/ / How to choose a pendant for two lovers (photo)?

How to choose a pendant for two lovers (photo)?

Can a declaration of love beEncrypted in a seemingly ordinary decoration? Yes, if it is a pendant for two lovers, who is chosen by a person who wants to confess to the second half and the world of his feelings. The accessory, which is a symbol of loyalty and unity, will be a bright surprise for the closest people.

Pendant for two lovers: a beautiful legend

The legend of two travels from century to centuryhalves united by mutual feelings. The happiness of boys and girls attracted the attention of envious gods, who forcibly separated lovers, calling for lightning. Since then, the story of the forced separation, followed by reunion, is found in many novels. The tragic legend interested not only writers, but also jewelers who invented pendants for two lovers.

pendant for two lovers

Of course, temporary separation is far fromthe only reason to present a spectacular accessory to the second half. A gift symbolizing the unbreakable bond can be given to a loved one for any occasion, starting from the anniversary of the meeting and ending with a golden wedding. Another great idea is to give it to a partner just like that, without having a formal reason. In fact, such a decoration speaks of the desire to stay together forever, announces: "You are my half."

Heart shaped pair pendants

Jewelry depicting this symbol of love is alwaysremain relevant. Pendants for two lovers can be hearts pierced by the arrow of the playful god Cupid. Popular and designs of the two halves, easy to connect with each other.

pendants for two lovers

Many mistakenly believe that heart accessories areThis is too trite, considering their popularity with couples. However, such decoration can be endowed with an exclusive inscription containing romantic words in any languages. The surface, which has a pendant for two lovers, can also be decorated in different ways. The most common options are clover leaves, flowers, angels.

Pendants half: we collect puzzles

The main purpose of the unusual accessory -emphasize the unity of two people. This task is perfectly handled by a pair of jewelry, which consists of two parts. By combining these elements together, you can get the whole picture. In this case, nothing drives the flight of designer fantasy. Even if the couple will have to part for a long time, the original "puzzles" will remind of the upcoming meeting.

pendants for two lovers photos

Most often, the creators of such accessories withthe manufacture gives them a universal style. Thanks to this, puzzles can easily be worn by both sexes. For men, they are not too tender, and for women - coarse.

If the jewelry is united by an idea

Men and women who choose a pendant fortwo lovers can offer to embody the images of Mars and Venus - the planets united by a romantic legend. Creative solutions will be the hand and the heart, the key and the lock, the symbols of yin and yang. If the couple has a developed sense of humor, you can give preference to comic choices like rosettes and plugs. Finally, you should pay attention to the pair decoration, which, if folded, will be able to read the delicate inscription.

pendant for two silver lovers

Lovers are not obliged to dwell on the classic options. With the help of properly selected images it is easy to embody even a couple's dating story in romantic symbols.

Pair of pendants with photos

Placing pictures of the second half on clothes -A bold decision that does not suit most people. Pendant for two lovers with a photo does not cause such a stir, almost does not attract the attention of others and allows you to not part with the image of a dear person.

In the manufacture of such accessories jewelersmake sure that they organically complement the various styles of clothing. Due to this, the couple gets the opportunity to never part with a romantic symbol, always wearing pendants for two lovers. The photo applied to the surface practically does not limit the choice of materials and decorative elements. Exclusive such products are easy to do, not only with pictures.

There are many interesting alternatives.pendants with photos. Accessories can be decorated with the names of lovers. Popular and absolutely no different from each other jewelry, also talking about unity.

Gold or silver

The issue of the basis for the decoration arises before anycouple choosing a symbolic accessory. Most often, the choice is made between the splendor of gold and the restrained elegance of silver. Gold pendants remain relevant, despite the various vagaries of changeable fashion. It is to this material that brand names are made that make a pendant for two lovers. Gold looks spectacular in any situation, enchants in the candlelight, without which a romantic evening will not do.

pendant for two lovers with a photo

Another option is possible.An economical purchase will be a pendant for two silver lovers. Such jewelry is cheaper, but does not lose gold in terms of beauty. In addition, they are more practical and versatile, better fit into the everyday style. Jewelry steel is also popular with manufacturers of symbolic accessories.

Pendants for lovers: decor

The appearance of jewelry depends not only onthe main material from which they are produced. Bright precious stones are capable of giving them exclusivity. When creating symbolic pendants, the greatest preference is given to the decor, giving the product a touch of passion. Such options as garnet, carnelian, and ruby ​​are most often selected from the category of “red” stones. If the classic solutions are not suitable for a couple, the pendant for two lovers can get rid of other stones at their request.

pendant for two lovers gold

В последние годы увеличился спрос на astrological theme, which is reflected in the appearance of romantic accessories. Such products require a special approach to the selection of decorative items. Perfectly fit into the style of gentle aventurine, declared the world symbol of immaculate love. The mineral is attractive not only a secret value, but also a huge color palette.

Protect your relationship from conflict and betrayalcouple can using turquoise. Light blue tone will be effectively combined with a silver product, emphasizing its delicate charm. When creating "male" and "female" versions of paired jewelry, various stones are often used.

How to wear them correctly?

Pendants for two do not necessarily showto others. Many couples in love prefer to hide them under their clothes, guarding a common secret. It is believed that it saves from envy, the evil eye. However, people who do not suffer from superstition, can boldly flaunt their love.