/ / What kind of cosmetics to bring from Thailand: recommendations, reviews. Thai cosmetics

What kind of cosmetics to bring from Thailand: recommendations, reviews. Thai cosmetics

Going on a trip, and in the plansexotic country? Then, most likely, your family and friends are counting on gifts! Let it be even quite symbolic gifts, but they must conform to the style and traditions of the country where you are going to go.

what cosmetics to bring from thailand

Now in trend Thailand.It is warm and beautiful and interesting there. And the Russians do not need a visa, provided that you do not stay there for a year. Therefore, the question of what kind of cosmetics to bring from Thailand is very popular. Let's figure it out!

Fashionable Presents

Есть целый перечень сувениров, которые можно Take with you from a trip to please your loved ones. But the most common options already really crammed. In Thailand, you will always find something to spend money on, as this country sells a huge amount of excellent and truly unique products that you will not find anywhere else. The most avid Tay lovers make up a selection of popular products. And in this article will be given not only the best gifts from abroad, but also the best cosmetics from Thailand, which you will not find at home, and if you decide to order, then spend fabulous money.

Country of Discovery

In Thailand it is interesting and pleasant to rest, but alsoit’s better to open the country for yourself. It does not matter which resort will become your choice if you are interested in the culture of the country, its customs and traditions. With such goals, it is better not to settle in a hotel, but to rent a flat, since this is not at all as expensive as it may seem. But you can learn the country from the inside, sign up for dance and cooking classes, and in between times also ask the newly-minted neighbors about what cosmetics to bring from Thailand to relatives and friends.

Thai cosmetics

Often, truly unique products can beto find in modest shops, and not in luxury boutiques. However, it is better to be careful with the indications for use, as there have been cases when, instead of toothpaste, tourists bought glue for the interchangeable jaw, and deodorant was chosen with a whitening effect, which for our person is still exotic.

What should I look for?

The first thing that attracts Thailand istraditional textiles with national color. The prices are ridiculous, but you should always bargain with the sellers. They may well reduce the cost by half, or even tripled.

Вторым актуальным презентом будет тайская cosmetics. She is amazing and at the same time very affordable. For example, in a pharmacy, you should look at the series of cosmetics Boots. Here the funds of this brand are sold in bulk and are famous for their naturalness and excellent quality. Tourists are happy to buy and admire the incredibly low price. For example, a scrub here can be purchased for only 40 baht.

Most valuable

Thailand's cosmetics stores seduce withcoconut oil based. This is the most popular purchase from tourists from Russia, and not by chance. Even professional cosmetologists leave admiring reviews about this wonderful tool. Natural coconut oil is a universal product, as it can be used for hair and skin care. It is also a good moisturizer. And how it nourishes the skin around the eyes! Cheap such a miracle can not be by definition. Even in the most budgetary stores Ty prices fluctuate around 100-150 baht for a tiny bottle. If you suddenly have doubts about the naturalness of the oil, it is easy to check. At room temperature, the product becomes white and thick, and in hot climates, Taya remains liquid and transparent.

the best cosmetics from thailand

And you can please your homeThai matting napkins that quickly and gently cleanse the face, absorbing all the dirt. A small pack costs about 15 baht. They are made of thin rice paper.

Not exactly makeup

Thinking about which cosmetics to bring fromThailand, you can pay attention to those items that are slightly different from the typical ideas about such products. For example, deodorant. Many tourists bring home deodorant crystal from Tai, believing that it is a find of the century. In Tae prices range from 50 to 80 baht. The effect of this remedy is magic - the smell is completely absent, and the armpits remain dry. Salt deodorant consists of ammonium salt crystals with excellent absorbency. In addition, this substance is detrimental to bacteria.

The pharmacy is advised to look after "Betadine."This is iodine glue, which is weaker than our iodine. Its main difference is the adhesive structure, due to which the wound is tightened with a film, preventing moisture and dirt from getting inside. For moms with little restless babies, this is a great tool.

It would be good to buy a tiger balm,the composition of which menthol, camphor and oils of medicinal plants. Ointment helps from all diseases, ranging from a cold and ending with insect bites. Minimum consumption. This gift will be appreciated not only by age relatives, but also by young people.

natural cosmetics from thailand

Coconut milk is also not called cosmetics, although it miraculously transforms hair and skin with body wraps and masks. But this product can be eaten.

To take toothpaste from Tai is recommended onlywhen you already tried it, as it is very specific to the taste. The most innocuous option is extra mint. The paste has a dirty gray cement color, but it visibly whitens teeth. But it is not for daily use. Every day you can buy natural Thai herbal paste.

Best cream

To be in Thailand and not bring snail cream-gel- beyond reason! Why him? Yes, it's just wonderful! Reviews confirm this many times. The cream is made on the basis of natural extract of snail mucus. This substance is a strong antioxidant and antiseptic. The cream protects the skin due to a special film, which does not allow moisture, but does not prevent the movement of oxygen. Snail mucus is also distinguished by its regenerating functions, due to the presence of allantoin, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin. Allergies to this cream can not be in principle, and its use contributes to the treatment of warts, pigment spots and burns. This is a great gift for mom or grandmother, as the cream removes facial wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.

cosmetics from thailand reviews

If you think which cosmetics to bring fromThailand, then take this cream more. But even then it is unlikely that you will have enough of it for everyone. Serum with snail extract maximally protects against stretch marks, scars and pimples. So this is the faithful companion of the modern girl throughout the day.

Best shampoo

The main weapon of the girl is her hair.Gorgeous curls attract the eyes, fascinate, include fantasy. And in Thailand there is a wonderful product for sale - Kok liang shampoo on herbs. It is specially designed for the growth of hair. In addition, the shampoo prevents hair loss, heals the scalp due to the extract of the snow lotus. When using this tool, the treatment goes according to ancient Chinese recipes. So such gifts will convey the whole atmosphere of the place and its authenticity.

Extract is present in the shampooJasmine tea, which is an excellent antioxidant and antistatic agent. The product foams well, economically consumed. And what a smell! You can feel the tenderness of herbs, which will be an additional bonus with such a gift.

For face

What kind of cosmetics to bring from Thailand, if there isskin problems? You will like various masks with algae and bamboo charcoal. This is really the way out, as the mask cleanses the pores, cures inflammation. In addition, it is made entirely from natural ingredients. In the presence of fine wrinkles, you can purchase a reusable collagen mask. After applying the skin becomes soft and fresh. The product can be used 9 times.

As a substitute for day moisturizerAloe Vera gel is worth buying, which significantly helps with burns and dry skin. The product is sold in pharmacies and in grocery stores.

lolane hair mask

Неплохо бы присмотреться к сухим скрабам и маскам company Supaporn. They are convenient in drawing, do not soil clothes. By the way, these are means of express action. Before an urgent date, they will help to bring themselves in order. Stock them up as a gift for business women in your surroundings. Believe me, they will appreciate such a sign of attention.

More for personal comfort and good mood.Tourists are advised to acquire small inhalers, which are popular due to help in the fight against the common cold, nausea and headache. They can be arranged in handbags, desk, put in a vase on the bedside table. The mood will always be on the rise, and you will be able to observe that a part of mimic wrinkles is smoothed only because of such pleasant aromatherapy.

Soap world!

In the question of what cosmetics to bring fromThailand, one should not overlook some items that, rather, belong to personal hygiene items. It turns out that even ordinary soap can be an excellent cosmetic! That is Madame Heng soap. Of course, first of all it is relevant for washing the face and hands. Soap dries pimples, cleanses the skin, but not as hard as usual. And all because the product is completely natural. The price for it is democratic - only 40 baht.

Мыло создано на основе экстрактов лечебных трав, as other natural cosmetics from Thailand. Tourists are satisfied and come for more means. In use, the soap foams well, and the foam has a silky texture. If you wash them every day, they first decrease, and then acne disappears, freckles turn pale, black spots disappear. The skin remains clean and healthy. Even the signs of premature aging disappear from your face. Isn't it a wonderful gift? This brand has existed for more than 60 years and during this period has gained fame as a manufacturer of effective therapeutic skin care products. The recipes of these products have been tested by generations of consumers. Specifically, this soap is composed of water, ginger, turmeric, Korean pine pine nuts and menthol. Our compatriots nevertheless note that for dry skin of the face the product may seem coarse, so the universal remedy can be called in relation to the skin of the hands and body.

thailand cosmetics stores

Approximately as positive Russiansspeak about another tool from the Thai lands. This is a Lolane hair mask. She is also completely natural and good to use. Buy this tool is mandatory, even if now you have no problems with hair. Remember that after your vacation you will return to the usual rhythm, change the climate and again will walk in a hat and curl your hair with curlers. Will they remain perfect after such "torture"? And then the Thai cosmetics will come to the rescue in a timely manner! Lolane mask effectively fights split ends, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes damaged hairs. The result is noticeable after two or three uses.

Hair shine, gain more volume.After all, the mask is made according to an innovative formula, thanks to which macadamia oil penetrates into the very heart of the hair, restoring it. And around the hairs created "diamond barrier", which does not penetrate external stimuli. Thus, you get a reliable defender of your hair. Apply the product to wet hair and massage movements spread over the entire length. Devote about a quarter of an hour to bliss in a foam bath. Ideally, after application, apply a serum from the same series. Then you get a combo effect. Such a gift will be appreciated by the owners of long hair, but do not forget about yourself. Such a magic beauty tool is useful to you first of all. Buy more. For the price it is available - about 30-40 baht per bottle.


Итак, что помогло вам понять, насколько хороша cosmetics from Thailand? Reviews, recommendations. What to bring relatives? Decide for yourself, but the list presented in this article will fill your suitcase with excess. Be sure to go around the markets - the shelves there just bend from abundance, and enterprising Thais have long been guided by Russian buyers. Even labels are written in Russian. Not everyone needs to be trusted, therefore, travelers are advised to settle in residential areas and get acquainted with their neighbors. Thais - friendly people, very loving new people. They quickly penetrate to beginners and can open secrets that you do not know from guidebooks. Listen to the locals, because they know better where the freshest coconut oil is sold, and where all the goods of artificial origin are. Remember that on the outskirts of cosmetics cheaper than in the center. Taste the famous purple tea. He is very cheap here - only 20 baht per package. By the way, this drink also has healing properties.

Tourists from Russia who know the beautiful wordThe “freebie” is particularly pleased with the fact that sellers do not leave buyers without a present, be it lip balm or cough pills. It seems a trifle, but so nice!

snail cream gel

What do those people who say happiness sayin the form of gifts from overseas? Of course, they are happy and appreciate the positive gifts. So the cosmetics from Thailand gets good reviews, but this is not due to the fact that it is a gift. Even if you buy it at an inflated price, which sometimes happens, you are unlikely to be disappointed. First, Thai products smell good. Secondly, the consistency of the products is very delicate, and when applied they do not cause discomfort. Local creams do not flow and do not leave marks on clothes. Shampoos give a feeling of lightness and lightness. Hair after them as if get a second wind. By the way, they are easier to comb and become more obedient.

Of course, local women also want to bebeautiful, and therefore there is enough decorative cosmetics, but it is somewhat specific, as in Thailand there is a special climate - still 32 degrees Celsius! Cosmetics bought in Tae does not spread and does not spread, even if there is a stable thirty in the shade outside. In addition, it protects against ultraviolet radiation and allows the skin to breathe. And light defects can even cure. Those products that may cause allergies are not recommended for purchase, but it is worth buying loose powder. It gives an even tone for the whole day. Also, take make-up oil based on Emu oil. Cosmetics can be removed very easily, and no greasy residue remains. Isn't it a miracle?