Among the huge number ofsalons of beauty services one of the leading places is ultrasonic cleaning of the surface of the face. It allows patients to look good in any period of the year, without wasting the strength and nerves required to achieve this effect with conventional cosmetics.
In the article there are photos before and afterultrasonic cleaning. In addition, below you can read basic information about this procedure and real feedback about it. Specialists strongly recommend their patients to learn about the main points of cleaning, so that in the process there are no unnecessary questions and problem situations.
Ultrasonic face cleaning
Peeling the surface of the skin of the face is an integrated procedure, the purpose of which is to clean the covers. It is intended to solve various aesthetic problems, including:
- black dots;
- greasy shine;
- external contamination of pores;
- swelling of the face;
- dullness of the skin;
- bags under the eyes;
- decreased skin tone.
The effect after ultrasonic peeling is simply amazing. Immediately afterwards, the skin is visibly pulled up and heals, which makes the face look rather smooth and naturally radiant.
Face photo before and after ultrasonic cleaninginterested in many girls who want to visit the procedure for the first time, but are afraid of an unexpected result. They are present below, so you can make sure that you get an excellent result right away.
Effects of sound waves
Ultrasonic cleaning of the face has to do with the hardware methods of skin care. It, unlike mechanical and chemical cleaning, is much less traumatic.
During the procedure, a specialistuses a special device for ultrasonic cleaning of the face, which is called a scrabber. Its metal blade contacts the moisturizing agent, which allows invisible waves to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin. At the same time, exfoliation of already dead cells occurs, as well as purification of the pores.
High-frequency oscillations massage the facemicro level, which significantly improves blood circulation, and the face again gets a healthy appearance. After cleaning, the patient is recommended to use deep-penetrating cosmetic products, which are much better absorbed by ultrasound-cleaned skin and will help to obtain a stronger effect.
False promises
The popularity that ultrasound hascleaning, can cause and the opposite effect. Not entirely professional and honest marketers often attribute additional features and effectiveness to the procedure, which in fact is not observed in it. For this reason, women who decide on an ultrasound procedure place high hopes on it, after which they do not achieve the desired result, they leave negative comments about it.
Before going to the salon for this service, it is necessary to understand that ultrasound can not deal with the following flaws:
- inflammatory processes;
- scarring;
- comedones;
- scars;
- enhanced pigmentation;
- deep wrinkles.
High-frequency waves can be positiveaffect only the surface of the skin. In order to eliminate more serious problems, radical care, but ultrasonic cleaning of the face, is not required. In such cases, you can either limit yourself to a mechanical procedure, or turn to a surgical procedure.
Peeling by ultrasonic waves is not a panacea for acne and acne. In addition, the presence of acne is one of the most important contraindications to the procedure.
Another interesting advertising moveunscrupulous marketers is the mass of promises to increase the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. The device emits not very intense waves, so they can not penetrate into the deep layers, and consequently expect them to have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, too, is not worth it.
Cleansing of the faceultrasonic waves are shown to people who have not too significant flaws in appearance. This procedure in this case is only the first stage of transformation.
You can refer to ultrasonic cleaning incases, when the girl had no opportunity to visit the beautician for a long time. In addition, an important indication is insufficient care at home.
Often, girls who want to preserve theiryouth and healthy appearance, want to visit the peeling procedure. In this case, it provides micromassage of tissues, which gives the effect of lifting. Thanks to him, the muscle tone is normalized, the face oval is clearly outlined and wrinkles (not too deep) are smoothed out.
Cosmetologists recommend that girls go tocleaning in the most urgent situations. For example, in a few hours you need to appear at an important event, and the appearance does not quite match it. In this case, do not be afraid of the appearance of adverse effects in the form of peeling, redness or swelling.
Surely before visiting the salon girlsIt is interesting to know how the face of other patients looked before and after ultrasound cleaning. This is not at all surprising, because to worsen the condition of your skin after a cheap procedure is not very desirable. There are several photos in the article that will help to understand if it is worthwhile to turn to peeling and expect a positive effect from it.
As with any procedure, ultrasonic cleaningskin there are certain contraindications. They should pay no less attention than the testimony. Cleaning should not be carried out if there are such problems:
- acne;
- asthma;
- high blood pressure;
- epilepsy;
- oncology;
- disorders in the circulatory and endocrine systems;
- severe heart disease;
- acute viruses with increased body temperature;
- period of pregnancy.
If there is at least one of these itemsunder no circumstances should I apply for ultrasonic cleaning. The photo below shows an example of a good result for girls who found it necessary to pay attention to contraindications and go to the procedure only after eliminating the problems.
Cleaning steps
As already mentioned above, in order to achievethe necessary result in the salons is a special apparatus for ultrasonic cleaning, as well as a gel. One session consists of several stages, each of which is important.
First of all, the facial skin is cleansed from the decorativecosmetics. This is done with the help of conventional cosmetics (lotion, milk, tonic, foam). The only nuance at this stage is the correct choice of the product, that is, its compliance with the type of skin.
At the second stage, the skin is moistened and additionally treated with a means designed to increase the tone, as well as improve the tone of the face. These actions are especially important for women over 35 years of age.
Further it is necessary to open the pores, which is provided by heating the epidermis. In the presence of contraindications to this method, the apparatus that produces steam is replaced by any cosmetic composition.
The next step involves applying the gel.It is evenly distributed throughout the face. In its composition, there are various components that help to eliminate keratinized skin particles. The gel consists of nutrients that have only a beneficial effect on the skin and create a reliable protection against the negative effects of external factors.
Further, the specialist prepares the device for work andbegins to treat the patient's skin. For each site, he makes several circular movements. During the operation of the device, the pores are further expanded, so that they remove impurities that the specialist collects with a damp cloth.
The final stage is the application of a nourishing cream. He will calm the tissues and remove the redness that appears.
Frequency of procedure
Ultrasonic cleaning of the face is allowedseveral times a year. In order to achieve a good effect, the procedure is carried out by courses. For example, a schedule of sessions can be constructed in such a way that 2-3 days pass between visits of a specialist, and there are 3 procedures in total. Immediately after this, it is necessary to rest for six months, using professional cosmetics.
How to maintain the effect
The procedure removes only the surface particlesdirt, but does not eliminate the cause of skin problems. It is for this reason, in order to preserve the result obtained after it, it is necessary not only to visit these sessions on a regular basis, but also to maintain cleanliness in the break between them. To do this, it is sufficient to follow a few simple rules:
- apply only high-quality cosmetics;
- wash twice a week with scrub, designed for deep cleaning, and regularly make masks with a nutritional effect;
- to wash off makeup before going to bed;
- always use moisturizing cosmetics;
- Provide skin protection with professional means that do not allow external factors (frost, ultraviolet rays) to have a negative impact on it.
At the same time, it is necessary to remember that to the numberThe reasons for the appearance of problem areas on the face include the wrong way of life. These include constant stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition. The results of the procedure will last for a long time if you adjust your diet and make certain adjustments to the daily routine.
Advantages of peeling
If you compare ultrasonic peeling with mechanical, chemical or vacuum cleaning of the face, it has much more advantages. The most common of these are the following:
- no discomfort in the process of cleansing;
- the possibility of frequent use;
- the appearance of a feeling of lightness and freshness immediately after the session;
- absence of unpleasant and noticeable traces on the skin;
- instantaneous manifestation of the effect;
- Possibility to carry out purification in any period of the year;
- fast carrying out of a session.
Surface treatment face scrubber completelyis safe, but only if the rules of use are observed. This device can be used by owners of all skin types. It does not cause severe irritation or inflammation.
The appearance of the face before and after ultrasonic cleaning is radically different. This is worth remembering, so as not to be afraid of your "new" appearance.
Home Treatment
In modern cosmetics stores you can finda lot of portable scrapers for ultrasound procedures that can be safely applied at home. They are, of course, not too cheap, but they will save money on visiting the salon. The sequence of home cleaning is:
- Remove makeup with a special liquid. In this case, special attention should be paid to the eyes around which the skin is delicate.
- Wipe the skin with milk and wash it with a paper towel.
- Treat face with a tonic applied to a cotton pad.
- Apply to the skin a special gel for the procedure or any material suitable for an ultrasonic wave.
- Carry out cleaning with the device, keeping it at an angle equal to 40 degrees. Each zone needs to be exposed to up to 7 minutes.
- Apply a skin to the skin.
The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes.Such a peeling can be safely performed not only for the face, but also for the décolleté area, as well as the back. But it should be remembered that the use of gel and the effects of ultrasonic waves in the thyroid and genital organs can lead to irreversible consequences.
Opinion doctors
Ultrasonic cleaning reviews may not receiveonly from clients of beauty salons, but also from doctors. It is their opinion that is required to be known first, since it can play a large role in choosing a specific procedure for cleansing the skin.
Medically, any problemsarising on the skin, talking about violations in the body. For this reason, experts do not recommend their patients to abuse various salon procedures, including ultrasonic cleaning of the face. After all, if from the outside the skin cannot be put in order, then, most likely, the problem lies inside.
The most important thing is to consult a doctor in time.The first step is to go for a consultation with a dermatologist. He will conduct a normal diagnosis and prescribe all the required tests in order to use them to reveal the hidden disease.
Reviews of girls
Real reviews on ultrasonic face cleaning fromexperienced patients are interesting to all beginners. Oddly enough, most girls speak positively about her. First of all, they all say that as a result they received noticeably soft and silky skin. In addition, they observed a decrease in porosity, as well as facial rejuvenation. At the same time, for some patients, cleaning gradually turns into a standard cosmetic procedure.
Помимо положительных комментариев можно встретить and negative. In them, girls complain of pain during the procedure, as well as irritation after it. But at the same time they forget that such an effect is obtained only in the case of a low-skilled specialist or the use of low-quality equipment.