/ / Men's hairstyle "cap" for short and medium hair

Men's hairstyle "cap" for short and medium hair

Men's hairstyle "cap" to datepopular among the strong half of humanity. All due to the fact that this haircut does not require special care, many hours of styling. "Cap" always looks stylish, ideal for both business image and everyday life routine.

men's hairstyle cap

Each season brings to the people the fashionable currents,except for the fashion for men's hairstyles. But there are such haircuts that do not give up their popularity positions year after year. These include the haircut "cap" male. Photos of young people with a similar haircut are courageous and attractive.

Technical execution of haircuts

Undoubtedly, to give the necessary form to a hairdresscan only a qualified hairdresser in the salon. But it is worth noting that the technique of performing haircuts with a "cap" is quite simple, and you can do it yourself.

Characterize the haircut can be as follows:a significant length of hair on the crown, which gradually shortens to the bottom of the head. In this case, a smooth hair styling is observed. But if desired, the transition can be made more pronounced. For example, an acute cut is performed at each length transition. When choosing, pay attention to the hair structure, the shape of the face and head.

masculine hairstyle cap for short hair

At an acute transition, a visual increase in the amount of hair is observed, and with a smooth tuft, the shape of the head becomes oval.

Men's hairstyle "cap" is created with the bottompart of the head, despite the chosen shape. Gradual hair cutting from the lower part is made. A smooth transition is created in a circle from the top of the head. Shaving of the lower part of the hair is done with the help of a comb and scissors. The teeth of the comb are pulled out on themselves, and then with the help of scissors the hair growth line is shortened. To create a clear transition, you will need a thinning scissors, which will help to equalize the two zones. For a smooth carving enough to cut the hair "on the fingers." Grasping hair is better against growth. The occipital part is cut from the bottom up.

Young people often choose creative and bold options for hairstyles "under the hat." For example, the haircut is combined with a rounded bang or long curls.

Pros of haircut

This haircut has no limitations.It is suitable for almost every man, it is considered universal. To wear a hairstyle "cap" can both successful men of solid age, and adolescents. Like any other hairstyle, the "cap" has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Excellent combination with even hair and curls;
  • lush volume visually increases the amount of hair, which is an indubitable plus for people with a fine hair structure;
  • fast hair styling without the use of special tools;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • combination with the business and everyday style of clothing;
  • haircut suitable for men of any age;
  • looks good even on naughty hair.

This option has advantages that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

A little about the shortcomings

Any thing in this world has its pros and cons. Hairstyle "under the cap", male or female, has its drawbacks:

  • it is difficult to make a similar haircut on dense and hard hair;
  • With a triangular face shape, a smooth transition only emphasizes non-standard proportions;
  • the shape of the hairstyle must be regularly adjusted in the beauty salon, since the overgrown hairs spoil the appearance and the haircut looks ugly.

It is worth noting that the shortcomings listedabove, still do not exceed dignity. To create an attractive image it is enough to trust a professional who will help you choose the ideal option for you.

Variations of "caps"

There are two types of haircuts "cap" for men: classic and asymmetric.


  1. The classical version is characterized by the fact that the strands cut on the top of the head are similar in shape to the cap, and the lower ones have simply a straight line.
  2. The asymmetric variant has several subspecies:
  • uneven zones or pronounced sections;
  • different length of hair in different growth zones;
  • a version of the cap in the cap, in which the upper part of the hair is limited at the level of the tip of the ear, and the second - at the level of the lobe. This is an excellent option with a non-standard shade of hair.

Model haircut and length of hair

The classic version of the "cap" looks better on short hair.

For an average hair length, an asymmetrical haircut is an ideal option. Men's hairstyle "cap" on medium hair is well combined with unusual shades, emphasizing the contours of the man's face.

masculine hairstyle cap on medium hair

Haircut on long hair is done with a curly structure. The ideal option will be framing the face with a straight bang and side elongated strings.

Bold men can not stop atclassical variation, stylists are able to add a "twist" to the image with the help of a round bang or shortened strands on both sides. It is possible to carelessly cut off the ends. The haircut can be modified if desired, it is enough to show imagination and contact an experienced master.

Everything about styling

hairstyle under the hat

There are several ways of laying.For example, the male hairstyle "cap" for short hair quickly lends itself to styling. For this it is enough to allocate a few minutes of free time. The hair is applied gel or foam, and then the hair should be dried with a hair dryer.

For laying medium length and long strandsit will take a little longer. But in this case it seems a good opportunity for imagination. Using foam and a hair dryer, you can create creative styling, negligence on the head and a strict hairstyle.

Do not rely on the fact that without proper carehaircut will look attractive. It is necessary to periodically visit the hairdresser and adjust hair. Overgrown strands do not adorn the appearance of a man, they only spoil the haircut. Correct the "cap" preferably once every two months.

Classic hairstyles never lose theirpopularity among members of the stronger sex. Therefore, with a wide choice of all sorts of creative and original options, restraint and simplicity occupy a leading position.

There are two unchanging rules that a man must adhere to: constant purity of hair and a timely approach to the stylist.