/ How to use a hair mask? Mask for hair with honey

How to use a hair mask? Mask for hair with honey

Hair care is not limited to usingshampoos and conditioners. Nourish the hair with moisture and revive the roots can only masks. Such a product of the cosmetic industry can be found on the shelves of any store. Selling masks from famous manufacturers at high prices, there are also cheaper ones, but already from domestic ones. Also, it is quite possible to make a good and effective mask for curls with your own hands, at home.

In this article, we'll show you how to usemask for hair, apply the composition to the hair, how much time to keep the mixture on the curls and what result to wait, in the end. After all, you can make a good mask, but in case of an incorrect distribution of the composition, do not get the proper effect. In addition, we will disclose the secret of how to apply the mask for the hair and how much it should be kept.

how to use a hair mask

The difference between the mask and the conditioner

If you do not have time to take care of yourself properly,for hair, then an excellent solution will be a hair conditioner. It is recommended to use it after shampooing the head, but the composition should not be applied to the roots. It is distributed along the entire length of the curls, after which it is washed off with water.

После кондиционера локоны становятся послушными, quickly and easily combed, but this product will not give hair strength and growth. Only the mask will be useful, but it takes time to apply it. Masks differ from the conditioner in that they act directly on the roots of the hair and have the ability to significantly affect the quality and structure of the hair.

Method of application

How to apply a mask for hair?There are compounds that are applied only to the roots, and mixtures that should be applied from root to tip curls. The mask must be held for some time - from ten minutes to days. However, there are compounds with such active active substances (for example, nicotinic acid), which can not be overexposed, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

How to use a hair mask, cooked by yourself? Let's tell about it further.

 how to apply a hair mask

The first rule - almost all masks will bework more effectively if you take care to keep your head warm. To do this, you can wrap the hair, saturated with the composition, polyethylene, and wrap a towel on top, like a turban.

Best Mask Recipes

Домашние маски для быстрого роста волос может Prepare anyone at home from a minimum of products. Most often, honey, egg white, red pepper, burdock oil, olive, coconut and almond oil, nicotinic acid are used for such mixtures. If you want your hair after using the mask to have a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of orange or lemon essential oil to it.

Hair masks with oils

Oil is a universal cosmetic.means not only for a head of hair, but also for a face and all skin, as a whole. Many girls are afraid to use it because of its fat structure, but it is completely in vain. Oil gives moisture to the skin, quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, allows you to save valuable nutrients. After using the mask with his hair shine and look healthy, and the skin of the face becomes clean and velvety. Let's find out how to use a hair mask with oils?

hair mask with honey

The easiest recipe is as follows:

  • Heat 2 dessert spoons of olive oil.
  • Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and burdock.
  • Massage the mixture into the hair roots. The longer you hold the mask, the better. You can also leave such a mask for the night.

Burdock oil is considered the best way to create effective masks to accelerate hair growth:

  • Add ground hot red pepper to burdock oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the roots, you can spread over the entire length of the hair.

Красный перец вызовет термический эффект, а за the expense of burning increases blood flow. Useful substances from burdock oil penetrate the skin and nourish the hair roots. The longer you endure such a mask, the better.

With coconut oil and chili

Какие бы домашние маски для быстрого роста волос You did not try, for sure you will be delighted with this recipe. The only drawback of the preparation of this mask is that you will have to wait a week before its composition is ready:

  1. Mix melted coconut oil, in the amount of 2 tablespoons with two teaspoons of ground chili pepper.
  2. Put the mixture to stand in a warm dark place.
  3. After a week, the thick liquid will need to be drained through cheesecloth.
  4. Distribute the thick and liquid parts in two containers.

homemade masks for fast hair growth

And how to use a hair mask with a coconut andchili pepper? The resulting thick part can be rubbed into the roots of the hair, and the liquid is distributed along the growth line of curls. Pepper will give a thermal reaction, which will cause an increase in the force of blood flow. Coconut oil will nourish the hair and improve its quality.

Honey mask for hair

Honey is a unique remedy for manydiseases, which is used not only in folk but also in official medicine. This product of beekeeping can be consumed both inside and when applied to certain places. If you are interested in your hair growing as quickly as possible, then pay attention to the hair mask with honey. Compositions that include honey, do not add speed to hair growth, but they will make the hair obedient, smooth and shiny.

How to prepare honey Hair Mask? Instructions for preparing the mixture is very simple. You just need to take one dessert spoon of honey and another active ingredient. Try the following options:

  • honey and egg yolk;
  • honey and one dessert spoon of pomegranate juice;
  • honey and one tablespoon of brandy.

A hair mask with honey is rubbed into the hair roots andleft for an hour, after which you need to wash the composition from the hair with warm water. We draw attention to the fact that this mask will give effect only if the honey is natural. The honey product made from sugar will be absolutely useless for your hair.

hair mask with honey

Hair mask with nicotinic acid

If you obviously do not like the name"Nicotinic acid", then you confuse this product with nicotine. These are two completely different chemical formations, and the first is actively used in modern cosmetology.

An effective mask for hair growth will follow the following recipe:

  • Mix one ampoule of nicotinic acid with one tablespoon of warm coconut or olive oil.
  • Apply the resulting composition to the hair roots with light massage movements,
  • Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with nicotinic acid does not make sense to apply over the entire length of the hair and perederzhivat.