/ / How to make hairstyles in the style of style for long and short hair?

How to make hairstyles in style style for long and short hair?

Hairstyles in the style of style are no longer considereda relic of the past. In every way experimenting with your hair, you can come up with romantic images. Bright clothes in combination with such hairstyles will help to emphasize individuality. Consider styling, which are popular, as well as how to make a hairstyle in the style of style.

Who are the dudes?

This subculture began to appear in the 40s andrapidly gained popularity among young people who loved to stand out. The word in translation means to imitate or copy. In those years, young people preferred the American style of dress. They emphasized their individuality with the help of bright makeup and bright wardrobe. As for the hairstyles in the style of dandies, they simply amazed with their diversity and originality. Against the background of ordinary people dudes seemed like white crows.

Style hairstyles

Peculiarities of hairstyles in styled style (photo)

Each direction in the style has its own distinctive features, this applies not only wardrobe, but also styling.

  1. Volume in hairstyles. Laying should be fluffy and noticeable, so the bouffant is welcome. If the hair is not too thick, then overhead curls and hairpieces will come to the rescue.
  2. Geometry. Each curl or curl should have clear and at the same time smooth lines.
  3. Fixation. It is necessary to carefully fix the styling so that more than one curl does not fall out.
  4. Accessories. Hairstyles for women in the style of style should definitely include bright and eye-catching jewelry. Combs, headbands and headbands, hoops and bright shawls will help to perfectly complement the styling.

Who is suitable for such options?

Before you choose a hairstyle in the style of style, you need to pay attention to the shape of the face:

  • Oval. Owners of this shape of the face are very lucky, it suits absolutely any styling.
  • Triangle. Visually balance the wide forehead and narrow chin will help laying “babette”, as well as high beams.
  • Square. This form of face is ideal for Hollywood waves.
  • Owners of a round face shape, who have chosen the style of style for their image (hairstyles for women are presented in this article) will be a luxurious fit with a pile in the bangs area.

It is important to know that for girls who have a low forehead, it is not recommended to choose a handkerchief for the hair, as it will visually make it even lower, so a thin rim will help replace it.

Style dudes for women

Laying with curls

The word "bukli" is translated as "curl". This hairstyle in the style of style on long hair will look very romantic. The basic rule is that the hair should hold curls well.

  1. If the girl's hair structure is smooth, you must wind all the strands.
  2. It is necessary to separate three locks from the face (two along the edges and one in the middle).
  3. The curl, which is in the middle, is twisted into a ring with neat movements. After it is twisted, laid in the form of a shell and carefully fixed with pins.
  4. Alternately on both sides for pompcurls that are on the edges. They also begin to twist into a ring, and laid in the form of a roller. All parts must be well fixed invisible.
  5. The remaining hair is collected in a tight tail, in the area of ​​its base is decorated with a beautiful hairpin or scarf.
Style dandies photo hairstyles for women


This hairstyle in the style of style is the easiest to do with a roller. It can be purchased at the store or do it yourself.

Manufacturing roller. Make it very easy, for this take a wide elastic band for hair and sheathe fabric. In color material should be as close as possible to the shade of the hair.

For this hairstyle, it is necessary to prepare two combs (massage and a comb with thin teeth), stealth and hairpins, as well as hair spray will help to fix the styling.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pre-wash the hair, dry it and carefully comb it.
  2. With the help of parting, hair is divided into three parts.
  3. The side parts of the strands remain in the temples, and the middle one is combed back.
  4. A small curl is taken from the middle part and transferred to the forehead, and the remaining hair is braided on the top of the tight tail with a previously prepared elastic.
  5. The remaining loose strands are fixed with studs so that they do not interfere.
  6. On the tail they make a dense bouffant, for this they divide it into small strands and alternately comb it. The volume of the hairstyle is completely dependent on the comb.
  7. After the whole tail has been combed, the tipshair is bent inward and fixed with pins. With a gentle movement straighten the tail, should get a smooth roller of hair. This will be the basis of laying, so it must be well fixed with studs from all sides.
  8. Free curls (on the sides and around the bangs) begin to comb from the back of the head and alternately lay them on the roller. Lightly combed with a massage brush and fixed with varnish.
  9. The last curls are twisted with a cord and tucked under a roller.
  10. Finished hair plentifully splash varnish.
  11. If there is a bang, then you can lay it as you like or even remove it.
  12. Accessories such as ribbons, headbands, tiaras or beautiful hairpins will help to complete the finished styling.
Hairstyles for long hair

Style Bundle

Make this hairstyle is not difficult and it is suitable for any age.

  • Carefully comb hair and collect them in a high tight tail, at the same time the bangs are combed to the side.
  • The resulting tail is twisted into a roller and fixed it invisible.
  • Reaching the base of the tail, begin to form a bun.
  • Ready laying should be sprayed with varnish and decorated with a ribbon or handkerchief.

Curls of Merlin Monroe

This installation is very popular to make it yourself, it will take about half an hour.

  1. In the area of ​​the forehead, part of the hair is separated by a horizontal parting.
  2. The separated curl is divided into several thin strands and individually wound them.
  3. Each curl is removed from the curling iron by gentle movements to form a ring, then it is attached with a hairpin.
  4. After the separated part of the hair is twisted, a horizontal parting is made again and the part of the hair is separated. Also divide it and wind it.
  5. Do the same procedure with the remaining curls.
  6. After the hair is completely cooled alternately spin the rings.
  7. The comb with wide teeth gently comb your hair.
  8. For convenience, do not unwind all the rings at once, visually divide them into several parts and stack them alternately.
  9. The hair at the temples and the frontal part is combed on the side parting and placed on both sides of the face, slightly bending them inside.
  10. Finished hairstyle should be sprinkled with varnish.
Short hairstyle in the style of style

Eccentric tubes on bangs

One of the few styling of this style, where appropriate loose hair. The main focus is on properly laid bangs.

  • In the area of ​​the forehead, a part of the head of hair, from which the fringe will be formed, is separated by a semicircular parting.
  • Twist it in such a way as to get a holistic pipe.
  • Accurately tuck it with stealth and fix it with varnish.
  • Loose strands are also wound with a curling or ironing.

Stylish bouffant

Another name for this package is “high flight”,You can make it in a few minutes. The whole head of hair is divided into three parts, it should be two side and one central. The hair in the temples area is held over the auricles and fixed with hairpins on the back of the head. On the central part of the hair, they make a tight bouffant and connect it in the region of the nape with side curls. Ready laying surely fix a varnish.

Hairstyles in style dandy photo


Detailed instructions:

  1. Horizontally divide the entire head of hair into two parts.
  2. The upper separated strands fasten with pins.
  3. The lower part of the hair is twisted into a shell shape and sprayed with varnish for stability.
  4. Return to the styling of the hair. To do this, it is divided into small curls and alternately combed.
  5. Next, comb comfortably smooth combed hair, and the tips are hidden under the shell.
  6. The finished hairstyle is once again opened with varnish.
  7. In order to not see the separation of hair, parting mask with a wide tape or rim.

Fluffy tail with a coca on bangs

Another actual style, which can often be seen on the fans of this style. The only and most important rule - for the desired amount of bangs should be long.

  • Do side parting and comb his hair.
  • Separate part of the hair for bangs.
  • Begin to comb it at the roots, slightly lifting.
  • The ends of combed bangs wind.
  • Next, it is placed in the form of a roller and well fixed stealth.
  • The remaining hair is tied into a tight tail in the back of the head.
  • The base of the tail is masked with a thin curl, it is necessary to wrap an elastic band with it so that it is not visible.
  • The tips of the finished tail winding with curling.
  • Laying sprinkle varnish.
How to make a hairstyle in the style of style

Hairstyles in the style of style on short hair

If a girl has short hair, then for her there are hairstyles in this style:

  1. Romantic waves are made as follows.Pre curl curls, they should be large. Side parting divide the entire hair into unequal parts. They are combed at the roots and slightly raised.
  2. High nape.This hairstyle in the style of style on short hair will look perfect. The basis of styling is taken bouffant, it lifts the hair. They need to be laid from front to back so that the back of the head is voluminous and round. As for the bangs, then at will it can be combed, curled or smoothly combed. It is necessary to supplement the laying with a large accessory, the contrast between the bangs and the high back of the head should be visible.
  3. Unusual curl. The whole head of hair is combed to one side, lifted with the help of a pile and wrapped so that a single curl is obtained.

After studying the step-by-step instructions for styling, we can conclude that these hairstyles do not take much time and are suitable for owners of different hair lengths.