/ / Skin suffers after shaving? Cream factory "Freedom" - and no problems

Does the skin suffer after shaving? Cream factory "Freedom" - and no problem

Some men prefer to enjoy for monthsa feeling of kinship with cave ancestors, for fear of getting skin irritation from the effects of a razor. Others, for the same reason, avoid daily “execution”. But the view of a person who spent the night in a park on a bench is far from being presentable, which can interfere with career growth (and not only). In such cases, it makes sense to get a “magic wand” - after-shave cream.

after shave cream

Down with inflammation

How many among us are those who are familiarmiracle cure after shaving! The cream has passed many years of cosmetic tests. And you can not argue with that. Millions of Russians will confirm: regularly applying a cream suitable for your skin, you can avoid such problems with the epidermis as dryness, peeling, inflammation.

Apply a small amount immediately after shaving with light movements, lightly tapping with your fingers. The tool is perfectly absorbed, leaving no greasy.

No pallor

There are men who think that they are clean shavenlook pale. However, almost everyone who regularly applies a cool, non-greasy coating with an anti-inflammatory effect afterwards, claims that the product does not just soften the skin. Thanks to properly selected ingredients, it acquires a ruddy, healthy look. Having started to apply once, consumers cannot refuse simple ambulance after shaving. The cream is becoming an indispensable tool in the struggle for a well-groomed, fresh appearance.

cream aftershave liberty factory

Price and quality

Cream after shaving factory "Freedom" pleasesharmonious combination of "price - quality." Moreover, it is inexpensive, according to some users, it copes with the task of restoring the skin after microdamages even better than the expensive “competitors”.

Cream - a godsend for those whose skin is prone toallergic reactions, and they fear any complexity. Proven Russian cosmetic products contain substances used in the industry for a long time. New cosmetology - this is good, but do not forget that it has been tested for decades.

You must have seen the tubes with the logo of the Freedom factory on the shelf in the bathroom or on the dressing table even when you were walking under the table. It seems that they were always!

No secrets

How easy to read ingredients on a tubesoothing and nourishing skin after shaving! The cream is now produced in plastic packaging, but long ago, when he was still “living” in a tin tube, it consisted of good old allantoin, glycerin and menthol.

Allantoin is synthesized from wheat germ or comfrey seeds. Synthetic analogue is no different from natural. Safe, non-toxic, does not cause allergies.

Glycerin is a thick transparent liquid, extracted by chemical processing of fats, has useful properties to retain moisture (skin turgor depends on the saturation of the latter H2O).

Menthol is a substance with a strong mint odor,Obtained from the essential mint oil. The sensation of coolness on the face is the merit of this glorious component. In addition, thanks to menthol improves blood circulation in the capillaries, the face becomes "all rouge and sweeter."

aftershave cream with vitamin

Magic vitamin

There is another substance enrichingskin after shaving. The cream contains vitamin F - a fat-soluble substance, a complex of fatty acids (linolenic omega-2 and linoleic omega-6). Acids were first studied in the 20s of the 20th century.

Since then, it is known that the miracle vitamin is not onlyIt treats infertility, struggles with dysplasia, but also copes with skin problems. Aftershave cream with vitamin F from Freedom is an example of how cosmetologists use scientific advances for the benefit of people.


You have already appreciated the improvement in skin condition by applyingcream after shaving ("Freedom")? But the "magician" is capable of more! Cream, if necessary, is used as a means of additional care. It is suitable for all skin types. Perfectly softens the skin of the hands.

It is noteworthy that cosmetics for men rated andwomen. Many ladies, in the absence of the usual means, after the treatment of a bikini or underarm area, once used the favorite cream of the husband of the famous brand “Freedom”. And what? The result exceeded all expectations.

aftershave cream reviews

Reliable and cost free

A simple aftershave cream with vitamin F makesWomen's skin is softer, softer. Financial costs - at least. The practice of generations of users shows that with the right selection of care products and their regular use, beauty does not require monetary sacrifices at all.

Here it is - after shave cream! Reviews, if they summarize, say: just enough attention to yourself. And inexpensive and effective cosmetics factory "Freedom" will always help, always at hand.

In fairness it can be noted:some men and women would like their favorite aftershave cream to have a more subtle scent. But it is for this reason that they are not going to refuse any care products. Plus much more.

Крем после бритья с витамином зарекомендовал себя in the fight against dermatitis after the use of some medical ointments. There are such reviews. Caused on irritated skin in the evening, by the morning it gives a pronounced effect of improving the condition of the skin.

aftershave cream with vitamin f

Легкое пощипывание сразу после того, как крем appeared on the body, passes quickly, but the skin becomes healthy, redness disappears, wounds heal. It's amazing how sometimes it is easy to overcome the discomfort that has tormented a person for weeks and even months!

This list of applications is not limited to:there are those who rated the cream as a remedy for the consequences of being too diligent on the beach ("Oh, burned!"). There are those who have tried the aftershave cream on their cracked heels: and here he did not disappoint.