/ / Hair carving: reviews, prices, features

Hair carving: reviews, prices, features

Many girls resort to such a procedure ascarving hair. Reviews about this manipulation are different - from admiring to sharply negative. In this article, we will focus on those and others.

Hair carving: reviews

carving hair: reviews
The procedure is a chemicaltreatment of hair with the use of a gentle composition. Curl adds extra volume and provides a long-lasting styling effect. The solution, which is used for the procedure, acts only on the upper layer of the hair.

Naturally, before you do the haircut, you needto consult with a specialist who will assess the condition and structure of your curls. It is better to make a qualitative carving of hair, the cost of which will be higher (from 1500 to 4000 rubles.), Than a cheap wave, after which you will have to recover for a long time. A competent specialist can correctly choose the composition of the product, the shape and thickness of curlers, and recommend protective and restoring means after the procedure. This will ensure you not only the desired result, but also healthy hair.

carving hair cost

If the master finds that your hair is weakened,in the process it will be necessary to conduct special procedures that will help restore their structure. People who are prone to allergies, you need to warn the master about it in advance. It is desirable to conduct a sensitivity test in advance.

Hair carving: how to do?

At carrying out of procedure it is used sparingPermanent, which does not contain ammonia and theoglycolate. The hair is wound on curlers and covered with a compound. Then ringlets are washed and dried. The total duration of the procedure is approximately two hours. The effect lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.

Hair carving: negative reviews

Usually, clients complain about the consequences of the procedure, such as dryness and brittle hair. Recovery often takes a long time. Curls can grow slowly, lose its attractiveness.

They say that blondes with thin hairalmost never get a good result. And although the masters say that the indications to the procedure are naughty and thin strands, which after carving become lush, owners of such hair is better than to refrain from waving. Usually weakened hair can not withstand such a load.

Also, a bad result can be obtained ifdo the perming soon after melirovaniya or staining, during pregnancy or feeding. If the hair is cut off, it is also better to refuse the procedure. At least, you need to trim the "tips", otherwise the styling will look untidy.

Hair carving: positive reviews

hair carving how to make
Usually satisfied with the result of a girl whohealthy hair. Many say that the procedure allows you to choose the appropriate type of curling. For example, make a "curly" or "wavy" hairstyle. This type of procedure is suitable for both owners of long hair and short-haired.

So that you do not go into the category of disgruntledprocedure, it is important to ensure proper care after it. Be sure to use moisturizing and regenerating masks, as well as cosmetics for textured hair.

Многие отмечают в качестве плюса то, что после Carving can independently do a large number of different hairstyles. After shampooing, any styling can be done - from elastic curls to “clutter”. It is also easy to straighten hair curls.