/ / Fashionable women's jacket with spikes

Fashionable women's jacket with spikes

No matter how it sounded corny, but many womenis associated with fragility, tenderness, beauty. But to emphasize the refinement of a woman can also brutal things: weakness and rudeness, tenderness and rigidity, weakness and strength - some kind of a game of contrasts. To such things it is possible to carry clothes and accessories with thorns.

jacket with spikes

A jacket with thorns - why and why?

One such wardrobe item by rightis considered a leather jacket, decorated with coarse metal spikes. This outfit can from any woman make a real warrior lady, because for rough material a girl can hide, as if for a secure armor, showing confidence and absolute fearlessness. Of course, such a model is unlikely to be a daily subject of socks. But every time, wanting to challenge yourself and the demanding society, pull it out of your wardrobe and declare boldly about yourself.

Due to the fact that society is moving farther away fromany unnecessary prejudice, we pay less attention to someone else's opinion, thanks to which fashionable jackets with spikes will be equally interesting to look at a teenager and an adult woman. Today's fashion trends have been able to expand the boundaries for wearing these non-standard things. If a few years ago, such clothes were an attribute of the subculture of punks, metalworkers or rockers, now this wardrobe serves as a decoration for various fashion collections and podiums.

Jacket with spikes: what to wear?

The contrast of thorns on a leather jacket and a light flowing dress or a long flying skirt makes a woman incredibly desirable and attractive for men.

fashionable jackets with spikes

Scrolling through fashion magazines or watching fashion shows,you'll see immediately that the jacket with spikes is included in the collection 2013-2014. all famous fashion designers of the world. The question of what to wear such things should not cause any problems. It can be pants, jeans, short skirts, dresses, leggings, long skirts. A jacket with spikes looks equally good with a romantic style, casual, country styles, as well as informal fashion trends.

Despite the apparent massiveness of thorns, such things are very light. They are made of the finest leather, so delicate that sometimes it looks like a soft textile.

If you want to change something in your life,then a black leather jacket with spikes will be the one with which to start, while before that you could be a real fan of classics in clothes. You can buy these clothes by going to the markets, shops, exhibitions, shopping centers, and also ordering it on the Internet.

black leather jacket with spikes

Such models of jackets are represented by a hugeassortment, at the same time a wide measuring net makes it possible to pick up a thing for a fragile young virgin, as well as for a corpulent lady. Be sure at the same time that the volume of a figure can not in any way become a restrictor. You will definitely enjoy the purchase. Let the jacket with the thorns settle forever in your wardrobe, while in its backyard you will never be pushed back!