/ How to check silver at home. A few practical tips.

How to check silver at home. A few practical tips.

Information on how to check silver inhome conditions, quite a lot. We list the ways of home testing by dividing them conditionally into three types: mechanical, using chemical means and so-called indirect methods: determination by touch or by smell. Of course, not all options provide absolute confidence in the authenticity. However, the brand of silver can not always be an absolute guarantor. The cases of counterfeits were dating back in the last century.

how to check silver at home

The most accessible of mechanical methods -scratching. We spend on the inside of the product with a thin needle: if the resulting trace does not change the color, you have silver, and if the strip has become reddish-yellow, then this is brass, covered with a thin layer of silver on top. You can make a notch. The method is reliable, but requires great care to avoid damage to the product. If you are a lover of antiques and are not averse to buying antique silver on a flea market, the method using a needle is suitable in this case too.

Holders of subtle sense of smell, able not only to sense the nuances of the smell, but also to remember them, can determine the metal by the specific smell of silver.

The simplest way is to hold the silver product in your hand. Being a good conductor of heat, this metal immediately heats up.

hallmarks of silver

Taking a silver thing in the palm of your hand, twist itfingers. The remaining trace indicates that the silver is contained in minimum quantities. If the skin of the fingers is clean, then you keep a quality product.

Check the metal can and with the usual chalk. It is enough to rub the product with a small pinch of chalk powder. If the chalk has darkened, then before you is a piece of silver.

Silver is not attracted to the magnet. To be sure of the authenticity of the metal, simply bring a piece of magnet to the object being inspected.

antique silver

You can check silver with acids or iodine.A small drop of iodine will leave a dark spot on the metal. However, for the sake of precaution, in this case it is better not to experiment, but to consult specialists.

Tips on how to check silver at home with simple household tools can be found in different sources. Here are the most popular of them:

- Place the ice cube on the inside or outsidesurface of the object. You can use a teaspoon. Silver is a good conductor of heat. Watch the time. Silver teaspoon is cooled for 5-10 seconds, silvered for 30 seconds.

- Take a small amount of Frenchmustard. Then warm it. You can even fire lighter. Place on the product. If the silver is genuine, the mustard stain will darken. You can remove it with vinegar.

In addition to specific techniques for how to checksilver at home, pay attention to this information: if the seller emphasizes that this is nickel plated silver (or the label contains such an inscription), then the word "silver" here is conditional. This product may contain precious metals in small quantities or not contain at all.

Such varieties as the German or Indiansilver, appeared in the West in the 1880s. German silver is now called an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc. Copper in its physical properties is very close to silver. It is even added to pure silver in order to increase the elasticity. Specialists call this process doping.

Fortunately, we live in a world constantlyupdated technologies. Even knowing a few ways how to check silver at home will not replace testing with a special reagent, the so-called silver test, which is on sale.