/ / How does a tester differ from the original perfume?

How does the tester differ from the original perfume?

Own aroma is an important componenteach image. It can be difficult to pick it up, but a perfect perfume can work wonders, lift your spirits and create a general positive impression about a person. If it is selected, it will not be superfluous to find out how the tester differs from the original, and in which cases it is preferable to purchase it.

how does a tester differ from the original

General characteristics

Visiting the perfume shop, we have repeatedly drawnattention to them. These nondescript flaconies side by side on the shelves with the elegantly decorated bubbles of famous brand fragrances. And the question arose: how does a tester differ from the original, and do they have the same quality? Note that in reputable stores, even with a strong desire to purchase such a simplified sample of the perfume industry will not work. All of them enter into a contract with representatives of the company, the violation of the points of which can lead to serious penalties, and sometimes a complete cessation of cooperation. In fact, the tester is exclusively a perfume probe, intended for informational purposes only. With it, it is easier to make a choice. Most people do just that - initially they buy a small tester, and later, having worn and tried the aroma on themselves for several days, they think about buying a large branded bottle.

what is the difference between the perfume tester and the original

Online shopping

Self-respecting stores do not selltesters, using them exclusively for promotional purposes or as small bonuses for regular customers. Another thing is online trading, where full freedom of manners flourishes. When buying a corresponding batch of aromatic goods from each brand, an additional bottle is sent to the seller, intended solely for information and with the corresponding inscription on it. Here you can see with the naked eye how the tester differs from the original. The perfume looks simple, the design includes a minimum of details in the design, it is packaged in an ordinary cardboard box without decorations and finishes.

how does the tester differ from the original toilet water

How to understand that before you tester

Thanks to the similar enterprise of someSellers offering us not only the original version of the product, there was a lot of controversy, figuring out what distinguishes the tester from the original, and what to choose after all. As a rule, these samples for testing the volume is quite small. He is five to ten milligrams. This amount is enough for a complete acquaintance with the scent you like in the store. The tester is distinguished by its simplicity, it is packaged in simple paper covers exclusively for protective purposes. If the test perfume bottle corresponds to the volume of the original, it will still be decorated much more restrained and concise, but will necessarily include all the distinctive signs of this brand (logo, distinctive signs).

how does a tester differ from the original perfume

Important differences

Such a bottle is put on displayfor the convenience of familiarizing customers with the contents of this brand. Here, the appearance does not matter much, and the manufacturer pays him a minimum of his attention. To find out how the perfume tester differs from the original, consider it more carefully.

  1. The important point is the fact that the manufacturer never seals the probes tightly.
  2. At its base or on the lid there is always a corresponding inscription indicating that before you is not the original, but its probe - the DEMONSTRATION TESTER.
  3. The lid of such a product is made as simple as possible, it is designed exclusively for its tight closure and does not shine with special elements in the design.
  4. A bottle of the usual form is often equipped with a convenient sprinkler for testing a sample. It has no extra details in appearance.
  5. The tester is characterized by simplicity of form and design, its entire appearance indicates that you have a bottle in front of you, intended solely for informational purposes.

Is the tester different from the original?

What is the difference

Lovers of perfume collections claim:You can buy a tester and the original, the difference here is only for whom this perfume will eventually be intended. A sampler as a gift is considered a sign of bad taste, and here it is better to spend a large amount on a beautifully designed package and expensively decorated bottle. If perfumes are purchased exclusively for personal use, and the favorite fragrance in the original bottle is quite expensive, you can safely turn your attention to his tester. It contains a similar quality perfume, but at a more attractive price. Large brands produce them in parallel with the main products, just pouring into cheaper vials. This is part of the company's marketing move, which allows it to cover a larger number of people interested in its products, but who do not dare to immediately give a large amount of money for the purchase.

is the perfume tester different from the original

Debunk Myths

Выяснив, чем тестер отличается от оригинала, You can safely buy it, because the resistance of this perfume is completely analogous to the original version, and the company itself, which produces branded products, is interested in it.

  • No company with a well-known name would take the risk and upload low-quality products to its tester.
  • All perfumes are bottled and packaged on the same line.
  • A probe cannot be worse than a tester, just likeit is better. It is simply not profitable for the manufacturer to launch parallel production for its manufacture, and even more so to get unpleasant reviews about the manufactured product.
  • All indicators of the original and its tester when checking will be absolutely identical.

In the perfume industry, fakes happen more often than in any other area, and it is for this reason that many people wonder if the tester is different from the original, and in which versions it can be found.

tester and original difference

Compare perfume testers

This is the most expensive type of perfume.It is because of the high concentration of oils and other aromatic components in them that they are produced in very small bottles of ten to fifteen milligrams. As a rule, they do not have a sprinkler, and the bottle is equipped with a convenient cap that seals the product well. Perfume is applied to the skin in small quantities using fingers or bottle cap. Possess excellent durability. Is the perfume tester different from the original? Of course, and primarily its size. This is a very high-quality and expensive product, filled with a large number of natural and expensive components, which dictate the final price of perfume. Therefore, the probe in them will be a very small volume, but with the highest quality content. The difference in the design of the bottle may be small, but often it is a straightforward type of cones, tightly closed, transparent. Recently, the method of packing probes in small paper bags has become popular. Often they are handed in the form of a bonus in large perfume shops or attached to the covers of famous glossy magazines. If you find out how the tester differs from the original in the case of perfumes, it is worth noting such an important aspect as their cost (usually 5-6 thousand rubles). Too low price for a product of such high quality should alert the buyer. In such cases, the likelihood of acquiring cheap falsification increases significantly.

how does a tester differ from the original

Choosing the right toilet water tester

This is a more common version of perfume.It is offered to customers in bulk bottles and is less resistant. The price of it is slightly lower than that of expensive perfumes. There are exceptions here - limited branded versions, very high quality, with flavors of amazing persistence. How does the tester differ from the original toilet water? Very well, these samples can be considered when visiting the perfume shop, where they coexist on the shelves with branded products. Such a bottle looks simpler, but the volume is decent, it can be similar to the original or slightly smaller. The main difference is always the simplicity of its design and the corresponding inscription on the rim of the dispenser or the bottom of the bottle.

what is the difference between the perfume tester and the original

Tester Benefits

Buying a probe will be an excellent option inpersonal use plan. Thus you can save well and not deny yourself the luxury of using high-quality expensive perfume. The number of indisputable advantages of such an acquisition includes the following points:

  • Excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the long-appealing fragrance and understand how it will unfold on the skin;
  • The tester is convenient to carry in your purse, it is verycompact and does not take up much space, and the manufacturer in this product pays little attention to the design, but always takes care of the tight fit of the lid;
  • when the exterior design is not important, and only its contents are of interest, the best option would be to acquire a tester.

This is a convenient and practical solution.