For women, a frequent change in image is common.But with the change in the color of the hair it happens that it turns out not always successful. But the impeccable coloring of hair is half the successful female image.
Those who do not like dark colors, it is worthwhile to drawattention to the attractive and rich color of alder. It is natural and something like a warm shade of the tree. One of the best colors with a wide variety of palettes is Garnier (Alder).
Who fits the paint "Garnier"
Most of the girls of Slavic appearance withlight pale olive skin has a so-called summer color. Hair at them light-brown or chestnut, blue or gray-green eyes. These girls should choose a cool "blond". And with the help of the color of alder, their image will acquire a natural appearance. Girls who have a different color type, will need to choose the shade more carefully. It is better if the paint is 1-2 shades lighter or darker than alder.
Girls with the color-type "winter", for the most parthave pale skin and dark hair color. They are more suited to paint on 2 shades darker than alder. In this case there will be no difference between the natural shade and the colored, and the hair will perfectly match the color of the skin.
Girls with a "spring" color-type are distinguished by a golden shade of skin. Usually they have green eyes and ringlets with a wheaten tint. Their beauty is perfectly complemented by the lighter color of alder.
A beautiful floor, which has the color-type "autumn"the skin of which has a golden ebb or freckle, and golden hair, having a honey tint, should pick up a more saturated tone of alder. You can mix the colors.

Advantages of the paint "Garnier (Alder)"
The composition of this paint includes naturalcomponents: olive oil, avocado and carite. The first of them perfectly nourishes the hair and restores their structure. Avocado acts softening, and Karite gives an attractive shine.
The advantages of this paint can be attributed to the fact that the products:
- has high quality;
- has a multiple palette;
- affordable and reasonable cost;
- excellent results in staining;
- persistent shade;
- in its composition are natural ingredients.
The paint "Garnier (Alder)" is very resistant, thanks tothe result of staining persists for a long time. Repeated procedure is performed only with overgrown roots. The paint is easy to use - just follow the instructions. You can achieve the required result even at home. An example of a paint palette is seen in the photo. "Garnier (Alder)" has many shades.

Application features
The kit for painting includes:
- gloves;
- paints;
- Developers;
- balm-care;
- instructions.
Use the paint "Garnier (Alder)" on theunwashed hair. Painting starts from the roots, after which it is applied along the entire length of the curls. The procedure lasts depending on the expected result and the desired shade. For dark tones, it will not take long for the paint to work, and for light ones, it takes more time. To wash off the product, simple water is used, shampoo should not be used. At the end of the procedure, you must apply balm-care, which will restore hair.

The Garnier (Alder) paint palette consists of 26 shades, has a soft composition and does not damage the structure of the curls, so that after the staining procedure, they do not become rigid.
The palette includes a large number of bright colors. Blondes can choose the tone they wish:
- golden;
- pearl;
- platinum;
- cream;
- ashen.
To dye brown hair there are shades:
- chocolate;
- pearl;
- gold.
Brunettes are offered these shades:
- chestnut;
- "Black Agate";
- "Black brilliant".
The palette also includes tones with a red tinge: “Royal Garnet” and “Rich Red”. Each of the shades is very rich.

Alder for gray hair
Paint "Garnier (Alder)" helps to renew hair.One of the most important advantages that it has is the elimination of gray hair. As a result of its use, the hairstyle does not appear a greenish tint.
The structure of the hair and their type directly haveinfluence on the result of staining. To avoid problems, you need to contact a specialist. He correctly selects the desired shade of "Alder", which in turn will give the result that was expected.

How to maintain color
Dyed hair requires constant care. To curls always had a wonderful color, you need to use to support various infusions of herbs that have medicinal properties.
"Garnier (Alder)" emphasizes the natural image.With its help, you can make the original coloring. But first you need to be sure that the hair is completely healthy for such procedures.
Paint "Garnier" (Alder): reviews
The described hair dye has mixed reviews. The thing is that girls acquiring it, oftenafter hearing from her friends, they are afraid that she will give a greenish tint. To avoid misunderstandings, you need, before you start dyeing, to experience the color on the hair strand.
Многим женщинам эта краска очень нравится и они they say that they use it constantly for several years and cannot say anything bad, because they carefully read the instructions before starting coloring.
Some of the fair sex is notadvised to use paint "Garnier (Alder)" at home. They believe that it is better to turn to a specialist, he will be able to choose the right shade that will look beautiful.
Many women perceive with great carethe brand itself, they heard negative reviews from others and were afraid to test it for themselves. But even when customers did not dare to buy the paint "Garnier (Alder)", reviews from regular users helped them in the end to make the right choice and join the ranks of fans of this brand.