/ How to make lunar shellac on your own?

How to make lunar shellac on your own?

Last years the manicure industrydevelops like no other. All girls tend to be beautiful and attractive, so they resort not only to novelties of cosmetics, but also to manicure products. After all, the hands for the fair sex are the same expressive part of the body as the face. Flexible brushes and refined fingers make the girl truly feminine. Now it is clear why they give the manicure so much time, money and energy.

lunar shellac photo

Fashion on "a la nature"

Lunar shellac has gained immense popularity in recent years. It looks like a jacket, but only upturned, when it is not the tip of the nail, but its base, that is highlighted.

It is worth thinking about why it is the French manicuredoes not lose its demand for dozens of years. Yes, the classic french fits all, it's not intrusive, it gives tenderness to the hands, and the girls with this manicure behave differently, more feminine.

The main reason is its similarity to naturalhealthy nails. Our great-grandmothers also bleached their marigolds in folk ways. And the presence and color of the "half moon" can determine the health status of its owner.

lunar manicure shellac

Phased implementation

Fortunately, today we can draw a moon manicure shellac, without even turning to the salon. If you have one gel-lacquer and UV lamp - you're ready!

For this you need:

  • to move the cuticle, gently cut it, so that there are no torn edges and burrs;
  • Remove residual lacquer and level the nail with a small abrasive or buffy file;
  • Degrease the nails with alcohol or liquid to remove varnish;
  • apply a base for the nails and fix in a UV lamp;
  • To model the lunar design in one of the ways described below, fix it in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Apply one more layer and hold for 2 minutes;
  • cover with top and fasten 2 minutes;
  • rub the nails with alcohol using a cotton pad to remove the sticky layer.

how to make a moon manicure shellac

On the techniques of design execution

If you are sure of your solid hand, you canmake lunar shellac as follows: dye the nail varnish, without reaching the base, then apply a fine brush to the border and straighten the irregularities. The hole itself remains in this case unpainted. This method helps manicure for a long time to look fresh, overgrown nails are not so noticeable. Do not paint over the base if you plan to wear your gel-lacquer for a month or longer.

Most neat looks a manicure, whichis drawn to the back. First, take, for example, a white color and a thin brush, draw a hole and paint over. Since it has a "border", it is very easy to cover the remaining plate. If necessary, you can also use a fine brush.

to make lunar shellac

If you are not a pro

If you are an amateur in matters of manicure, but fashionablethe trend is very interesting, it is best to use special stickers for the hole. Stencils for a jacket also work. After applying the base, stick to your "crescent" protection and boldly cover the rest of the nail. Then remove the stencil and cover with top. Done! Important: remove the stencil before drying the varnish!

There is another way for opponents scrupulousmanicure. It is enough to casually cover the base of the nail with an ordinary brush, let it dry. Then, as in the first method, we begin to paint the nail with a contrasting varnish, leaving the hole. All we correct with a thin brush. The main drawback of this method is that one and even two layers of the main varnish may not be enough. It is necessary to dry longer in the lamp and waste precious material.

If none of the above are for you,You can simply cover the entire nail with the main lacquer, and then with a thin brush over the top to draw a hole. One layer is unlikely to be enough, so obscure, until the result will not satisfy. The main disadvantage: if the nails grow quickly, then this method will not work, because a thick layer of shellac at the base is not very neat looking against the back of the overgrown nail.

nails shellac lunar

Flight of fantasies

Lunar manicure, like French, has long gone forThe framework of the classical form and is full of all sorts of variety. This combination of colors, the depth of the hole, combining with other manicure techniques of the main part of the nail, as well as thematic drawing of the very foundation. You probably saw a lot of photos of the lunar shellac on the Internet. Some ideas are simply amazing with their beauty.

The great advantage of this design is that,that the "crescent" itself can not just be uniformly painted over, but given a more interesting form. For example, in winter to represent half of a snowflake, in the summer - half of a fruit, in the autumn - a leaflet. Everything depends only on the imagination and ability to make out their nails. Lunar shellac can be adapted to any theme party, event or outfit.

For the party in retro style, a hole in the form of lace will suit. This method looks nice if you perform it on one finger.

Lunar manicure goes well:

  • with a jacket, especially when the colors of the base and edge of the nail are the same;
  • with a gradient manicure;
  • with patterned plate coating.

Variety of holes

You already know how to make a moon manicureshellac. This design can have not only a semi-circular shape. It looks great when the nail plate from the cavity is separated by a straight line decorated with a decor.

lunar shellac

Sometimes a moon manicure is called an invertedFrench, when the snow-white line flaunts not at the tip of the nail, but along the cuticle and lateral ridges. In this case, it is better to paint the entire nail with white lacquer in one layer, and then apply the main color. Such a trick will make the top cover more saturated. The main thing is that everyone can master the technique of an inverted French jacket. It is enough to apply a second varnish, receding from the bottom edge of the nail by a millimeter or two.

If you like rhinestones, broths, brooches and stones onnails, you can make a hole out of these materials. In this case, a triangular shape is suitable. It is necessary to cover the nail with the desired gel-varnish and top without an adhesive layer, simulate the desired pattern and dry it in a UV lamp. For better fixing, you need to walk around the perimeter of the pattern with top again.

Advantages of shellac

The gel-lacquer consists of many components,which nourish and strengthen the nail. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable for everyone. The main reason for the popularity of this type of coating is the "commodity" type, which lasts from 2 weeks to a month.

But if your fingernails grow fast, then the coatinghave to change more often. Therefore, the owners of these claws resort to the moon manicure with an unpainted hole. He hides the overgrown areas and looks fresh for a long time.

Make lunar shellac can not only be white andand choosing a palette to your taste. The painted base visually lengthens and corrects the nail. The most advantageous nail art looks exactly at the base of the plate.

Nude lunar shellac is perfect foroffice workers, doctors, teachers and representatives of other professions in which women are not allowed to shine with bright manicure, and monotonous nails or complete lack of coverage are bored.