Among all the variety of companies whose workis built on the principles of direct sales, there are only a few really successful. Among them, the Swedish company Oriflame has been in the lead for many years. Many years of successful work experience, innovative approach and focus on meeting the needs of each customer have long been the company's advantages. Employees are provided with the loyalty program "Oriflame", which will not disregard the personal merits of everyone.

At the origins of creation
Those who have used cosmetics at least oncethis brand, probably noticed how environmental it is. Such products can be created only in countries where it is customary to preserve nature. All it is, the company "Oriflame" was established in Sweden. This country has long been famous for its frugal attitude to natural resources, as well as organic cosmetics.
Bear the Swedish worldview relativelycreators of the Oriflame brand decided to create natural resources for the whole world. The two brothers created in 1967 a small cosmetics company whose main goal was the production of organic cosmetics and compliance with all standards of environmental responsibility. This is today the loyalty program "Oriflame" is striking in scope, and then, many years ago, everything was different. A small group of enthusiasts was united by a common goal and diligently set about its implementation.

Swift success
Usually people for whom business is notjust a means of earning, and a matter of life and hobby at the same time, lucky. It happened with the company of the Swedish brothers. They did not expect such rapid growth as Oriflame had. But the company was ready to gain momentum and conquer new markets. Every year, offices and representative offices opened around the world. But no matter how things developed, the Oriflame loyalty program remained unchanged. The founders understood that such programs, like nothing else, have a positive effect on team cohesion.
Scales hit
Сегодня трудно сказать, была ли в мыслях у the creators of the dream of having their company become a giant. But nevertheless it happened. Very little time has passed and Oriflame is already operating in more than 60 countries around the world. The staff of its consultants is truly enormous: there are already about three and a half million, and, as we understand, this is far from the end. With such a scale, it is even difficult to imagine the scale of the loyalty program Oriflame-1-2015, as always, the company will surprise its customers.
It's nice that development is not only interritorial direction. The company is also rapidly expanding its own range, filling it with such new and necessary products for beauty and health. Of the latest large-scale innovations, the launch of a line of products for healthy nutrition Wellness is worth noting. The line has already been tried by women in many countries and they note that all products in it are of excellent quality. Many of them will include the Oriflame loyalty program.

As a pioneer
Oriflame often had to becomeas an innovator, she came to Russia as one of the first. It was risky to enter the post-Soviet space for a business with completely foreign capital. But in "Oriflame" they understood that their products are needed by Russian women. And they did not lose, in those years, cosmetics for the care of this quality was something incredible for the people of Russia.
Of course, the company's products were perceived by“Hurray!”, The promotional packs instantly bought up, despite the cost. Literally in a few years, Oriflame will start launching direct sales in our country. Again, innovation and once again a resounding success. Around the same time, the first Oriflame Russia loyalty program was launched, which has become traditional since then. All the efforts of the company representatives paid off, sales increased exponentially every year. This testified to one thing: the quality was appreciated and the Oriflame cosmetics were loved.

How "Oriflame" knows how to surprise
В условиях кризиса "Орифлейм" всегда увеличивает number of clients. The trend is rather strange, but she can find an explanation. People start saving, but they are still willing to spend on self-care. At the same time, their expectations increase, cosmetics should be of high quality. After all, the crisis is not the time to throw money around, so they choose Oriflame, which will definitely not let you down.
For many, this is the first professional cosmeticsknown since student times. The loyalty program "Oriflame 2015" will help you remember all the hit brand products, as well as get them for free. As always, many pleasant surprises and products as a bonus. As a result, it is possible to try even expensive funds that you would have to save for earlier.
"Oriflame" really knows how to guess desiresand amaze. Join the company, collect points and get your favorite funds for free or for a nominal fee. The loyalty program "Oriflame 2015" has already started, so hurry to take part and give yourself unforgettable moments with this world-famous Swedish brand.