/ / Beautiful tattoos with an inscription on the arm with a translation (male and female)

Beautiful tattoos with an inscription on the arm with a translation (male and female)

Foreign inscriptions on the body - this is exactlya direction that will always be popular. The younger generation prefers phrases that carry a hidden meaning. To solve it is not so difficult, because now on many sites you can see a huge list of tattoos with the inscription on the arm with the translation. Thanks to the selected phrases, you can convey your personality to other people and show character. This is a kind of non-verbal communication with the outside world and a way to express your “I”.

The inscriptions in Latin, stuffed on his hands, have now becomevery popular. You can choose any suitable font, and the phrase will decorate your hand with a graceful line, turning it into a certain pattern with great meaning. This is what attracts such inscriptions, because to have a riddle on the body is very intriguing, it helps to get acquainted with a member of the opposite sex and get another person interested in you.

tattoo with an inscription on the arm with the translation

What phrase to chop on hand?

Our hands are almost always visible, somost often tattoos are applied to the hands, palms, fingers, and wrists. A tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with a translation into Latin) should first of all be of interest. You should not choose an inscription that you just liked, because it should reflect the inner world of a person, characterize it. It must be remembered that all strangers can see a tattoo with an inscription on their arm.

With translation into foreign languages, the youth chooses such tricks. We give examples of the most popular tattoos, inscriptions in Latin.

  • Perigrinatio, which is translated as “life is a journey”, this phrase will always inspire its owner.
  • Amor omnia vincit - these beautiful words on your hand will mean "true love conquers all."
  • Audi, multa, loquere pauca - will characterize a person with a certain disposition, because it translates as “listen a lot, and do little”.
  • The phrase Non ducor duco will make it clear that this person is used to being the initiator, the literal translation of it is “not slave, but leading.”
  • The sentence Dicere non audeamus will look absolutely unusual. In Latin, it translates as "know how to say no."
  • And, on the contrary, the phrase Rectum, quia honestum est, will cause absolutely positive emotions, because it will inform you that a person can do everything that he considers correct;
  • Non progredi est regredi means “not to go forward, it means to go back”

Beautiful tattoos, inscriptions on the hand with the translation - this is a stylish and fashionable trend in the modern world. But do not forget that this procedure should be approached with the utmost responsibility.

beautiful tattoo lettering on the hand with the translation

What will suit a man?

Very popular are men's andfemale tattoo on the arm. Inscriptions with translation must correspond to the inner world of their owners. Men generally choose such phrases that would emphasize their courageous nature, strength, will and courage.

The tattoo, the inscription on the hand (men’s with translation) must be chosen beautifully and necessarily with meaning. Here are some of them.

  • Contra spent spero - this magnificent phrase in Latin means that only a confident and hopeful person is fortunate in everything.
  • Errare humanum est - its meaning lies in the fact that absolutely everyone is prone to make mistakes.
  • Fecit - this short Latin word will reveal a man from the best side. After all, it symbolizes the fact that he is responsible for his words, which will definitely be confirmed.
  • Gloria victoribus - translated as "glory to the winner."

You must follow one rule ifthe young man decided to make a tattoo and chose which tattoo he needed, the inscription on his arm. Men with a translation into Latin have a hidden meaning, so one appearance of the inscription is not enough, you need to know its exact translation.

tattoo inscription on a man's hand with translation

What will suit a woman?

There is also a list of popular tattoo on handto the girl. The inscriptions with the translation also have their meaning, which consists in emphasizing femininity or showing the obstinate character of the owner.

  • In hac spe vivo is a typical Latin phrase for refined natures. Its literal translation is “I live with this hope”;
  • Magna res est amor means "love is a great thing." It will suit a woman who believes in true feelings.
  • Enclosed natures can prick the inscription Noll me tangere, which means that its owner can not be touched.

female tattoo on hand lettering with translation

Where else can I make a tattoo inscription?

Usually guys and girls in most casesmake a tattoo with an inscription on his arm. With the translation of the difficulties arise in the surrounding people, this is the riddle of such inscriptions on the open areas of the body. Mostly unusual phrases can be seen on the shoulder or wrist, and they will also be seen in the following places:

1) The neck. Patching fashionable to do the side or back of the nape.

2) Chest. The inscription on the chest should reflect the mental state of the person, so it should be as simple and touching as possible.

3) The back. In the back area you need to prick something strong, understandable and resistant. Even any word forms of scandalous character will do.

tattoo with an inscription

At what age is it better to have tattoos on your arms?

К сожалению, ремесло нанесения татуировок suggests that such work remains on the human body forever. Therefore, before a pattern or inscription appears on your hands, you need to analyze your life and activities. Many employers have a rule not to hire people with tattoos on their hands, so you should be ready for this. This mainly concerns the professions of office workers.

Если тату сделана в виде текста на латинском language, it must bear the spiritual experiences, thoughts of man. Very often, having made a tattoo-inscription at a young age, a person, having matured, understands: this thought is stupid and superficial, not corresponding to the current worldview.

tattoo on girl hand lettering with translation

What rules should be followed if you decide to put a tattoo-inscription on your hands?

1) Tattoos on such exposed parts of the body as the arms require a long decision making. Therefore, you should not do it spontaneously, ask yourself the question: "Is it worth it?".

2) Есть такое поверье, что нельзя копировать other people's phrases. Your inscription should correspond personally to your state of mind. If at this stage a mistake is made, then health may even deteriorate, the character and fate of the owner change.

3) К выбору тату-салона также нужно подходить с maximum responsibility. Collect reviews of the best masters of your city, view the portfolio with photos of ready-made, hand-painted tattoos.

Patching is not just a fashion trend.modernity. Foreign inscriptions on the hands make young people around the world. This is the kind of cry from the soul of man that he wants to convey to everyone around him. When choosing a tattoo lettering to be placed on your arm, you should be sure that the character trait it has expressed will be present in you throughout your life.