/ Autumn costumes for girls. We make an outfit with our own hands

Autumn costumes for girls. We make an outfit with our own hands

Autumn is a beautiful time, which makes us happytheir amazing colors. The period is rich not only by harvest, but also by various holidays. Many kindergartens and school institutions are preparing for their meeting. Children will be able to stand out in autumn costumes. For girls there is a variety of outfits that will emphasize individuality.

Autumn marathon

Preparation for the matinee is the most vibrantthe moment of mother and child. Every parent tries to make his baby look original and beautiful. Now you can find any autumn costumes for girls in the shops, but you deprive yourself of the pleasure of creating something with your own hands. Today we will teach you to prepare your child for the holiday.

The outfit should be not only beautiful, but also not get out of the theme of the holiday. This can be achieved with the help of color. Here they are, the famous shades of autumn:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green.

Before the manufacture of the attire, stock up with various attributes that embody the fall. You can use:

  • colorful leaves;
  • acorns;
  • dried flowers;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • autumn flowers.

For example, we want to provide the first master class.

autumn costumes for girls

The Autumn Queen

The outfit is made easily and if desired quickly.Autumn costumes for girls should be bright and emphasize individuality. Remember this, because you have a future woman growing up. To make a costume, you will need a dress or a skirt with a blouse. It is desirable that the clothes should have the "right" shades that represent the fall. For additional decoration you can use:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • sequins and sequins.

The dress can be sewn alone, and patterns can be found in special sewing magazines. If the dress is ready, then you can start making an autumn dress of the queen:

  1. All the chest, cross with yellow and red beads or sequins.
  2. The hem of the dress is embroidered with multi-colored leaves, which you must prepare in advance.
  3. On the belt we sew a wide red satin ribbon.
  4. We sew on it branches of rowan, various dried flowers and leaves.

The suit is ready. It can be done with a child. Collaboration will be useful. And what kind of a queen without a crown? For its manufacture it is necessary to prepare:

  • normal bezel without decorations;
  • different autumn flowers.

Form the compositions on the rim and fix them with the glue "Moment". Now your little queen is ready to attend the autumn ball.

children's autumn costumes for girls

The worst night of the year

Autumn is remembered not only by various holidaysflowers and fairs. Now quite popular Halloween. This holiday is celebrated in late October. All the children and adults change into freakish ghosts, ghosts, pirates and many other creatures. They go for a walk in this form, thereby repelling evil spirits. Autumn costumes for girls can be made for this holiday also with their own hands. A small woman of fashion can reincarnate into a witch this evening. This is the most common image. You can make it in a couple of hours. For him you will need:

  • black dress;
  • a large piece of black satin ribbon;
  • old long bough, it is desirable that it was of an original shape.

There are no decorations required, witches do not wear them. The main thing is that you have to sew on a small witch a long cloak with a hood. On the neck it should be fixed with the help of strings.

The main attribute in this image is the staff.For him, we have prepared a wooden branch, which must be covered with a varnish of a dark shade. This treatment will protect the gentle handles from splinters. When the image is ready, you can go to conjure at a children's party.

Autumn costume for girls with their own hands

Helpful Tips

As you can see, you can prepare yourself by autumncostumes for girls are easy. Here you need only your imagination, desire and free time. Involve your children in this process, who will happily take part in this wonderful idea. If you want, that at you all turned out, we suggest to familiarize with following recommendations:

  1. The costume should be like your child.Do not do what his requests do not satisfy. By such steps you will spoil his mood and expectation of a miracle. The whole design is better at the development stage, talk to your child.
  2. The suit should be exactly subordinated to the autumn theme. This mood is conveyed by the shades and decorations that nature itself has prepared.
  3. Complete the fancy dress in autumn style with ornaments, for example, beads from mountain ash. Make them simple, and how much admiration your daughter will have.

Today we have learned to prepare the autumncostume for girls with their own hands. For this, we took only the material that is under our feet. Let your child be beautiful and original at the autumn ball!