/ / Boots-boots for women: review, photo of the best models. With what to wear boots

Boots-boots for women: an overview, photos of the best models. With what to wear boots

Gone are the days when the boots were consideredThe vulgar shoes were used exclusively in scenic or concert images. Modern fashion designers created elegant and feminine models of high boots. And the materials in the production of this shoe have been replaced with a lacquering leather for a noble suede.

Varieties of jackboots

The history of boots is interesting enough.This kind of boots first appeared in the 17th century and was included in the category of men's shoes. Cavalrymen wore this garment. And only since 1960, the boots went into a variety of women's shoes.

Treads with lacing

Treads are:

  1. Summer, winter, demi-season.
  2. Leather, textile, velor, jeans, suede, etc.
  3. Medium and high length, as well as boots-jackboots.

Boots are produced in a variety of colors. In addition, the boots can be decorated with rhinestones, embroidery and decor.

With what to wear boots with heels

Treads on heels can wear girlslow growth. But you should avoid long models of shoes. You need to give preference to boots that cover the knee slightly, then the legs will look slim and elegant.

Gray Boots

Female boots-boots with heels perfectly complement the following wardrobe items:

  1. A coat and an elongated jacket with tight trousers or jeans.
  2. Knitted dress.
  3. Knitted and light flowing models of dresses.
  4. Skirts with a smell, high fit or made in an asymmetric cut.
  5. With a jacket that will incredibly decorate even an image with a short skirt.
  6. With narrowed trousers. It is better to give preference to shades close to the tone of shoes.
  7. With blue jeans. But this image is more suitable for long-legged girls, otherwise the legs may look fuller and shorter.

Treads on a flat sole

Boots without heels are very comfortable andat the same time fashionable shoes. If you are an active girl, then such shoes will become your favorite wardrobe item. Boots on a flat sole will suit ladies of high growth, it is better to give a thumbs down to preference for boots with heels.

Treads without heel

Treads on a flat sole will look great with such wardrobe items as:

  1. Knitted dress size oversize, especially if the shoe is made of suede.
  2. The image with a mini-skirt will not seem vulgar. Especially advantageous are skirts made of wool and knitwear. You can supplement it with a fitted jacket or a free cardigan.
  3. With narrowed jeans, it's best if they are classic blue or in the tone of the jackboots.
  4. Light air dresses from flowing materials.
  5. With trousers in a jockey style.
  6. With voluminous coats and a fur coat.

That the image as a whole looked attractive and harmonious, it is necessary to take into account the nuances and features of the figure.

Treads with a dress

High boots boots in combination with a dress or a skirt give femininity, sexuality and elegance to its owner.

Business style with high boots

Fundamental rules:

  1. Opposite. Dresses of free cut will be attractive to look with leg-fitting boots. A narrow model of skirt will look great with loose boots on the bootleg.
  2. Do not wear short outfits to see the legs between the boots and, say, the skirt. This is a misconception, since such an image may look vulgar and defiant.

With what to wear boots in winter

If in the autumn and spring time of the year, withthan to wear high shoes, does not arise especially, boots winter boots require more detailed selection of the image. Picking up wardrobe items to shoes, give much of the attention to comfort and warmth.

Any boots-boots look elegant.A short sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat will suit them. Do not wear high boots with a down jacket, it looks inappropriate. The same applies to very long fur coats that completely hide all the beauty of shoes, and the meaning of the whole image will simply disappear.

But the boots suede boots on a flat sole perfectly match the down jacket and park. But the most profitable option is still created in a duet with a short sheepskin coat.

With what you can not combine boots

For several years the popularity of the boots was even worn with long dresses. But fashion does not stand still, there are changes and new trends appear.

Bright Boots Stockings

High boots - shoes are not easy and you need to create an image with extreme caution. Wrongly selected detail can make a girl vulgar or obscene girl.

What combinations should be avoided?

  1. Long outfits that cover most of the boots can visually shorten the legs and make the image very heavy.
  2. A short, tight dress with bright makeup will expose the girl in the most unattractive light.
  3. A hat with wide brim will play a cruel joke and "turn" the beautiful female representative into a fairy-tale hero.
  4. Avoid tights of beige shades. The combination with the boots looks defiant.
  5. Deep decollete will be superfluous, since high boots are already a sexual object of the wardrobe.
  6. Do not wear shoes complete with a skirt, jacket, trousers made of leather. Leave such a combination for the heroes of movies and bikers.
  7. Animal print can make an image vulgar.
  8. A long cut on a skirt or a dress with boots is a mess.

Treads are popular for several seasons in a row, perhaps two years later they will become antitrends.

Myth 1. "Space" is required

Distance between skirt and boots.There is an opinion that the skirt should not cover the boots, that is, there must always be a "gap" in the form of feet. This is a misconception, high boots can be worn as you please!

Myth 2. Small height - direct contraindication

Treads categorically do not fit girls of short stature.

Properly selected boots can decorate any slender legs. And growth does not matter.

If by nature the legs are disproportionate in relation to the rest of the body's proportions and appear short or full, then the vertical guides of saturated colors can pull out the silhouette.

Myth 3. Black is our everything!

Black boots look good. Of course, this is a universal color. But in the modern fashion world for a long time it is allowed to combine different shades, therefore color models will look much more interesting.

Tips for stylists

Stylists when choosing the boots are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Boots should not squeeze the leg.
  2. The shoes should be comfortable and comfortable.
  3. The top of the boot should fit tightly to the foot.
  4. Boots with decor, rhinestones and embroidery are best worn with simple and discreet outfits.
  5. Treads go not only to tall girls, but also to women of low stature. The main thing is to choose the right model, which will make the legs visually slimmer and longer.
  6. To skirts "pencil" it is better to choose boots only on high heels.
  7. To lush and flowing dresses are more suitable models on a flat sole. This image looks stylish and light.
  8. Visible elongation of the legs can make the boots in combination with the skirt, in which the inflated landing.
  9. To choose high boots is better on an average and steady heel. A hairpin 12 centimeters long is not relevant.
  10. Unbelievably beautiful boots look combined with clothing from expensive materials, such as cashmere and knitwear in a feminine performance.
  11. Do not wear black boots with beige tights, this visually adds completeness to your legs.
  12. Inappropriately looks decollete in combination with high boots. This image looks cheap.
    Stylish images

See how the world's stars wearsuch shoes as boots boots. Photos, which are set on the Internet, can direct you to create a stylish and attractive image. Use the tips of stylists, and then you will look sexy, elegant and feminine.