/ / Stewardess Suit: airline fashion

Suit stewardess: airline fashion

Чем отличается одна авиакомпания от другой?Not only the prices, the level of comfort and modern equipment, but also the staff. Upscale flight attendants dressed in stunning beauty suits that perfectly serve every customer - that's exactly what attracts most of the travelers. Basic care

Suit of the stewardess
personnel is to provide the most comfortable flight for all passengers. And the stewardess's suit is her real business card.

Queen of Heaven

Что может быть романтичнее полетов в бескрайних blue spaces? Surely every girl in her childhood dreamed about the profession of stewardess. And not in vain. After all, their uniform has long been considered a symbol of elegance and excellent taste. Each airline tries to dress its staff with a special twist. However, any stewardess costume is sewn in accordance with several nuances.

  • Appearance should cause exclusivelypleasant emotions, to soothe passengers, to inspire a sense of security and security. That's why large airlines regularly conduct surveys among their clients, and also attract professional psychologists to create costumes.
  • The appearance of the stewardess must be formalized using the company's logo.
  • The outfit is sewn in such a way that it is exclusive and memorable, unlike the style of other companies engaged in air travel of passengers.
  • The flight attendant suit should be functional and certainly convenient. He does not in any way cause discomfort and does not impede movement.

The most famous costumes stewardesses
Suit stewardess photo

Airline staff of the airline called AirFrance was created in 2005 by the famous fashion designer Christian Lacroix. The suit is dark blue color is a real symbol of French chic and elegant laconism. The waistline is highlighted by a red showy belt. Stylish and complete image.

The new suit of the stewardess of Aeroflotappearance caused a lot of heated debate. Its designers were Evgeniya Khokhlova and Julia Bunakova. The outfit is made in a classical style, but the fabric is chosen a juicy shade of "red mandarin". Such a spectacular image someone considered vulgar, while others - incredibly stylish. However, it was this attire of flight attendants who got into the top ten most beautiful costumes of the "queens of heaven" in the world.

The uniform of Thai airlines is almost alwaysIt is executed with observance of traditional motives. Here there are variegated fabrics and national patterns. Asian air carriers thus emphasize their corporate identity and exclusivity.

But the suit of the stewardess, whose photo can beOn board any aircraft of an Islamic country, it is distinguished by its closeness. Here you will not see a classic costume with a skirt up to the knee. Traditional headgears are considered compulsory.

Aeroflot stewardess costume

Portuguese airlines are famous forthe original combination of colors in the uniform of his staff. A striking example is the firm TAP Portugal. The suit of the stewardess in this case combines gently-lime and coral shades.

Другие европейские авиакомпании предпочитают stick to the unfading classics. For example, Lufthansa stewardesses dress in a strict suit of dark blue color (analogy with French attire is traced). Piquant details can be considered bright yellow neck scarves and exquisite small round hats.