/ / Full hair removal in the bikini zone: reviews

Full hair removal in the bikini zone: reviews

This manipulation takes its beginning even in distant times. It is known that Nefertiti used wax for epilation in the intimate zone.

In our time, almost every woman did or at least heard about hair removal in the bikini zone. Feedback about this procedure is different, depending on the method and method of its implementation.

With the development of technologies, not onlywax, and a lot of other types of depilation and hair removal. They differ significantly from one another both in technique and in sensations during their implementation.

hair removal in the bikini zone reviews

So, let's consider the most popular types of hair removal in the bikini zone, the reviews of which will be presented below.

The difference between depilation and depilation

There are two types of removal of unwanted hair, which inexperienced people often confuse, because they do not know the difference between them. And it is very significant.

Depilation is this way of removing hair from the surface of the skin, without destroying their follicles.

Depilation can be carried out by such methods as:

  • shaving with a razor and trimmer;
  • removal with special creams and gels;
  • wax depilation;
  • shugaring;
  • hair removal with the help of a depilator.

The development of modern technologies has given a new way of hair removal - hair removal, which affects the hair deeper than the skin level, damaging and further destroying the hair follicle.

This type of disposal of unwanted hairs is divided into:

  • laser;
  • electric;
  • ultrasonic hair removal.

The most common type of hair removal is laser.

Depilation of hair according to depth

Depending on the size of the area of ​​the skin on which the hair is removed, it is possible to distinguish the following types of hair removal along the bikini line, removal to medium depth and deep depilation.

Новое направление в удалении волос, которое is gaining increasing popularity and is famous for positive reviews - deep hair removal in the bikini zone, or "Brazilian depilation." The essence of this procedure is the complete removal of vegetation in the pubic region and external labia.

Epilation with a razor

One of the most common and easily accessiblemethods - this is shaving your hair with a razor. During this manipulation, the hair is cut off at the root, and not removed in its bulb itself. Its availability is explained by the cheapness of the razors themselves and the accompanying cosmetics, as well as the speed of execution.

hair removal epilator in the bikini zone reviews

This type of hair removal in the bikini area, reviewswhich is mostly negative, has a number of shortcomings. The most tangible of them is the frequency of execution, since shaved hair grows rapidly, and the next day can be treacherously pricked or shown black dots.

The next disadvantage of this type of hair removal is a high probability of damaging the skin during shaving, especially if a new cassette is installed in the shaving machine.

In addition, most shaved hairs in the bikini zone subsequently grow and thus cause discomfort and make this part of the body visually unattractive.

Also, this skin area is very sensitive, so often doing such a procedure leads to reddening and irritation of the skin.

In addition, shaved hairs become coarser, they become even thicker.

Epilation with creams and lotions

Эта процедура, в отличие от предыдущей, собрала a little more positive feedback. Hair removal in the bikini area with cream or lotion also differs in its speed and availability. In any cosmetic shop you can find special means for depilation in the intimate zone, the cost of which is low.

This type of depilation is very simple: using a special spatula, the cream is applied to the skin at the time indicated in the instructions. After its expiration, the cream is washed off with water.

This procedure better slows down hair growth, when compared with shaving, but on the third day will have to repeat it again.

Disadvantages of this manipulation arethe following: the inaccessibility of some places on the body, immediately after this procedure it is better not to sunbathe. Another common complaint about this type of hair removal is allergic reactions to its constituent parts.

When using such means to establish purity in the inguinal zone, it should be remembered that you can not use a foot epilation cream for hair removal in the bikini area.

And to avoid irritation from the applied creams, you should conduct a test procedure on a small area of ​​the skin, apply the product for 48 hours and look at the reaction.

The positive thing is that the growing hairs will be less noticeable and thinner.


Let's give one more of the oldest methods of hair removal in the bikini zone description. Feedback about this procedure is mostly positive.

This operation is carried out with the help of wax, which is applied to the skin and covered with a napkin, after twenty to twenty-five seconds the napkin is torn off with a sharp movement, unwanted hairs remain on it.

laser hair removal in the bikini zone reviews

This type of depilation only for those who are not afraid of pain, because to rip off a napkin and wax is very painful and it is not possible for everyone to make such a manipulation.

The procedure helps to get rid of junkvegetation for up to three weeks. In this case, after each procedure, the hairs become thinner and less noticeable. And if you regularly use a scrub in this area of ​​the body, you can avoid the problem of ingrown hairs.


In its execution it is very reminiscent of hair removal with the help of wax, but here it is replaced by a hot sugar mass. This manipulation is less painful and more effective.

hair removal in the bikini zone reviews and description

For the most part, this salon procedure, since it is difficult for the inexperienced user to cope with the sugar mass to an inexperienced user.


This procedure occurs when exposed to lightand heat on the hair bulb, as a result of which it stops eating and dies. The course for the effectiveness of the procedure consists of ten such sessions, the interval between which is about three months.

That is, photoepilation is not suitable for those whowants to get rid of undesirable vegetation in the shortest possible time. Such hair removal in the bikini zone, customer feedback about which is mostly positive, is aimed at a gradual, 100% result, but will fly into a considerable amount.

After each session for several days, redness remains on the treated skin, moreover, this type of hair removal has a number of contraindications.

Laser epilation of the bikini zone

Laser hair removal in the bikini zone, reviews of which are mostly positive, the most expensive form of the listed, but at the same time the most effective method in the fight for the purity of the skin.

This procedure occurs as follows:With the help of a laser, energy penetrates the hair that destroys the hair follicle. This way only visible hairs are removed, subcutaneous ones appear after about two weeks and they fall out.

The cost of this procedure is high and equals to plastic surgery and hardware cosmetology.

hair removal in the bikini zone customer reviews

Efficiency is 100% for people with dark hair. But for owners of light or red hair offer alternatives.

Preparing for laser hair removal

Every intervention in the body requirespreliminary consultation and preparation, especially if it is laser hair removal in the bikini zone. Feedback on the procedure will be much better, if properly prepared for its conduct.

First of all, you need to make a trip to the aesthetic physician, who will do a trial one-time flash, to test the skin reaction.

If negative symptoms do not come to light, then the following preparatory work should be done:

  • It is forbidden to use all methods of depilation except the razor;
  • the last hair removal procedure should be performed four days before the laser hair removal session, with the aim of growing the hair to the optimal length;
  • you can not visit the solarium;
  • stop for a while hiking in the sauna, bath, active sports and swimming in the pool;
  • Before the session, you should not use such intimate hygiene products as lotions and creams, deodorants;
  • girls need laser hair removal immediately after the end of critical days.

Follow these recommendations should be both before and after a laser hair removal session.

Epilation in the bikini zone at home

Many representatives of the fair sex for a number of reasons can not afford to carry out this procedure for hair removal in salons.

deep hair removal in the bikini zone reviews

It is for these women that there are simple and affordable types of hair removal, which are quite suitable for doing at home, and, by the way, have many good reviews.

Hair removal by the epilator in the bikini zone is just one of these methods that is very effective, but at the same time painful enough.

It is possible to reduce painby steaming the skin, it is enough to take a hot bath or shower. After that, skin areas should be degreased and disinfected with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic. Begin to do the depilation procedure should be from small areas of the skin. Hair removal in this way should go against hair growth and with a slight stretching of the skin.

hair removal in the bikini zone reviews about the procedure

After this procedure, the skin is veryvulnerable and requires care with the help of special tools, and it needs some breathing for a while, for this purpose it is advisable not to wear underwear for at least an hour.

Обработанные участки кожи таким видом эпиляции не soon will be covered with hairs - the effect of the procedure is maintained for an average of two weeks. But we should not forget about the human individuality, some hair can appear after the expiration of six to seven days, and in others - and after two weeks nothing appears. But in any case, new hairs will be thinner and less noticeable.

Для тех, кто по ряду причин не может позволить I can do this manipulation with an epilator, the option of pulling out hairs with tweezers is possible, it will be a less painful, but longer process.

The above types of hair removal are not suitable for deep epilation of the bikini area.

Another way to skin care in the areaHomemade bikini is a waxing that is carried out using wax, resin or sugar. It will not be difficult to do such a manipulation at home; there is always an instruction on the package with the tool, following which many achieve an excellent result.

We have given different types of hair removal in the bikini zone description. Reviews of the procedures were also reviewed, the choice is yours!