All over the world, it is believed that the foundersdiamond cut were indian masters. It was they who, in ancient times, noticed the unique qualities of these extraordinarily beautiful and elegant stones. However, the ancient methods of cutting, naturally, cannot be compared with modern methods, which allow to open such qualities as refinement, beauty and purity of a diamond to the world. The ancient masters simply processed diamond, on its natural edges, therefore the refined shine of light in a stone remained inaccessible to the naked eye. Only by the middle of the last century, Marcel Tolkovsky, the founder of modern cut, using mathematical formulas, created the ideal form of stone, which creates the most optimal conditions for the play of light and brilliance in stone.
When choosing diamonds, knowledgeable people usethe rule of four “C” carat (measure of carat), clarity (purity), color (color), and cut (cut), among them, of course, the main indicator is weight (the larger the diamond, the more expensive it is). Speaking about the color of a diamond, experts mean its complete absence - the ideal stone should be colorless and become invisible when placed in water. This is where the expression "pure diamond" comes from. The purity of a diamond is determined by the absence of cracks, chips and other internal defects, the accepted classification classifies the highest quality diamonds to the first class, and stones with small defects to the 3-4 class. Cut gems refers to the decorative elements and the classic rounded shape here is beyond competition.
The type of cut is usually chosen from the formthe original diamond, each of them in its own way reflects the sophistication, chic and purity of the diamond. In fantasy forms, the proportion of the source material that persists after the treatment of the stone is much larger, so they are much cheaper. Most jewelers believe that the best cut is made using a special formula that allows to give the diamond maximum brilliance and purity of the diamond. The formula is calculated based on the proportions of the source material, taking into account not only the depth ratio, but also the diameter of the work area with the diameter of the diamond. The ideal cut allows you to give the diamond the maximum saturation and brightness, due to the minimum area the diamond gets the maximum ability to scatter light.
When buying a product with diamonds shouldpay attention to the number of faces, it must be indicated in the jewelry description. Independently determine the authenticity of jewelry ordinary person can not afford, so it is best to enlist the opinion of experts. If the diamond is a regular size, then the reputation of the jewelry salon or the store where it is sold can serve as a guarantee of its authenticity. When buying an exclusive jewelry, it is best to invite a good independent expert or order a gemological examination. To date, the classic cut diamond is considered to be a rounded shape with 57 facets, in addition to this, fantasy cut shapes (“oval”, “princess”, “marquis”, “pear”, “heart”) are not very popular.
The rubber stamp that diamonds are best friendsgirls, not so far from the truth, because it is the brilliance and shine of precious stones emphasize the true beauty and sophistication of the young person. Diamond products are perfect for an evening or ball gown, as well as for a beautiful seductress's business suit. They can be combined with any image, with any outfits and at the same time not be afraid to seem boring and predictable. At the same time, the most important thing to remember is that the true value is not in the brilliance and value of the stone, but in the sincerity of the human soul, which is given to us from above and valued no less than the purity of the diamond.