As any representative of the fair sex,a high school student wants to look beautiful and attractive. Children tend to imitate in all adults. So, seeing as an older sister, mom or aunt is applying makeup daily, the schoolgirl also tries to learn the basics of make-up.
All schoolgirls, going on the feast of the first bell,compare themselves with each other. Each of them wants to look especially and irresistibly. Young girls, applying a light make-up on September 1, feel more mature and more confident. However, in order not to spoil the tender young skin and visually do not add the schoolgirl a few years, it is necessary to choose the correct make-up. Let's consider some variants, what make-up on September, 1st it is possible to make to the pupil.

Skin Preparation
First and foremost the makeup of teenagers is differentthat requires special care for the face skin and its preparation. Each girl should have a kit that includes several facial cleansing phases. Such care should be used on a daily basis, regardless of the style in which make-up will be applied.
To begin with, you need to cleanse your face withfoam or gel. Often young girls have skin problems, so these remedies should be selected correctly. Do not use products for dry skin on fatty, inflamed epidermis.
After washing, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a tonic or lotion, which is also chosen based on the type of skin.
At the conclusion of daily care, you need to moisturize your skin with a suitable face cream.
Tonal basis and disguise of shortcomings
Beautiful makeup on September 1 involvespresence of a healthy complexion and smooth skin. In the presence of small pimples or redness, you need to use a special corrector. If the face has red or brown spots, they must be masked by a greenish-tinted corrector.
Further it is necessary to use a tonal basis.For teenagers it is not recommended to use a cream with a dense structure. They will give the skin an unnatural look. The tonal base has an easy texture that perfectly masks the flaws and smooths the complexion. At the same time, it looks natural and does not clog pores.
Makeup on September 1 should be applied carefully. Acting step by step, you will get a harmonious and natural image.

Schoolgirls love to experiment with color.Where can they give free rein to fantasy, how not in the makeup of the eyes. However, bright and catchy shades are not the best option for the school. That is why eye makeup for teenagers should be moderate, easy and natural. It is worth considering several options for makeup.
Natural look
Such a makeup on September 1 will do just fineby the way. Due to its easy application, it will emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes and will be virtually invisible. To apply it you will need a black pencil and an extension mascara. Blonde girls should give preference to dark brown or graphite shades.
- Apply a pencil line, as close to the border of the growth of eyelashes of the upper eyelid. To do this, cover the eyelid and gently pull the skin toward the temple.
- The lower part of the eyes must be emphasized by a thin line running from the middle of the eye.
- Thoroughly shade the pencil on the lower eyelid, making it barely noticeable. It should not be too bright. Its application is necessary only for easy selection of eyes.
- On the eyelashes, apply mascara, having processed it only the ends. This way will visually lengthen the cilia and make the look more expressive.
Use of shadows
If you do not want to give up shadows, creating makeup on September 1, give preference to natural beige and pearly shades.
- Apply light shadows, a few tones darker than your skin tone, on the outer corners of the eyes. Lightly cover the inside of the eyelids with transparent pearl shadows.
- Smooth the border of the transition colors using the applicator.
- Lower eyelid accentuate with light brown shadows, applying a small amount to the outer corner.
- Paint the lashes with classic black mascara in one layer.

Focus on the eyes
This season is fashion makeup in whichthe eyes are maximally highlighted, and the lips are completely without makeup. In order to create a similar image, prepare shades of soft pink, faint shades, as well as pearl shades for feathering.
- Apply to the upper eyelid light pink shade with a moist applicator. This technique will help make make-up more restrained.
- On top of the color, put a strip of pearl shadows and blend transitions. Remember that feathering is not a rubbing of the color on the skin, but a smooth smoothing of transitions.
- Take a black eyeliner and underline the lash line on the upper eyelid. For beginner fashionistas it is better to choose a liner with a soft brush. It will be easier for them to create a flat line.
- Apply the mascara on the cilia in one layer to complete the image.
Makeup on September 1 is better to add naturallip gloss. It can be left transparent or combined with caramel lipstick. Do not use bright and rich tones. They will give your image a vulgar look and will most likely not receive the approval of the teachers.

Final touches
At the end of the image creation, applypale pink matte blush on the cheekbones with a special brush. If you have too oily skin, treat it with a special mineral powder that prevents the appearance of oily shine.
Tidy eyebrows, giving them the right direction with a special comb. Do not pull out your own hair. You can only spoil the natural form.

Carefully plan your image before creating makeup on September 1. Photos of beautiful works can be found in this article.
Natural beauty will never go out of fashion, so if you prefer not to use cosmetics, it will only preserve the health and youthfulness of the skin for a longer time.
Remember that make-up should be neat and well combined with hair and clothes.