Sapphire is corundum (aluminum oxide), i.e.stone of both natural and artificial origin. In the Middle Ages in Russia, he, along with the ruby, wore the name of a yacht. However, a variety of corundum had another naming - baus. Nowadays, sapphire rings are an exquisite piece of jewelry, which, depending on the design, would be appropriate both for everyday wear and in festive atmosphere.
A bit of history
In Sanskrit transparent blue stone called"Saturn's favorite." This planet, according to astrologers, allows a person to have his own opinion about everything, making them very independent. In Europe, blue stone was associated with the presence of such qualities as honesty, goodness and modesty in humans. In the East, it was a talisman of wise people, it was called "the teacher's stone." And today he personifies success and victory. It is also believed that sapphire improves health.
Astrologers recommend that everyone wear this gemzodiac signs with the exception of Capricorns. Gem is very suitable for lovers who dream of a long relationship. Therefore, it became so popular to wear a ring with sapphire. The photo below shows Princess Diana's wedding ring. It, by the way, personified a mineral with the highest spiritual values. Her engagement ring has now passed to the Duchess of Cambridge.
For the head, this is also a great talisman,which will reward a person with will, self-control, ability to think, and authority. After 45 years of marriage, people celebrate a sapphire wedding, emphasizing the virtue and wisdom of husband and wife with this blue stone.
Where are sapphires born?
And in the bowels of the earth, and in laboratories can be foundgorgeous corundums. And the question arises, what color is more beautiful - blue or light blue? This, apparently, is a matter of taste, but you need to know that dark Australian, Thai, Madagascar sapphires are less valuable than stones found in Sri Lanka. No tourist visiting Ceylon will leave without this mineral. These ancient deposits are also rich in wonderful blue stones, as before.
And at home you can already order the manufacture of rings withSapphire to own taste. In Russia, they are mined on the Kola Peninsula, where they are cornflower blue, and in the Urals - there are bluish-gray.
What is valued in blue sapphire?The indigo minerals with a purple hue are the best stones of Ceylon. Gems called “blue cornflower” are highly valued. They are mined in Kashmir, in northern India, where by chance a hundred years ago, after a mountain collapse, the richest deposit was discovered with uniquely beautiful stones. In addition, beautiful Burmese sapphires, dark blue, with a velvety tint look amazing.
Jewelers advise to give preference to stones.smaller, but cleaner color. On hardness blue corundum are inferior only to diamonds. Artificial minerals have learned to grow in such a way that in all respects they fully coincide with natural ones. Thus, it is not fake. Any rings with sapphire will be pleasing to the eye and will ennoble the hand of both girls and women or men. The stones obtained in the laboratories are distinguished by their purity and uniformity. Amateur will not distinguish grown stones from their natural counterparts.
Types of rings
Глядя на витрину ювелирного магазина, легко get confused in the variety of rings. First of all, they are childish, feminine and masculine. Also, stones can be made in different jewelry techniques: filigree, blackening, stamping. They differ in styles - avant-garde, classic, vintage, ethnic, oriental. In addition, the rings are:
- Simple - no inserts. These are signet rings and monograms. Sometimes they also include engagement rings.
- Difficult - with inserts from stones and decorativedesign of the rim, which holds the stone. The mineral itself may have a different shape - round, oval, heart-shaped, rectangular, square, polygonal. It depends on the style of the ring.
Men's rings
Everyone is used to the fact that a man can have two kindsrings - engagement and signet. But this was not the case in previous epochs, when the representative of the stronger sex glittered with multicolored splashes of gems. A men's ring with sapphire (the photo will show the complexity of this brutal jewelry called "Air Force") can be a worthy addition to the courageous look of a modern man.
Rings for men with precious stones nowgain new popularity. Moreover, the rings with sapphire will give its owner such qualities as the ability to lead. Mineral helps to concentrate energy, which increases a person’s inner abilities.
Silver rings with sapphire insert
Silver never goes out of fashion.For everyday wear it is difficult to imagine a more modest and at the same time elegant option. Its cost is not too high, besides it has healing properties. A silver ring with sapphire will help with skin diseases in the first place, as well as relieve rheumatic pains and improve the condition of the spine. Of course, it cannot be considered a complete panacea, but the effect is sure to be.
Aesthetic impression that hassilver ring with sapphire, impossible to deny. Silver polished metal is equally beautiful with rich blue stone and pale blue. And the form of corundum can be both classic and fantasy. Often these rings with sapphire complement the insert of topaz or diamonds. This option is an incredible luxury and harmony.
Gold and sapphire
Jewelry craftsmen love to workwith blue stone framing it with gold. If you think about it and look at the depths of the centuries, you can remember King Solomon, Marie-Antoinette, and Queen Victoria, who loved such decorations. This means that a gold ring with sapphire can be attributed to classic jewelry.
Strict dark blue corundum, which concluded inyellow gold, becomes more tender. And if it is combined with white metal, it becomes strict and cold, ideally suited to an evening dress. Gold ring with sapphire - самый лучший подарок, который можно преподнести the second half of the anniversary - forty-five years of marriage. The colors of the yellow sun and blue sky will remind you of the warm and sublime feelings that people have carried over the long years of family life. Reliable and good relations sapphire and gold will support many more years. In addition, if you regularly wear such a ring on your left hand, the work of the heart can improve.
Diamonds and sapphires
Fair cut diamonds sprinklingsharpening secret sapphires will set off their sharp rays. This is a terrific decoration. A ring with sapphire and diamonds will evoke the image of the treasures of the Indian Maharajas. Such a ring will attract admiring attention to a graceful pen with a flawless manicure, when a woman is actively gesticulating while talking. But even when she modestly folded her hands on her knees, it is impossible to take her eyes off from the dazzling beauty. The one who first discovered such a combination of stones made a huge gift to the beautiful half of humanity.
- they may be of one size;
- a large cut diamond is surrounded by small sapphires;
- large blue corundum framed small diamonds.
And if in the middle of a sapphire the rays in the center sparkleof the three lines of silver, they are symbols of faith, hope and love. Such a ring with sapphire and diamonds, having seen on the shop window, is impossible to forget. It is like a magnet attracts to itself and asks to try it on. And putting the product on a finger, you no longer want to part with it, because the skillful work of experienced jewelers allows you to feel like a queen. Sapphires and diamonds are the perfect combination that allows you to judge the wonderful taste of their owner.
White sapphire
Of course, this corundum is associated only with blue.shade. But in nature there are also colorless or white stones. They are called leucosapphires. They are rare, but appear in the fields of Kashmir, Burma, Sri Lanka, as well as in Africa, Thailand, Australia. The larger the stone, the less often it can be found, and the smaller ones are frequent visitors to jewelry stores. They are replaced by diamonds. They are usually completely transparent. The ring with white sapphire in the West is used as an engagement ring.
Mages say white stone is strongguarding against evil forces, and also brings good luck and reveals the creative potential of man and his artistic talent, taste. So, if possible, hurry to find out all the properties of sapphire - an amazing creation of nature and human hands.