Many people are eager to extend their youth,preserve the natural beauty of the face. To this end, many procedures have been devised. Some of them are classified as surgical techniques. To tighten the skin, give it a healthy color and texture, smooth wrinkles, you can use more conservative techniques.
One of the popular and effective ways to restore the beauty and youthfulness of the skin of the face is buccal massage. Reviews about the procedure, its features must be considered before going to the beauty salon. The method of buccal massage will be discussed in detail later.
General information about the procedure
Buccal massage is a relatively newrejuvenating procedure. She was patented by the Frenchwoman Siokko Joël. She worked in the field of cosmetology, biochemistry for more than thirty years. Today, a series of rejuvenating agents called Joelle Ciokko is being produced. The method of massage, which offered Siokko, today is used in popular beauty salons in the USA, Canada, Europe.
The name of the procedure comes from the French word la bouche, which means "mouth". This technique is a kind of sculptural massage. It is also called sublingual technique.
В ходе проведения процедуры воздействие it turns on the muscles of the face. And they are worked out not only from the outside, but also inside (through the mouth). This is an innovative technique. With her appearance, a lot of controversy arose. Earlier it was believed that the delicate skin of the face should not be subjected to strong mechanical influences. However, the results demonstrated by the French cosmetologist surpassed all expectations. Even skeptics agree with the effectiveness of the methodology presented.
The essence of the technique
Sculpture-buccal massage belongs to the category of innovative techniques.It is carried out on a certain technology. J. Siocco organizes courses in which he conducts master classes, training for cosmetologists from around the world. Only trained specialists have the right to use this technique. If the basics of the presented method are incorrectly applied, the master can harm his client.
Massage is performed in stages. The sequence of each action does not change. The master must know all the nuances of the physiology of the face. Each of his muscles is worked out separately during the procedure.
Intensive effects on the skin and all internallayers are made by mouth. Such a "training" allows you to return the tone to the muscles, to remove the signs of early aging. Sessions are carried out with a certain frequency. It is unacceptable to perform the study of the muscles sooner or later. The author's technique should be performed exactly.
Massage schemes
Buccal massage (photo below) divided into two main phases.They are called sculptural and deep-woven stage. During the first phase, the master massages his forehead towards the temples, from eyebrows to hair. Next, the skin of the cheeks, the corners of the mouth, chin are worked out.
Deep-wound phase involves a massage through the mouth. Movement is carried out from cheeks to lips. This is a rather meticulous procedure, requiring in-depth training from the master.
Impact orientation
Sculptural, deep woven buccal face massage has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.It allows you to overcome the first signs of aging. Degenerative processes that begin to develop with age are manifested in two main aspects. It is on them that the force effect of the technique is oriented.
The face skin begins to stretch over time,loses its elasticity. She looks flabby, the old color fades. The second aspect of the manifestation of age-related changes is the loss of subcutaneous muscle tone. The fibers of these tissues are stretched. For this reason, the skin on the face sags. This process distorts the appearance. Facial features become blurry.
The presented technique has a toniceffect on facial muscles. They pull up. In the tissues improves blood circulation. Muscles are the natural skeleton of the skin. When they come to a tone, the top covers of the face also gain elasticity, are reduced. The density of the upper tissue increases.
Some nuances
Technique buccal massage must be respected by the master to the fullest.The effect on the mimic, chewing muscles of the face should be very accurate. At the same time, the impact force should not be more or less than a certain level. It is for this reason that a cosmetologist who conducts an intense effect on the skin of a client must complete a full course of study.
The masseur works with fingers on the inner andouter skin. When this happens muscle training. Beautician inserts fingers inside the client's mouth. Next is an intensive study. It should be noted that the facial skin is characterized by a tendency to the appearance of hematomas. These are very tender skin areas. Therefore, the technique of the master must be honed, flawless.
If the impact is stronger than the allowablevalues, skin can be injured. For this reason, the training provided by the massage technique takes quite a long time. A non-professional has no right to carry out such effects. It is necessary to trust only proven professionals who have received a license to conduct a patented procedure.
How is the massage
Reviews of sculptural buccal massage provide professional beauticians and clients of various beauty salons. The presented technique is used in our country recently. However, during this time she had a lot of fans.
Первый сеанс, согласно отзывам клиентов cosmetic surgeries may cause mild shock to an unprepared patient. The procedure resembles in a sense a visit to the dentist. During the massage, the specialist works out the muscles not only of the face, but also of the gums, the inner surfaces of the cheeks.
Beauty salon visitors note thatsuch a massage does not cause pain. It is quite pleasant and relaxing. If a person has a low pain threshold, you need to warn the master. Otherwise, the patient may experience mild discomfort during the development of the muscles. The procedure is carried out in several stages.
Description of the procedure
Customer reviews about buccal massage mostly positive.The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the preparation of the master, his professionalism. Having come to the first session, the patient, at the request of the master, assumes a comfortable position. You can perform the procedure while sitting, lying down. Next, the patient should close his eyes and relax as much as possible.
The master puts on sterile disposable gloves.Next, he inserts his fingers into the patient's mouth. With a uniform, progressive movements, the beautician massages the inner surfaces of the cheeks. Then comes the stage of study of the muscles. In this case, the impact is on both the upper and deep layers of the skin.
The specialist first captures a specific muscle.Then he is not too much delays and returns to its previous position. So every muscle is worked out. During the first session there may be mild soreness. Therefore, the time of the procedure is limited to 10 minutes.
The number and duration of procedures
Buccal massage necessarily conducted by the course. From one procedure you should not expect high results. Only timely, full-fledged study of the muscles will allow them to return to their former strength and elasticity.
The minimum course includes 5 sessions.The first one lasts about 10 minutes. Further, the time for processing is increased. The last massage is performed within 25 minutes. Depending on the patient’s skin condition, the course may be longer. The optimal number of treatments is 10 massages. Each session is carried out once a week. It is not recommended to shorten or increase the intervals between massages. This reduces the effectiveness of training.
If the patient is undergoing a long course, whichconsists of 10 or more sessions, the processing time reaches with a time of 30 minutes. The choice of methods is influenced by the condition of the skin, the age of the client, and physiological features. An indicator of high qualification of a cosmetologist is the absence of hematomas and swelling on the skin after the procedure.
Not every client of the beauty salon master will advise to complete the course. buccal massage. Contraindications this procedure is also available. There are a number of conditions and diseases in which such a massage cannot be performed.
Primarily a contraindication toThis procedure is the presence in the body of malignant tumors, especially on the face or in the oral cavity. In some cases, after such exposure, an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, such an impact will have to stop.
If the skin has diseases that occurIn acute form, the procedure is also contraindicated. You can not massage if the face has signs of infection, wounds, fresh scratches, bruises and bruises.
It is also not recommended to undergo a similar procedure for women who are carrying a child. Some diseases of the thyroid gland can also become an obstacle to this type of massage.
Patient Reviews
Patient testimonials on buccal massage практически всегда положительные.If the master has good preparation, experience in carrying out the presented equipment, the positive effect from carrying out such an effect is manifested after the second session.
Кожа становится подтянутой.It becomes elastic and healthy looking. Some visitors notice a slight discomfort after the massage. Due to some physiological features, a slight swelling may appear on the cheeks. In this case, the muscles for some time can ache a little. However, no bruises should appear after the procedure.
In general, after carrying out several procedures, the discomfort disappears. Muscles get used to "training." Blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers increases. Small wrinkles are smoothed.
Buccal massage, reviews about which provide professionalbeauticians, known for its high efficiency. After the sixth session, the facial contour noticeably pulls up. The effect is comparable to plastic surgery. After working out the muscles acquire the correct configuration and tone.
In addition to the effects on the skin, massage affectspsycho-emotional state of the patient. The person during the procedure relaxes, calms down. If the patient has pathologies of the facial nerves, the procedure will have a therapeutic effect.
If a person is currently suffering from rhinitis orsinusitis, during the presented procedures, the healing process will proceed faster. The skin gets a healthy shade. Shallow wrinkles are smoothed. Nasolabial folds become less pronounced.
Recommendations of specialists
Buccal Massage Reviews leave professional beauticians.They claim that it is not recommended to carry out the presented procedure independently at home. During the development of the muscles, the patient must be in a completely relaxed state.
With the wrong distribution of the impact force on the skin, bruises and swelling may appear. Therefore, it is worth entrusting this work to a trained specialist.
Having considered the features buccal massage reviews patients and cosmetologists about the presented method, you can make the right decision about the feasibility of its implementation.