/ / Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture: History

The Festival of Slavic Literature and Culture: History

There are milestones in the history of every nationwhich redline the times, personifying change and renewal. First of all, it is connected with the nation, which for many centuries has been above politics and wealth. Of course, for a long time, spirituality and science went hand in hand, engaged in education, preservation of values ​​and historical information. That is why many prominent figures in the Middle Ages turned out to be clergymen. They had a broad outlook, were familiar with all the sciences, knew languages ​​and geography, saw in front of them the highest moral and educational goals. Such personalities who have reversed the course of history and made an unprecedented contribution are worth their weight in gold. That is why celebrations are still being held in their honor, and the festival “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” is a vivid example of this.

holiday of slavic writing


This holiday arose in memory of two brothers,which is called Solun. Cyril and Methodius were Byzantines, the full name of the city - the place of their birth - Thessaloniki. They came from a noble family and perfectly mastered Greek. Some chronicles indicated that the local dialect was also common in this area, which was Slavic, however, no documentary evidence of the presence of a second mother tongue was found among the brothers. Many historians attribute them Bulgarian origin, citing a number of sources, but it is quite possible that they were Greeks by birth. Before the tonsure, Cyril bore the name of Constantine. Methodius was the eldest among the brothers in the family and was the first to retire to the monastery. Konstantin received a brilliant education, deserved honor and respect in the academic environment. After a series of events, he retired to his brother in a monastery with his students and colleagues. It was there that began the extensive work that glorified them.

Heritage Brothers

The history of the holiday of Slavic literaturedates back to the events of the 9th century AD e. Beginning with the tonsure of Cyril in the walls of the monastery, work began on the development of Cyrillic. So now one of the first alphabets of the Old Slavonic language is called. Its primary name is "the verb". It is believed that the idea of ​​its creation originated in the year 856. The impetus for their invention was missionary activity and the preaching of Christianity. Many rulers and churchmen turned to Constantinople at that time, asking for prayers and chants in their own language. The system of the verb allowed Cyril and Methodius to translate a number of church books into the Slavic language and thereby open the way for Christianity to the east.

holiday of slavic writing and culture

Religious canons

But within the framework of the history of the holiday SlavicWriting and culture is connected not only with the alphabet, but also with the lives of the brothers, Cyril and Methodius. They are canonized as saints and venerated in the East and in the West. It is noteworthy that in church use, the order of their names is Methodius, and then Cyril. This probably indicates a higher rank of elder brother, which is noted separately, despite the more important research contribution of his brother. On the icons they are always depicted together, but they were recognized as saints at the end of the 9th century.

The birth of the holiday

Assessing the work of the brothers, the Bulgarians, who wereclosest Slavs, decided to designate this event. Already since the 11th century, as some sources report, the official church date of celebration has appeared. The date was set for May 11th. For many centuries it was the day of memory of saints, later, in the era of the heyday of science and education, the event turned into a festival of Slavic literature. It was the Bulgarian people who initiated the celebrations and the keeper of this tradition. The people were proud of Cyril and Methodius as enlighteners who gave the Slavic world the possibility of self-determination and national independence, including through the church line. This date has become central to the cultural and spiritual life of the Balkan peoples.

holiday history day of slavic writing

19th century

Многое изменилось в конце 18 - начале 19 века:revision of values, attitudes, the beginning of progress. It was during this period that the holiday of Slavic literature received a new life. A start was again made in Bulgaria, where in 1857 mass celebrations were held. Not wanting to lag behind the Slav brothers and remembering the impetus for the development of linguistics, literature and science, the development of the alphabet gave the Russian state also organized celebrations, but in 1863. Alexander || was on the throne at that time, and the Polish uprising was on the agenda. Nevertheless, it was this year that a decree was issued to celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (old style), the date was chosen by the Holy Synod. In 1863, celebrations were held on the occasion of the thousandth anniversary of the proposed date of creation of the Old Slavonic alphabet.

Period of oblivion

Despite the respect for saints andassessment of their contribution in the form of translations of church books, a memorial date entered in the state calendar, for a long time was almost forgotten. Perhaps this was due to the development of the revolutionary movement, the coup d'état denying the church canons, and the wars that swept across Eurasia. Once again, the holiday of Slavic literature was revived in Russia in 1985. This event took place in Murmansk, thanks to the writer who was repeatedly awarded the State Prizes - Maslov Vitaly Semenovich. It was he who became an activist of the revival of interest in this holiday, and on his initiative a monument to Cyril and Methodius was erected in Murmansk. Interest, fueled by the public, grew into a tradition that was soon legalized.

Public Holiday

The official approval of the celebration of the day of Cyriland Methodius falls on January 30, 1991. The decision was made by the President of the Russian Federation. This is the first and only state-church holiday of its kind. The date was chosen on May 24, analogous to May 11 in a new style. Since then, the celebrations were held in one of the cities, for the period from 1991 to 2000 the epicenter of the events were Moscow, Vladimir, Belgorod, Kostroma, Orel, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Ryazan. Later, more distant from the capital city - Novosibirsk, Khanty-Mansiysk were involved. Since 2010, by the decree of President D. A. Medvedev, Moscow has been designated the center of cultural and church events.

holiday of slavic writing and culture script

Church Celebrations

The history of the holiday of Slavic literature andculture involves church events dedicated to the memory of saints Methodius and Cyril. As a rule, the most important place in moments of important spiritual events becomes the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia conducts service. Traditional celebrations suggest the morning Divine Liturgy. Later, the patriarch made a speech, addressing parishioners, spiritual and state officials. Within the walls of the temple, the brothers are called "Slovenian teachers." First of all, the educational orientation of the saints is noted, that they carried the word, culture, language to the people, guided by divine laws and moral norms. The concept of enlightenment is interpreted in the church as the emission of light, which indicates to a person the path to the light, which means to God. At the moment, the church is actively involved in the life of the country, responding to political problems and the life of the parishioners. This allows not only to renounce the earthly, visiting the liturgy, but also to find out the position of the church on the main issues of being and statehood. After the official part, a procession to the monument to Cyril and Methodius takes place within the walls of the cathedral. It is located in the center of Moscow, on Slavyanskaya Square. A prayer service is performed there, and then wreaths are laid.

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Mass celebrations

Along with the church, the script of the holiday “DaySlavic writing and culture ”in the mass manifestation is of equal importance. Since this is a state date, public organizations hold concerts, exhibitions, presentations, readings, contests and other events. The center of events is Red Square, where a large-scale concert is held, which opens in the afternoon with official speeches, and lasts long enough. On stage, soloists and groups change, creating a festive atmosphere on the streets of the city. The scale of the event emphasizes the composition of the performers - these are the largest choral groups, a symphony orchestra, orchestras of folk instruments. Actors and presenters consider it an honor to be able to perform on such a stage. The concert is broadcast on state channels. Outside the capital, there are also celebrations centered on the central squares, near monuments, in parks, and in libraries. A single scenario of the holiday of Slavic writing, which regulates the main parameters of the celebrations.

holiday day of slavic writing and culture

Cultural development

Cyril and Methodius Day plays a big role incultural life of the country. It stirs the interest of the younger generation in linguistics, literature, history, acquaints the older generation with historical milestones. The history of the holiday “Day of Slavic Literature” itself speaks of its important mission - enlightenment. Open lectures, seminars, readings are those events that acquaint visitors with new discoveries, basic versions of historical truth, new literary and journalistic works.

Holiday geography

Day of writing and culture is not a prerogativeonly Russia. This holiday is famous for its extensive geography, which includes the countries of the Slavic world. Of course, it is celebrated in Bulgaria, which is interesting, it is also state-owned in the Czech Republic and Macedonia. In the post-Soviet space, he remains one of the most beloved. Celebrations in city squares, in temples, libraries, schools are held in the cities of Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine, Belarus. Traditionally, forums, meetings, open readings, monographs or historical essays are prepared for this date. In order to diversify the content of events, anniversaries of writers, anniversaries of the death of clergy or historical marks are connected to the dates of the celebration.

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How to spend a writing day?

Many preschool education institutionscultural centers and public organizations in their own way celebrate the holiday of Slavic literature and culture. The scenario may be different. Someone chooses to hold charity events, someone focuses on the literary and linguistic heritage, someone chooses to hold concerts and exhibitions. Of course, the theme of national unity, spiritual growth, wealth and values ​​of the native language takes the leading place. When the festival of Slavic writing and culture is being prepared, the script takes the leading place, since it requires a clear timetable with an hourly schedule.

There are monuments to Cyril and Methodius in many cities.Russia and abroad. The contribution of the saints, who gave the Slavic people the key to the development of science and linguistics, is difficult to overestimate. The holiday of Slavic writing is one of the most important events in the life of the country and the Slavic people.