How many homemade beauty recipes existwhich are incredibly effective and effective. On the agenda - the use of onion hair mask. What problems does this product cope with? How to use it correctly? What are the best ingredients to combine? Is onion hair mask really that good? Read reviews, recipes and recommendations for this method of hair restoration.
On the benefits of onions
Since childhood, we reliably know that the bulbonions - a storehouse of vitamins. It is indispensable for colds, and as a preventive measure. Numerous home remedies, tinctures and drops are prepared on its basis. Onions can be eaten just to strengthen the immune system. No less vividly this product manifests its "abilities" in the home recipe of an onion hair mask. Reviews of this tool are known even to our grandmothers. Many of them used onion juice in combination with other products to strengthen the hair roots, make the hair shiny, obedient and strong. Why is this vegetable so useful? The fact is that onions contain a huge amount of vitamins, including group B, vitamins C and E, PP. It is also a mine of trace elements, such as calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, fluorine, iodine, and many others. This whole "periodic table" is perfectly assimilated due to organic acids, which are also found in vegetables. It turns out that the best remedy against hair loss is an onion hair mask. It only remains to prepare it correctly and take care of it in advance so that the curls do not smell like the aromas of the kitchen.
Secrets of the use of onion masks
Getting rid of dandruff, accelerating hair growth,eliminating the fallout process - is this one of your goals? Then it is worth remembering how to prepare an onion mask for hair. Reviews, on the basis of which the following recommendations were made, were given by simple girls, who also looked for an affordable means to improve the condition of the hair.
- Do not be lazy, and squeeze onion juice. Do not rub the gruel into the scalp, as it does not give the desired effect and is very poorly washed out.
- Apply the onion mask is necessary only on the scalp. Stretching the entire length is not something that does not make sense, but even harmful, since the hair will dry out a lot.
- It is recommended to warm up the mask before applying.
- After the procedure, the hair needs additional rinsing so that the smell of onions does not remain on them.
- Well, the answer to the most common question: how many times to make an onion hair mask, so that was the result? The course lasts a month, and masks should be done 2-3 times a week.
Onion action
Наравне с горчицей, коньяком и перцем, лук входит in the category of those products that are used for the preparation of masks that stimulate hair growth. Why? Because it causes a burning sensation, tingling, redness. The scalp is heated, the blood begins to circulate faster, activates metabolic processes. This is exactly what is needed for the follicles to work faster, thus stimulating hair growth. The scheme works in the same way in the case of slow growth, and with abundant loss. Normalization of the subcutaneous glands is also the key to success in the fight against dandruff. In a word, decide on your problem and select the recipe that will solve it as quickly as possible.
Growth problems
It happens that the hair really growsvery slowly and does not even grow to the desired length. Or maybe you just want to grow incredibly long curls in the shortest possible time? We present the recipe for an onion mask for hair growth, which both strengthens the roots and stimulates the work of the follicles. Would need:
- One bulb medium size.
- A tablespoon of honey.
- 2 tablespoons oil (burdock, castor, linseed or avocado oil).
Onion mince through the meat grinder, resultinggruel wrapped in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Mix it with butter and honey and apply it on the scalp with a rubbing motion. It is required to wrap the head with a bag, put a hat on top and hold it for 40 minutes.
Abundant loss
Нередко такая проблема граничит с облысением, что extremely unpleasant. This is a disease, and it must be treated both inside and outside. An onion hair mask against falling out is prepared on the basis of "burning" products, and it is not easy to sustain it for half an hour. Nevertheless, beauty requires sacrifice, and if you want to cope with hair loss - go for it! You will need to mince one onion and squeeze juice out of it using gauze. To it you need to add one tablespoon of burdock or other oil (it must necessarily have a beneficial effect on the hair) and a tablespoon of brandy, pepper tincture or dry mustard. The mixture is applied to the roots and wound with a plastic bag, over which a cap is put on. If the mask burns unbearably, wash it off after 15 minutes, but increase the interval in subsequent procedures.
Anti dandruff
Violation of the sebaceous glands is almost alwaysaccompanied by peeling of the scalp. This phenomenon is popularly called dandruff, and its owners are pretty tormented. When there is no opportunity to regularly buy expensive shampoos that hide such a disadvantage, onion mask with honey comes to the rescue. For hair, this is just a storehouse of missing vitamins, as well as an excellent stimulation of the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the bulb (as described in the two previous recipes) and mix it with three tablespoons of honey. In tandem, these two components perfectly normalize the fat balance, and after several applications the result will be noticeable.
Similarly, a mask based on the same onion juice, lemon juice and kefir will cope with this problem. Approximately in equal proportions, mix all the ingredients and rub into the scalp.
Elimination of dryness
This problem is the opposite of the previous one.The scalp is so dry that it sometimes even itches. Hair brittle, lifeless, devoid of shine and elasticity. Is it possible, somehow, based on the recipes of home cosmetology, to correct this situation? To prepare the mask will need:
- Bulb medium size.
- Raw yellow.
- Two tablespoons of burdock oil or avocado oil.
The bulb warms up and juice is squeezed out of it.Add oil and yolk to it, mix thoroughly and apply on scalp. In this case, the rest of the head of hair should be securely protected. To do this, apply plenty of oil on it, which is used in the recipe.
Prevention of prolapse
When it seems that the hair is normal, not muchfall out, and the growth rate is average, there is no need to constantly apply different masks. Nevertheless, the disease is better to prevent than to cure, so there is an onion mask prescription for normal hair. It has a general effect on the scalp and strengthens the hair roots. Due to this, the whole head of hair becomes healthier and more beautiful. To prepare this cosmetic is very simple, and for this you will need:
- 2 tablespoons baker's yeast.
- 2 tablespoons of warm water.
- 1 teaspoon honey.
- Juice one onion.
- Tablespoon burdock oil.
Дрожжи заливаются водой, к ним добавляется мед.This mixture should be sent to a warm place to swell. After the yeast "rise", mix them with onion juice and oil, put the finished mask on the hair roots. Remember, onions should not be spread over the entire length.
Features of the procedure
As noted above, onions cause burning,carding and tingling. People whose scalp is very sensitive often do not tolerate this “torture”. That they are most interested in the question: how much to keep the onion mask on the hair, so that was the desired effect? Experts recommend leaving this mixture on the head for half an hour at least, and preferably for an hour. Tingling is a process as it is to say “opening” pores, warming up the scalp, preparation. After such sensations weaken, vitamins and other useful components of the products begin to be absorbed into the scalp. If you do not wait for the specified time, then the effect of the mask will be minimal. For this reason, it is recommended to suffer, but if during the very first procedure you could not stand it, then try to increase the time with each new time.
Onion "wrapper"
We always throw out the husks of onions.It seems to us that there is nothing useful in it, it is simply a cornified layer of vegetable that is not used in cooking or in home cosmetology. But all this is an illusion, since the onion peel, as in the skin of potatoes or apples, contains a lot of vitamins. As it turned out, this product has a beneficial effect on the hair - and on the roots, and the entire length. How to use this product? There is no such thing as a mask for hair of onion peel, but there is such a thing as a decoction of this component. It is easy to cook, you need to pour the skin of several onions with water and soar for an hour on low heat. The finished product needs to be cooled and then rubbed into the scalp for a long time with massage movements. Onion peel can be boiled in tandem with birch or oak bark, if the problem of hair loss is very serious. In the finished decoction, you can also add brandy, which will further enhance the effect.
Reviews onion hair mask
The remedy is undoubtedly excellent.The most important thing is to stick to the schedule, do not skip the procedure and do not start the hair treatment. After two weeks of regular use, the result is already visible. The hair becomes thicker and stronger, a healthy shine appears, the number of lost hairs is significantly reduced. There is also a lack of such a mask - the smell of onions remains on the head of hair. To get rid of it, you need to wash the hair with a decoction of parsley. For oily scalp, diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice will help. And when dry - colorless henna. Essential oils are also saved from the smell. It can be an orange, lemon, mint or cedar.