In adolescence, when puberty begins, boys and girls in particular have worries due to acne.
Teenage pimples
Complaints about acne breakdown piercegirls in the summer. Putting on tops, T-shirts, open dresses and sarafans (current clothes, our young generation), most of the body is bare, and you need to think about how to clean up acne, not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Acne can appear on the hands, back, in the décolleté zone and even on the abdomen.
Why do skin rashes appear in adolescence? During puberty, hormonal changes in the body begin, and the release of male sex hormones increases.
Changing habits
How to clean up acne?The first is to change some habits. Often one can observe how some people constantly touch their faces: rub their chins, scratch their noses, prop up their cheeks with their fists. But no one washes his hands every half hour; dust accumulates on the hands, dirt is the most suitable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Once on the face, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, eating sebum, which is produced with excess during puberty.
The trend towards the emergence of redpainful acne in people of the older generation. This process is often influenced by the current ecology, modern food products with harmful additives to the body. In addition, if a person smokes or often uses alcohol, this is not the best way to affect the appearance of the skin.
Helpful Tips
There are several ways to remove redpimples. First of all, it is necessary to properly care for the problem skin. Many wash with soap, wipe their face, alcohol-containing lotions, which only dry the skin. Now appeared a lot of gels, penki, possessing bactericidal properties and not containing alcohol in the composition. Here with them it is necessary to wash first of all to people who have oily problem skin.
Try replacing animal fats withunrefined vegetable oils. Do not overeat nuts, they are, of course, useful, but taking in large amounts can provoke the appearance of acne. Flour, sweet, carbonated drinks, coffee, chips - these are foods that need to be consumed in moderation, and some are excluded from their diet.
There are times when most of the face is coveredugly, painful purulent rashes, and then how to clean up acne can tell only a dermatologist. Perhaps in this situation the problem is much deeper, and the person has certain health problems, and drug treatment can not be avoided.