/ / Emerald Stone: Properties and Significance

Emerald Stone: Properties and Significance

Stones are the hardest bodies on the Planet. Often they are minerals, natural chemical compounds of the Earth's crust, less often - rocks, its natural formations.

Accumulations of stones, suitable for development,are deposits. They are usually classified into magmatogenic (formed during the cooling of magma), sedimentary (which were formed during weathering or the course of the river), metamorphogenic (which were formed by the pressure of stones).

However, each stone is not just a mineral orrock, each of them has its own purpose for man, because it is compared with the human energy field. One of the most beautiful stones is the emerald. Emerald stone properties are different, but to begin with it is worth a look "inside" this stone.

Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl green, sometimes with a faintness, tone. Its beautiful shade is due to an admixture of chromium and vanadium.

Emerald stone properties are valued since the earliesttime. Even the ancients attributed magical properties to this beautiful precious stone. The main task of the emerald was to fight against the evil inclinations of man. People believed that the stone is able to dissipate negative energy, to clean the human biofield. The ancient Greeks called the emerald "a stone of radiance," the Indians of Colombia - "green ice", and in Russia emerald was a symbol of composure. The emerald worn opened the gift of foresight. Everyone knows emerald stone properties as the strongest antidote in combination with buffalo milk.

Emerald stone properties have found their application and inmodern medicine. The stone helps to stabilize blood pressure, calm the headache, joint pain, and treat diseases of the stomach and bladder.

Astrology uses knowledge about energythe fields of stones and their chemical composition, in order to best choose a stone as a talisman or amulet. This magical prince of gems protects from vicious thoughts and inclinations. Creative people give inspiration, protects seafarers. This is the stone of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, and therefore it is believed that the emerald protects the hearth and helps mothers. Many magicians used the emerald in their rituals. Thus, Indian magicians believed that the emerald helps to establish communication with the astral world, the souls of the dead. Indeed, thanks to its structure from the system of rings of silicon-oxygen radicals, it is able to concentrate in itself the energy field of the universe. However, only those who are endowed with extrasensory abilities can read such "messages". The great prophet Nostradamus, for example, wore a ring with an emerald on his little finger. If you engrave an image of any bird on an emerald, it will bring longevity, if you put it into a ring of platinum, then its prophet will dream of prophetic dreams.

Emerald stone horoscope prescribe it to people who were born under the sign of Aquarius, Libra and Leo, and is contraindicated in those who are born under the sign of Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Along with diamond and ruby, the emerald is the mostexpensive gem. Pale substandard emeralds are relatively inexpensive, but the price of an emerald stone without defects is high enough, so such stones in five to six carats are inaccessible to most people.

The beauty of this beautiful precious stoneyou can judge and look in the museum. One of the most unique specimens is in the UK. The color of this stone, the "Devonshire emerald", is striking, saturated, dense green. The crystal of the stone has 1384 carats.

Emerald, the stone of great rulers and gods, will bring peace, vitality and wisdom.