/ / What is the name of the girl: Miss or Mrs?

What is the name of the girl: Miss or Mrs.?

Once, long ago, learn marital statusit was impossible on a social network or on someone's personal page. Men could only guess whether the girl was married or not, or maybe just ask directly. In different countries, unmarried girls differed from them in opposite outfits, and in particular with headdresses. In Western European countries, girls didn’t differ from each other in any way; therefore, it was only possible to find out about Miss or Mrs. by asking her herself.

miss or mrs


Let's try to figure it out.What is the difference between miss and mrs? And the fact that the appeal of "Miss" plus the name of the girl, said that the girl is not married. Sometimes when they met, the ladies themselves presented themselves, thereby showing their unmarried position. Unlike "Mrs.", - so addressed exclusively to married ladies. It was so accepted and considered very polite. This was not the case in Russia, the “young lady” was used to refer to the female sex, but it was not clear, because this could apply to both a married maid and not.

Being in a foreign country is very important yourattitude to strangers. The main thing here is to choose the right courtesy formula, of course, if you want to get answers to your questions and not offend a person. And so that you are not showered with sidelong glances, try to remember how to properly address the delicate English female, Miss or Mrs. By the way, in England it became an exception that teachers and teachers were called only “miss”. This situation was adopted only in order to preserve tradition, since earlier only unmarried girls were taken to work in schools.

Miss or mrs

Etiquette English-speaking countries demanded complianceclear rules for addressing women. "Miss" and "Mrs." - is an expression of respect for the lady. As a rule, the appeal “Mrs.” was used in conjunction with the name of the woman herself and the name of her spouse. According to some scholars who study English, this separation of concepts occurred only in the seventeenth century.

what is the difference between miss from mrs

When a woman becomes a widow or divorceshusband, she retains the right to be called Mrs. and wear only her husband's name. But today, these rules have become softer. And a divorced woman can take her maiden name, but remain Mrs.


Well, so we figured out the "Mrs." and "Miss.""Lady" is also a kind of appeal. But it is applied to women who have a title and a high position in society, and also have refined manners and an elegant look. This appeal is also used in conjunction with the name of the ladies. A lady always behaves tactfully, correctly, she is not too talkative. Will never insult and humiliate the dignity of another person. Lady drives men madly with little effort, and when she refuses her advances, gentlemen remain her slaves forever. This appeal corresponds to the titles of men "Sir", "Lord" and "gentleman."


This means that the “Miss” and “Mrs.” appeals are an expression of feelings of respect for the fair sex. Because a woman remains beautiful and attractive for men, regardless of whether she is married or not.

miss lady

Now you know how to contact this or that girl. You can use either Miss, or Mrs - depending on her status.