career of a person.

In ancient times it was believed that the big nose - a sign of seriousness and responsibility of character, creativity, refinement and diligence. Many scholars and religious figures had sharp facial features.

But if the absence of a depression at the base of the nose is added to the value, then this signals stubbornness, mental acuity and a tendency to do everything in its own way, regardless of the opinions of others.

guy's big nose
A big, crooked nose is inherent in a brave, strong,strong-willed men. True, they differ and a special impatience, ardor. Such representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to compromise, which can often cause conflicts both at work and with relatives.

But if the nose resembles a bag, expanding downwards.This is a bright sign of ability to conduct financial transactions. True, such people and everyone around them measure only in monetary terms, using any chance to increase their wealth.

It is also worth taking into account the color of the nose.If, of course, you are not a person suffering from alcoholism, then a red nose may indicate significant financial problems in the life of its owner, as well as the impossibility of significant promotion. By the way, this may even be due to the fact that for some reason such people do not cause sympathy. It is always difficult for them to form a positive opinion when they first met. Rescues in this case, only a good appeasable character.

To all of the above, we can add that big noses are also excellent.

big nose for men
barrier against infection and even allergies.Since the owner of a large nose inhales all the necessary volume of air through him, it is well filtered by the mucous membrane. But for those who have this thinner facial feature, they also have to breathe through their mouths, which naturally leads to a greater likelihood of all kinds of colds and infections.

It should also be noted that people with a non-standard appearance, as a rule, have an excellent sense of humor and artistry.

Thus, it can be summed up by expressing the deep conviction that a guy's big nose is a rather attractive feature, indicating the originality of this personality.