/ / Photoepilation - what is this procedure and what is its effectiveness? Reviews of photoepilation

Photoepilation - what is this procedure and what is its effectiveness? Reviews about photoepilation

photoepilation what is it

Photoepilation is one of manyterms used to describe the medical and aesthetic procedure for removing unwanted hair. The name "photoepilation" suggests that this procedure is carried out through the use of light. All procedures for removing unwanted hair today are based on the projection of a certain type of light (with a given wavelength) on the hair growing on the treated surface.

Photoepilation - what is it?

Photoepilation is quite effectiveprocedure for removing unwanted hair on almost any part of the body with a prolonged effect. It consists in the following: melanin (dark piment), heating up, transfers heat to the blood vessels that feed the follicle, in one way or another disrupting hair growth. With a repeated and regularly repeated procedure, the follicle eventually atrophies, and hair growth stops completely.

Various types of photoepilation

The first photoepilation procedure was based onlaser technology. In the early 1990s, the first laser hair removal machines were approved for use by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, which is also responsible for ensuring the safety of new treatments). Since then, three other technologies have been developed for hair removal procedures: IPL (intensive pulsed light), LHE (light thermal), DPC (Dynamic Control Pulse). The differences between the technologies mentioned above lie in their effectiveness in the process of removing certain types of hair. For example, people with thin blond hair will not get the maximum effect from laser photoepilation, unlike LHE.

photoepilation at home

Principle of operation

In order to carry out the removal procedureunwanted hair, you need a special apparatus. Photoepilation is a procedure based on the action of light energy with certain physical characteristics. It works by passing heat energy through the hair shafts into the follicles below the surface of the skin.

The light is projected onto the surface being treated andabsorbed by individual strands of hair, this energy causes them to be heated to high temperatures. Then heat is transferred (carried by the strand itself) to the hair follicle to its base under the surface of the skin.

Heated follicles detach strand growing fromtheir hair (through which heat is transferred to them). A certain percentage of follicles (depending on the degree of their participation in the photoepilation procedure) also suffers sufficient damage, as a result of which new hair growth is disturbed for a sufficiently long period of time. As a rule, it is 3-5 years old.

How does the procedure work?

Photoepilation - what is it?Cosmetic procedure like shugaring? Or is it still a medical procedure that takes place under the supervision of a qualified specialist in several stages? Photoepilation involves, first, a consultation with a specialist, during which the doctor examines you and creates a special form with your data: hair color, type, condition and skin type, and also necessarily determines the presence or absence of contraindications. Based on your individual characteristics, the doctor develops a personalized photo-epilation program. Then you pass the photosensitivity test of the skin and hair. That is why photoepilation at home is quite problematic. Before the procedure, a special antiseptic and cooling gel with aloe vera extract is applied to the skin. And in the case of increased photosensitivity, a cream with an anesthetic effect is also applied to the skin previously (1-1.5 hours before the start of the procedure). During the procedure, a slight unpleasant tingling is felt at the place of exposure, the pain of which varies depending on the individual sensitivity of the organism. In addition, after the procedure, a slight redness remains on the skin surface, which disappears after a few hours. You are comfortably seated in an armchair, wear special safety glasses, and the doctor presses over the skin with a manipulator connected to the device. After finishing, an anti-inflammatory agent and a cooling compress are applied to the entire treated surface. The duration of photoepilation varies widely and depends on the area of ​​the treated surface and the degree of hair growth. The time interval between the first sessions of photoepilation is approximately 4-6 weeks, and increases with time to 2-4 months. On average, 6-8 procedures are required for complete hair removal at each particular site.

photoepilation reviews

Photoepilation: opinions and benefits

As you know, laser hair removal is the mostAn effective procedure for hair removal, but it is effective only for dark hair and has some limitations in application on certain areas of the body, and is also very demanding on the level of skin sensitivity. That is why photoepilation appeared as a worthy alternative to laser. What is this procedure, we have already described above, and now we will consider its advantages:

  • almost complete painlessness;
  • higher speed;
  • a small number of contraindications and hypoallergenic;
  • non-contact and comfort.

На сегодняшний день достаточно большой процент women around the world have had time to experience what photoepilation is. Reviews of it mainly emphasize high efficiency and no side effects. In some cases, women complain of incomplete hair removal. Most often this is due to the incompleteness of the course.

How to choose the type of hair removal?

Современные салоны предлагают огромное количество various hair removal procedures: laser, photo-epilation, waxing, shugaring, etc. They all have a lot of differences, the main of which is the duration of the result and quality. In this article, we consider such a procedure as photoepilation, the reviews of which are optimal. As described above, different types of hair removal promise different results depending on skin type and hair color. Laser photo-epilation, for example, will provide the best results to individuals with dark and relatively thick hair.

laser photoepilation

Therefore, for best resultsIt is very important to choose a high-quality salon with a highly qualified specialist and modern equipment, which once again proves that photo-epilation at home is almost impossible, and sometimes dangerous.


Photoepilation, as noted above,carried out in several stages to achieve maximum results. So, after the first procedure, about a third of the existing hair on the treated skin surface is removed. These hairs were in the stage of active growth. They will never grow again. After a few weeks (from 4 to 6, depending on the individual characteristics), the procedure is repeated, and again a third is removed from the remaining hair. Thus, the number and frequency of procedures for complete hair removal depends on the degree of their density and growth rate.

Photoepilation at home

As you know, science does not stand still, and thereforeScientists have developed special portable devices for individual use. Photoepilation home has a number of advantages and disadvantages compared with the salon procedure.

photoepilation home

Advantages of home photoepilation

  1. Safety and painlessness.On portable devices there is a power regulator, so getting burned during the procedure becomes simply impossible. Consequently, the pain of epilation decreases to 0.
  2. The effectiveness of the procedure is not inferior to salon epilation. So, for complete and final hair removal you will need from about 6 to 12 procedures with an interval of several weeks.
  3. The portable device is easy to use.Unlike the most complicated salon equipment, home photoepilators have instructions available to any user and a simple interface. That is why you will not need any special knowledge.
  4. Возможность удаления волос в чувствительных зонах - on the face and in the bikini area. Some models, in particular German manufacturers, have special modes for removing hair on any skin areas. However, in any case, you need to carefully examine the mechanism, select the appropriate mode to avoid burns. Do not forget that you should strictly avoid contact with light on the mucous membranes.
  5. The use of home photoepilators is no more harmful than the salon procedure. The light impulse penetrates exclusively into the surface layer of the skin (up to 5 mm) and does not harm the internal organs.

Disadvantages of home photoepilation

  1. Отсутствие предварительного осмотра A qualified specialist increases the risk of allergic reactions and adverse effects. As a rule, before the procedure, the doctor examines the patient to determine the presence or absence of contraindications, such as, for example, moles, pigment spots. Incompetence may affect the appearance of the skin after the procedure and your feelings.
  2. When conducting hair removal in the salon, the doctor usesspecial cosmetic preparations that protect the skin from the action of light. At home, to choose high-quality drugs can be quite problematic.
  3. Due to the greater power salon procedures will quickly help to achieve the final result.
  4. The cost of portable devices is quite high,in addition, it should be noted that the lamp of the device is designed for a certain number of pulses, after which it requires replacement. Thus, photo-epilation at home is quite comparable in price to prices in the cabin. And the professionalism of a specialist is much higher.

lip epilation

Harm and danger of photoepilation

Photoepilation is a relatively new procedure, andbecause it causes a lot of controversy and debate. Experts argue: "Photoepilation - what is it? A panacea or an unjustified risk?" So, doctors say that the unpleasant consequence of the procedure may be hypopigmentation of the skin, that is, the appearance of discolored areas. The formation of colloidal scars, ingrown hair is also likely. In addition, it remains an open question about the effect of photoepilation on the development of skin cancer.


The main contraindication tophotoepilation is the presence of dermatological as well as oncological diseases. In addition, experts do not recommend epilation on tanned skin, in the place of accumulation of moles, in the area of ​​birthmarks, mucous membranes. The tendency to allergic reactions, especially of the skin type, is also a reason to think about the feasibility of the procedure and, at a minimum, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The same applies to infectious diseases.

photo epilation hair removal

Removal of antennae using photoepilation

Appearance of antennae above the upper lip may beassociated with a variety of reasons, including hormonal, and little depends on age. However, most often this problem appears in women after 40 years. But in all cases, without exception, any woman has an overwhelming desire to remove these hairs once and for all. Photoepilation of the upper lip - the perfect solution to this problem. The entire course consists of 3-5 procedures with an interval of several weeks. And the ideal result will delight you for several years, as a rule, up to 5. The lips photoepilation has the same contraindications as other parts of the body, but the requirements for the professionalism of a specialist are much higher. And at a minimum, one should not carry out the procedure at home on their own to avoid sad consequences

Photoepilation is one of the bestprocedures for removing unwanted hair on a combination of the most important factors: efficiency, safety, painlessness, versatility and cost. Despite the contraindications and rare side effects, it is popular with women all over the world and even men who want to get rid of the need for daily shaving. Especially considering the fact that the likelihood of side effects during photoepilation is less than 2%, and the efficiency is 98%. To date, there is probably no decent alternative to photoepilation among the whole variety of such services, which explains the disposition of patients to it.