/ / Remedy for acne marks: creams, ointments and folk remedies

Remedy for traces of acne: creams, ointments and folk remedies

Many believe that the scars and red marks fromAcne is very difficult to remove and almost impossible. Of course, this is true if you sit back and do not make efforts to fight for the beauty and health of your skin. This article aims to dispel such doubts, we have selected a list of the most proven and effective methods, where everyone can find his suitable remedy for acne marks. Here you will find both popular recipes and the names of purchased ointments and creams.

Why do acne marks appear?

The appearance of the pimple does not surprise anyone.In adolescents, this manifestation is marked by puberty, hormonal rearrangement. In people of more mature age, this rash may be the result of malnutrition, hormonal disruption, and poor ecology. But why do some acne go away without a trace, while others have blemishes and scars?

В большинстве случаев все зависит от типа кожи.As a rule, people with thin and normal skin do not have any traces, but scars appear on the skin prone to fat. But this is not the only factor affecting the appearance of stains. A person himself can literally have a hand in this. Most seek to quickly get rid of the ill-fated pimple and squeeze it out on their own, which is absolutely impossible to do. An infection penetrates the wound through mechanical action, it causes inflammation, long healing, and, as a result, a scar remains.

To prevent scarring,Treat acne disinfectants throughout the treatment. In no case can not squeeze acne. There is also a need to treat the skin with a protective cream before going out into the sun so that the UV rays are safe.

remedy for acne marks

Tools from improvised products

Someone will be skeptical about the proposal to removetraces of acne at home, finding an excuse in the fact that he does not know and can not cook a variety of decoctions. That is why we will not offer recipes that suggest infusions of various herbs. Firstly, not everyone will take to prepare the broth, and secondly, such preparation takes a lot of time and effort.

It is much easier to build a home remedy fortraces of acne from products that are sold on store shelves and are in the fridge of each hostess. So, for the most busy and lazy people we provide the simplest recipes for masks.

Parsley mask

For a long time useful properties are known.parsley This greens, growing in the gardeners and selling year-round in the vegetable departments of the stores, can be useful not only for salad. Parsley is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that promote healing of wounds, saturation of the skin with useful components, and is also an excellent and fast-acting remedy for combating acne and their marks.

Preparing a parsley mask is simple:The required amount of greens is finely chopped, a little mash with fingertips to make juice. Put gruel on problem areas or on the whole face, neck, back, wash off after fifteen minutes.

acne traces ointment

Tomato mask

Since we started talking about salads, we will not missout of sight and this is a great remedy for acne marks. To make it you need tomato pulp, potato starch. The second component can be purchased at the store, and you can get it yourself by wiping the potatoes and squeezing them.

This mask is prepared in the ratio of 3/1, where threepieces of tomato pulp and one starch. Apply on the skin means for fifteen minutes, then washed off with water. The procedure should be repeated daily until the acne marks are completely gone.

In order to slightly brighten the skin and quickly get rid of redness, you can add grated cucumber to the described tool.

Egg-lemon mask

Another affordable and proven remedy fortraces of acne, prepared at home. To create it, you will need the protein of one chicken egg, the juice of a quarter of a small lemon (you can replace with a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar). Ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, apply to the skin with a cotton swab. Allow the mask to dry, so that the skin is slightly tense, rinse with water.

In addition to getting rid of redness and scarringAcne, this mask perfectly tones the skin, brightens it. Redness disappears after the first application, and the scars will disappear in one to two weeks when applied every other day, depending on the type and condition of the skin.

acne marks cream

Before using bodyagi, it is important to know

Women have long used this tool.vegetable origin. Bodyaga helps prevent stretch marks, get rid of bruises, age spots, acne, acne and marks after them. This wonderful remedy was even used by women for the appearance of a “natural” skin blush, but today we are interested in badyaga from acne marks.

It seems there is no means cheaper andproductive, easy to use, but not so rosy. When exposed to skin, the bodyagus works aggressively, and a sensation of itching and burning appears. This is quite a normal phenomenon, and when such symptoms occur, there is no need to immediately run to the bathroom and wash off the mask. Such a need will arise if the skin is very hot.

After using bodyagi on the skin appearsredness, even a little swelling that will subside in a few hours. Within three days from the moment of applying the mask from the bodyagi, one should not sunbathe in the sun, use cosmetics. If these conditions are met, the skin will become taut, smooth, free from all traces of acne.

Badyaga from acne marks

Recipes for bodyguard masks

Badyaga from acne marks can be usedaccording to his usual recipe. The powder is diluted with water, the mixture is applied to the skin. But we are interested in the question of how to quickly get rid of acne marks, so we offer other recipes. The preparation of such masks takes a little more time, and the result will be simply amazing.

Recipe # 1

You will need a powder of bodyagi (gels and creamsact more gently, the result will take a long time to wait), hydrogen peroxide. The bodyguard must be placed in a non-oxidizing container, gradually adding peroxide into it until the mixture is similar in consistency to sour cream. To give the medium a little brew, it will be ready when it is a little light. Apply to the skin for a time not exceeding fifteen minutes, washed off with water. After using this mask there is a need to apply a nourishing cream. This mask perfectly eliminates traces of acne on the back, where the skin is more dense.

Recipe # 2

This mask is a softer action and is suitable forpeople with thin and sensitive skin. For its preparation, take half a tablespoon of bodyagi and a spoon of white or black clay. Mix well with warm water to make a gruel. The product is applied to the skin and after fifteen minutes it is washed off with water.

Recipe # 3

Данная маска готовится из порошка бодяги и Ryazhenka. Diluted to the consistency of gruel, applied to the skin for fifteen minutes. In addition to getting rid of scars and acne spots, this remedy has a rejuvenating effect.

Recipe # 4

This mask will be the perfect tool forrid of acne marks and matting agent if the skin is oily. For the preparation, you will need a spoon of powdered bodyagi, two spoons of oatmeal, some cream or milk. The mixture, as well as all the above, is applied to problem areas for a time period of not more than fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

It is necessary to use masks from bodyagi thenwhen acne is no longer inflamed and almost healed. If you feel a strong burning sensation, immediately you need to wash off the tool. For safer use, perform a test by applying a bodyguide to the elbow bend.

cream for scars on the face after acne

Heparin ointment

Many people in the fight for skin health resort tothe help of expensive funds, completely forgetting the old and proven ointment, which are not expensive. So, heparin ointment from acne marks helps much better than more expensive products. It can be used at the stage of acne treatment to prevent the appearance of ugly scars, it has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and analgesic effect.

Before applying the ointment, the skin should be treated with an alcohol solution or other good disinfectant. It is not necessary to wash it off, the ointment is quickly absorbed and does not stain clothes.

Salicylic Zinc Ointment

This is also a fairly affordable tool.Salicylic-zinc ointment from traces of acne is made on the basis of bodyaga, about which we have already written, glycolic, citric and lactic acids. It perfectly eliminates the scars and red spots that appeared as a result of acne and acne.

Apply this ointment on problem areas, preferably at night. The course of treatment can be from three to seven days if the form of scars is not started, in other cases it will take up to a month.

remove acne marks at home

"Kontraktubex" - cream for acne marks

Of course, there are many creams for getting ridfrom the traces left by acne, but this has long been popular, and the feedback on its effects is only positive. Cream from scars on the face after acne "Kontraktubeks" is made on the basis of three potent components: onion extract, heparin, allantoin. All these substances are able to relieve inflammation, prevent the appearance of scars, get rid of them.

To speed up the process of skin recovery,enhance the effect of the cream, before applying the problem areas (scars, scars and redness) can be treated with ant alcohol. The cream from the traces of acne is applied with massage movements, not washed off.

red acne marks


This is a very effective remedy for removing old scars and scars. Apply it three times a day to problem areas.

Крем от рубцов на лице после прыщей "Келофибразе" not only will relieve from the appeared shortcomings, but also will make skin elastic, smooth and fresh. Depending on the age of scars and scars, the cream is used from six weeks to six months.

Means and folk, and finished pharmacologicala large number of. You should not experiment with your skin and choose your own treatment. One tool may be ideal for one person, and for the other to be useless. In order to get a high-quality and fast result, not to waste time and money in vain, contact a specialist, he will choose the right treatment for your skin type.