/ / Burdock oil for hair growth - a gift of nature for our health

Burdock oil for hair growth - a gift of nature for our health

Every woman wants to be beautiful and successful.Well-groomed appearance - one of the components of success, so to speak, "business card" of a woman. And without which you can not create a finished beautiful image? That's right, without beautiful, healthy hair.

There is no woman who would not dream of havingluxurious, lush and obedient locks. From the earliest times, beautiful long hair was a real wealth of the girl, they were judged by beauty and even health. Therefore, women have always paid special attention to caring for their hair.

The modern cosmetic industry providesa huge selection of hair care products and their recovery. But modern women do not forget the people's means, which are in no way inferior to the professional, and in some cases even surpass them. A beautiful half of mankind continues with enthusiasm to prepare by own hands various masks, balms and shampoos. And not in vain, as folk remedies are time-tested and give excellent results.

Burdock oil for hair growth: properties and benefits

The most famous and effective tool thathelps to take care of hair, is burdock oil. What is its value? Obtain a burdock oil from the roots of a large burdock. Its composition is very valuable: mineral salts, a large amount of vitamins, proteins, stearic and palmitic acids, tannins, natural inulin. This product is an excellent cosmetic product, and also has valuable healing properties. You can use burdock oil for hair growth and healing, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases. So, on its basis, creams are made for the treatment of acne and acne, and preparations for the care of aging skin are being prepared. Burdock oil is used even in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, lotions and compresses from it promote the healing of wounds.

Oil thistles can be used even with carebehind the nails. To make them strong and shiny, you need to rub the oil daily into the base of the nail plate, and also make a bath with the addition of a few drops before the procedure of manicure. Such baths have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands - it becomes silky and gentle.

It has long been known that burdock oil is usedalso to strengthen and grow eyelashes. Oil nourishes the ciliary bulb with vitamins and minerals, and also glues the eyelash flakes, preventing them from delaminating. As a result, the eyelashes become stronger and take on a healthy appearance.

Hair care

Burdock oil for hair growth is widelyused for their recovery. It helps to cope with the main problems: dandruff, weakening after chemical wave and staining, brittleness and cross-section, loss of elasticity of hair and their loss. In addition, the great importance is the fact that it stimulates hair growth. Burdock oil will help to strengthen hair, improve their nutrition and blood circulation of the scalp.

The most effective and popular tool is,of course, a mask. To make a mask, it is best to use burdock cosmetic oil, which is sold in a pharmacy, since its composition is specially designed for hair care. This makes it easier to wash hair and does not allow them to quickly become greasy.

Masks for dry hair

1.Take two egg yolks, one small spoon of marigold tincture, add 2 table. tablespoons burdock oil. Stir until smooth and apply to the root part of the hair. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

2.In a water bath, heat up to room temperature with 200 ml of burdock oil. In a separate bowl, put 2 table. Spoons of fresh crushed burdock roots and pour this oil. Stir the mixture for a day in a warm, dark place. After that, boil the mixture for 10 minutes on low heat, after which it must be cooled and filtered. Apply the mixture to the hair, put on the warming cap and leave it for 1-2 hours. At the end of this time, rinse hair thoroughly with a shampoo.

Such procedures are sufficient to do once a week to get rid of the dryness of hair and make them shiny and healthy.

Mask for thin and damaged hair

If the hair has become weak and dull afterunsuccessful or too frequent staining or a long stay in the sun, burdock oil for hair growth and restoration will always help. Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of thistle oil and carefully rub this mixture into the scalp. The procedure should be done daily, until the hair becomes healthier in appearance.

Mask that promotes hair growth

Mix to a homogeneous mass of 1 table.a spoonful of oil from the burdock, 1 table. spoon of cognac and 1 table. spoon of honey. Grate the mixture in the root part, evenly spreading through the hair. Leave on for 30 minutes, rinse hair thoroughly. This mask should be applied to the hair 2 times a week for 2 months.

These are just some of the recipes that will helpreturn hair to their beauty and health. After reading about burdock oil for hair growth reviews, you understand that nature created everything you need for health and beauty!