/ / Everything you need to know about eye tattooing: arrows on the eyelids

All you need to know about eye tattooing: arrows on the eyelids

Today there is a large number ofvarious cosmetic procedures that are aimed at hiding some of the shortcomings of your appearance and at the same time transforming them into virtues. Let's talk about the tattoo of the eyes (arrows - so it is also called in professional circles).

Eye tattoo of an arrow
The history of such a make-up element, as an arrow,goes back to the distant past. Throughout history, women of every age have resorted to the use of arrows. Only from time to time the fashion for their form changed. Also today, in the age of advanced technology and the most modern means, tattooing of the eyes (arrows that can remain for a long period of time on the eyelids) is very much in demand.

The most common forms of eye tattooing

Before agreeing to conductthis kind of procedure, you need to decide on the form that will be optimal for your type of person. You can find a large number of options for performing a procedure such as eye tattoo "arrows", photos of which will help you decide on a choice. The most common are the arrows drawn from the middle of the century to its outer corner. Another option is a line drawn entirely from the inner eyelid to the outer one. Do not forget about the arrows, executed in the style of the East, which implies a wide filling. The choice of shape must be approached with all responsibility, as tattooing the eyes of the "arrow" can give such a strong effect that you completely change your appearance. In this case, it is important to consider the shape of your face and the actual eye.

Eye tattooing arrow reviews
For example, large eyes perfectly complementa wide arrow, while for the narrowest, the finest line can be called as thin as possible. As for carrying out the tattoo itself, it is worth noting that it can represent both the filling of the intermittent space, and simply the drawing of the arrow. It can be performed both on the upper eyelid and on the lower one. Doing makeup using a variety of cosmetics, such as a pencil or special eyeliner, you get a result that, as a rule, is erased after a short time.

Advantages of eye tattooing

Deciding to make the tattoo eye "arrows", as a resultyou will get beautiful bright eyes that produce the effect of permanently colored. This, in turn, will help significantly save time, which is necessary, in order to apply makeup every day.

Eye tattoo arrow
That is why, after studying how to do it correctlytattoo of the eye "arrows", feedback on the conduct of such a procedure, you will find a lot of positive information. Thus, in favor of this cosmetic manipulation says a fairly large number of factors. So, for example, you will spend less time on make-up, and applying permanent arrows will save a vivid image for a long time. In addition, such a cosmetic procedure is capable, if desired, of making the eyes more or less visually, which will also help to change your appearance.