/ / Eyebrow pencil. Subtle touch for flawless make-up.

Eyebrow pencil. A thin touch for perfect make-up.

Stylists claim that properly designedeyebrows "make" the whole face. Fashion is changing fast. Remember the seventies. Then all the ladies wore eyebrows plucked out at a time. Today it is considered almost indecent. On the contrary, modern women of fashion prefer eyebrows like those of Brooke Shields, thick and black. However, not all nature has awarded such luxury. So, the error needs to be corrected. For this, you need a pencil for eyebrows in our cosmetic bag.

However, before using cosmetics, you need totake care of the correct form. Extra hairs knocked out of the general mass, clearly, do not have the right to life. You can easily delete them. To look more open, eyebrows pluck two-thirds, smoothly reducing in the direction to the outer corner of the eye. This trick can also be used to correct age-related changes. For example, lowered or swollen eyelids.

Eyebrows should neither be too short nortoo long. To determine the required dimensions, use two pencils. One of them must pass through the line from the nostrils to the inner corner of the eyes. In the place where it touches the eyebrows and will be the starting point. The second pencil is placed at an angle to the first, so that it runs from the corner of the lips to the outer edge of the eye. This point will be its ending. Excess hairs can be trimmed with scissors.

How to choose a pencil for eyebrows

Today in fashion bright colors make-up.Black and black eyebrows stylists recommend even blondes. However, the podium is one thing, but in real life such beauty looks unnatural. Therefore, we will adhere to generally accepted rules.

Eyebrow pencil should colormatch the shade of hair. For brunettes fit graphite or dark gray. Brown women better pay attention to the dark brown shade. Red-haired young ladies can easily get a pencil for eyebrows red-brown or gray. The delicate beauty of a natural blonde will be set off by dark beige, light brown, and gray. By the way, it is the owners of light hair the most difficult to determine the shade. Too light eyebrows on the face are lost, and too dark make the features sharp and rough. Therefore, try several options at once and evaluate how it will look with natural light. Of course, the classic black eyebrow pencil also has the right to life, but only as an evening option.

Today there is such a huge sale.the amount of cosmetics that in the sea of ​​offers is short-lived and lost. Eyebrow pencils are offered by almost all companies from Lankom and Max Factor to Art-Vizazh and Faberlik. Which product should be preferred? To keep the color as long as possible, choose medium-soft pencils with wax. Unlike eye shadow, lipstick and powder, this product does not have to be expensive. Look at Avon products; their professional eyebrow pencil has the most favorable customer reviews. If you are satisfied with the color, use a colorless gel for makeup. It will give the eyebrows the necessary shape and shine. The latest trend in this season is very relevant.

Most often, eyebrow pencil is used toorder to hide some flaws. Make it easy. Carefully paint thin strokes on the spot where the hairs should be and now your eyebrows look thick and dark. It remains to comb them with a brush with a drop of gel. First, spend against the growth of hair, and then smooth, to get a perfectly smooth arc without protruding hairs. The most courageous women of fashion can apply wax and special powder to their eyebrows.