/ / Face cream "Yves Rocher": reviews on the quality and effectiveness of products

Face cream "Yves Rocher": reviews on the quality and effectiveness of products

Modern cosmetic companies are their mainadvantage may be considered naturalness and harmlessness of their products. Value for money for average buyers has always been the main dilemma when choosing a product.

The French company "Yves Rocher" (Yves Rocher) alreadyfor many years trying to break the stereotype that high-quality foreign cosmetics is very expensive and not affordable for most. The number of buyers in different countries of the world shows that they succeed.

Yves Roshe face cream

Cosmetics "Yves Rocher": face cream

Средства по уходу за кожей лица составляют a significant part of all products manufactured by Yves Rocher. The naturalness of the components, the absence of allergens in the composition, the ability to choose a tool for any type of skin are confirmed by positive consumer reviews. Creams from "Yves Rocher" can be divided into several categories:

  1. Depending on skin type: for normal, oily, dry, combination, sensitive, problem, prone to pigmentation, requiring protection from solar radiation.
  2. Depending on the desired effect: for moisturizing, nourishing, matting, removing redness.
  3. Anti-aging care: for smoothing wrinkles, nourishing and restoring, tightening and radiance of the skin.

Thus, it is possible to choose a product that best suits the individual skin type. On the most popular creams and lines for the care of the face of "Yves Rocher" - on.

Hydra vegetal

The main line of skin care of any ageIntroduces Hydra Vegetal - Yves Rocher Moisturizer. Reviews of this product say that it is suitable for normal, dry and combination skin, well nourishes it, makes it soft and velvety.

The cream has a pleasant creamy herbsmell, light structure. For the T-zone it needs a minimum amount. So he does not create a film on his face, does not shine and allows the skin to breathe. A noticeable improvement, a more fresh and well-groomed appearance appears after the first week of use.

The flaws in this series, Yves Rocher, Hydra Vegetal Moisturizer, are minimal. And they are associated with excessive application of cream on oily skin.

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Nutritive vegetal

The series of skin care products includes andNutritive Vegetal - Yves Rocher Nourishing Face Cream. Reviews characterize it as a "resuscitator" for the skin affected by frost and weathering. It removes flaking well, nourishes dry and inflamed parts of the face. Despite the fact that it is designed to nourish the skin, the cream is light, well absorbed and does not roll off. The name "Comfort 24 hours" justifies itself.

Suitable for dry, combination skin. The inconvenience is caused by packaging without dispenser.

nourishing face cream ive roshe reviews

Sensitive vegetal

Not only external environmental factors, but also the care itselfcan be quite stressful for the skin of the face. We are talking about sensitive skin. Temperature changes, change of weather, care products immediately cause redness, itching, peeling and other unpleasant and ugly effects on it. The French cosmetics company proposes to use in this case Sensitive Vegetal - Yves Rochet face cream.

Feedback from customers who have tried this productpractically do not differ from the recommendations of the company. They say that he really has a soothing property. Does not irritate the skin, nourishes it, levels. Natural components of the cream do not cause allergic reactions, do not provoke the development of existing problems. The texture is very light, does not create a film on the face and with regular use makes the skin noticeably healthier. The series has a separate product - anti-redness cream with a slight sunscreen effect.

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Sebo vegetal

For skin prone to shine, manyBuyers recommend using Sebo Vegetal, Yves Rocher Face Cream. Reviews show that the tool copes well with its purpose: eliminates the oily shine of the skin, dries and mattes it, tightens pores, is a good foundation for makeup.

The name “Zero of Defects” justifies itselfonly if this tool is selected "by address". Some customer reviews suggest that the cream may cause discomfort on dry skin. This applies to owners of the combined type. The cream contains alcohol and salicylic acid, which dry the skin. In this case, you need to apply the cream only on a fat T-zone or choose a more suitable care.

Ive roshe moisturizing face cream

Anti-age Global

Anti-aging series of products of the French brandpresented by all possible means to combat the first signs of aging: eye contour cream, serum, night, day moisturizing, day SPF 20 anti-aging face cream "Yves Rocher". Customer reviews about this set of funds are very praiseworthy.

Acquaintance of most clients with creams occurred due to receiving gift probes when ordering. They note a noticeable effect after the first 2 weeks of its use.

Вся серия предназначена для возраста 30+.Day cream is different from the usual anti-aging with its thick texture (called dry or very dense), pleasant unobtrusive smell. It has a number of advantages that are noticeable after the first application: the skin is smoothed, it becomes smooth, elastic, the pores are invisible. Those who are not allergic to any component of the cream, do not feel any discomfort. Buyers note that during the day the cream does not cause oily shine, mattes, does not clog pores. The effect of skin leveling is noticeable after about a month of use. Small wrinkles (especially around the eyes) become smaller. With deep cream copes worse.

Customers who have tried this cosmetics, adviseDo not rush to purchase the full package of a cream. It will be enough to have a probe that shows how the skin will react to this product. Among the shortcomings, it is noted that overdosing with application, one can feel stickiness on the face. Since the cream is quite economical to use, it lasts a long time. It is necessary to monitor its expiration date in order not to harm itself.

Yves Roshe night face cream

Elixir 7.9

Young skin also requires quite earlyanti-aging care. The negative impact of the environment, stress, poor sleep and nutrition expose the skin to wrinkles, even for those aged 20 to 30 years. For renewal of cells, prevention of early signs of aging, giving a face freshness, the Elixir 7.9 series is used, “Yves Rocher youth reactivators”: night face cream, day moisturizing, for oily and combination skin, double action serum, gel cream for skin around the eyes.

In customer reviews about the day the cream more oftenIn total, it is noted that it is very light (despite the fact that it is listed as a cream-gel), it does not roll on the face, it is very sparingly applied (a couple of drops are enough for the entire face and neck). It is well absorbed and does not spoil the makeup. Within a week of use, the girls have noticed a noticeable smoothing of the first facial wrinkles.

Of the disadvantages - the effect depends on the constancy in use. Without a cream, the situation returns.

elixir 7.9

Riche creme

Continue the line of anti-aging remedies from "YvesRoshe "can be beneficial creams - a full range of care for aging skin of the face and decollete. Beneficial creams are enriched with 30 essential oils that actively restore fading skin, nourish, protect from negative external influences.

Riche Creme line probably deserves moretotal positive feedback from users. That's because her mild action was appreciated not only by women over 40, but also by those who are younger. The oils in the composition help to get rid of peeling, inflammation of the skin, moisturize and make it elastic. Under unfavorable weather, during periods of hormonal changes in the body, this is what girls used for this “Yves Rocher” face cream.

Reviews speak about a pleasant light texture, good absorption, a pleasant smell of cream. Small wrinkles are smoothed, and deep ones become less pronounced.

Of the shortcomings do not indicate the price.

cosmetics Rosha for face

BB Cream from Yves Rocher

New development of cosmetic companiesBB-creams are presented now. This "arithmetic mean" between the care and decorative means for the face. There is such a product in the French company - "Perfect Skin", BB cream "Yves Rocher". Reviews about it are divided. In one, the buyers are in solidarity - the cream really gently moisturizes the skin, light, does not create a “mask effect” on the face, and protects from external influence. Pleasant sensations on the skin, the absence of allergic reactions distinguishes this product from its counterparts.

Masks imperfections of the skin, it is not as effectivelike foundation. In this case, it acts rather as a makeup base. According to some customers, the cream even emphasizes dry skin. This applies to light cream. Another shade, Medium, does a better job of masking flaws. But it is suitable for a darker skin tone.

BB cream

It can be concluded that BB cream is suitable inas a cosmetic for smoothing skin tone to those who do not have pronounced deficiencies (rashes, dark circles under the eyes). In this case, it will hide the small problems well, will give the skin a fresh look.