/ / Hair dye without ammonia: experiment with dyeing will be safe

Hair dye without ammonia: the experiment with staining will be safe

Hair is a natural decoration for eachrepresentatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Their appearance, health and brilliance can completely transform any person, complete a stylish image and emphasize elegance. For this, women make different hairstyles, experimenting with styling and color. It is hair dyeing in different colors that is the most frequent way for women to change their own appearance. Many people buy paint to hide gray hair, for some it is more important to change the image, and someone just dreams of giving deeper shine to natural hair color.

In all these cases, it is very importantthe right choice of paint, which will give the tint to the strands, and will not spoil them, making you regret the decision to make a change in your appearance. If you want only to see how the appearance with the new hair color changes or to have a minimal effect on the natural decoration, then the perfect solution would be an ammonia-free hair dye that is harmless and sensitive to strands. Such cosmetic preparations have a sparing effect on a hairstyle, and besides, it keeps on the hair not as long as more aggressive chemical agents. Such paints are completely capable of changing the natural color without disturbing the structure and the hair follicle, without requiring that ammonia be cleaned later on if the strands start to hurt and lose their natural beauty.

Есть несколько видов красителей, которые помогают change or slightly shade the hair color - tint paints, non-resistant and semi-resistant, as well as resistant hair dyes. The first ones are the most harmless, do not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide in their composition, therefore they act on the curls gently, not penetrating into their structure, and are quickly washed away. Basically, these drugs are selected in the event that you want to experiment with appearance, to see how this or that shade will work. This non-ammonia hair dye, which gives a particular shade, can be removed in about one to two weeks. The tool perfectly emphasizes the depth of the natural color, emphasizes the beauty of the curls natural or already painted, and also makes them softer.

Нестойкие краски для волос, как следует из the names keep the color on the strands for a very short time, and are destroyed at the slightest contact with water. Usually they are varnishes, shampoos, foams and lotions, which when applied to the hair forms an unstable colored film of various shades. A non-ammonia hair dye that is semi-resistant can withstand a flush test of up to two months, each time a little dimming, which makes it possible to assess how this or that shade will be attractive for a particular person.

The best option for safe and moderatepersistent hair dye - harmless cream-paint without ammonia. This substance in them is replaced by amines, which allows you to get rid of the specific smell when applying paint and keep your hair healthy. Unlike other, gentle and quickly washing off cosmetic preparations, these cream-colors can help to change drastically, literally turning from a blonde into a brunette, and also paint a gray hair effectively and permanently.

Choosing a tool for hair dye, shouldto remember: it is important to consider not only the danger of ammonia, but also the fact that any paint must contain certain components, without which the strands will somehow be destroyed. First of all, it is panthenol, plant extracts, vitamin B5, high-quality ultraviolet filters, as well as a substance that is a conditioner after dyeing (it is usually included in the kit). Only if all these products are available, without ammonia, hair color will allow to change color without damaging the curls and not disappointing the fair sex.