/ / Hop hop clothing - for the most advanced

Hop hop clothing - for the most advanced

Today, trends in fashion - do not count.As soon as and in what only people do not dress up today. No one is embarrassed and tries to express themselves, standing out by the style of clothing. But this diversity does not always have a positive effect on the appearance of society. Styles merge, sometimes turning into something monotonous. The line between them becomes more and more difficult.

And yet there are such trends and trends inModern fashion, which is not only visible among the rest. They simply can not be overlooked. One of these trends in youth fashion is the clothing of hop hop. It is worn by young and fervent guys and girls who do not take up activity. They, on the contrary, even try to share their energy with the surrounding people even with the dressing style.

So, the clothes are hop hop.Where did it come from? The answer to the question arises by itself, because one can not help noticing the similarity of this phrase with the term hip-hop. And this, as you know, is a musical movement that propagandizes the dance culture associated with the street lifestyle in the most positive sense of the word. Here, and rep, and breakdance, and graffiti, and DJing.

Clothes hop hop, absorbing all the bestside of the above direction, makes a bias toward the sporting style. If you make a short survey of clothing hop hop, you will see that it feels the elements of sports uniforms for athletes engaged in skating, baseball, roller skating or skateboarding, etc. Therefore, to name a separate element that would be A permanent attribute of this style is impossible. You pay attention to the fact that the clothes are very spacious, they consist of jackets and sweaters, T-shirts and T-shirts, which are necessarily equipped with a hood. And he often replaces all other hats: both winter and summer. Fabrics manufacturers of this fashionable clothes use the most pleasant for the body. This is jersey, velor, fleece and nylon.

While reviewing the clothes of hop hop, you can not ignore the shoes of this direction. This, of course, sneakers and sneakers, more comfortable than that in the sporting style is not invented.

Multifaceted and versatile - that's, perhaps,those features that distinguish the stylish clothing of hop hop. Imitation of their idols, which stand out in the genre of hop hop from each other in an unordinary way in clothes, an attempt to imitate them always and in everything turns this style from unusual to everyday. Admirable reviews about the clothes of hop hop, which are full of forums on the Internet, suggest that this style is the future. Today we are no longer surprised that around the world there are more and more young people who like to wear loose hoodies, baggy trousers, sometimes several times larger than required. The main argument for the younger generation who vote with two hands for a fashionable style is a feeling of complete freedom and relaxedness that they receive from such clothes.

Reviews about the clothes of this style are full andpractical tips, which share the fans of this style. They recommend these or those fashionable colors, although the colors of this clothing are quite variegated. You can choose it for everyone who likes shades of green and blue, black and white, beige and brown. Also, more and more supporters diversify this style with all sorts of accessories, shiny decorations and other attributes that give the clothes festiveness. Therefore it is not surprising that such clothes become familiar both in noisy discos and at various parties. Who does not like the thick massive gold bracelets and jeweled jewelery in combination with fashion knit dressings on girls and hats to the very eyes - on the boys! And certainly - wristbands.

Such a rich and diverse style will long attract a younger generation to its ranks, which will make it more and more diverse.