/ / Hollywood Beard: what is it, how to do

Hollywood beard: what is it how to do

Brett or Hollywood beard has become a "visitingcard "of many famous American actors, stars. Hollywood has always been a trendsetter, so today Brett is very popular among men who want to always be in trend.

Hollywood beard is a classic thatalways up to date. She looks decent both on young faces, and perfectly emphasizes the masculinity of the representatives of solid age. No matter who wears it - blond, brown-haired or dark-haired - such an ornament makes a person stand out from the crowd, creates a memorable image for a long time.

Brett does not leave indifferent women, attracts their views and makes a favorable first impression for a pleasant acquaintance.

Hollywood beard

What is Brett?

This model gives a special, brutal charm to the face,creates the appearance of a “heavy” jaw. It consists of a rather wide mustache and thickly frames the chin. The mustache and beard lines are elegantly connected and gently capture the entire lower jaw.

The upper border of the beard should be slightly lower.mid cheeks. However, depending on the wishes of the owner and his style, you can vary the width of the lower jaw. It also depends on the type of hair and the thickness of the beard itself.

The lower border of the beard passes at a distance of 2-2.5 cm above Adam's apple.

If you shave the lower bound too high, thena person's expression will look too tense. If we lower the lower border or leave it at all “as it is”, and the beard will naturally move into the chest area, we will get a “hairy macho”. It does not always look right and leaves an impression of untidy.

It should be especially noted that often a hollow beard without a sideburns beard, the cheeks and areas to the temples necessarily shave smoothly.

Hollywood beard photos

The history of the model "Hollywood beard"

The Brett model has a long history. If you look at the old photographs of the XIX century, then you can see a lot of elegant gentlemen with a beard, quite reminiscent of Hollywood.

Да и сами голливудские звёзды предпочитают её уже a long time ago, since the 30s of the XX century. Brett was carried to the cinema by classic villains - gangsters and mafia in action movies and detective stories of the time. She became a kind of symbol, an attribute of a rebel hero, even among quite prosperous cinema millionaires.

The image of a tough guy, capable of anything with whichyou need to keep your ears open - this is the psychological undercurrent that this fashionable attribute of a modern man carries with it. Perhaps that is why Brett is as attractive as for men who want to look like real heroes, and for women who want to be close to them.

Hollywood actors with a beard

The image stepped over from the movie screens into real life.And Hollywood stars who really want to resemble their heroes in reality, at least in the eyes of the audience, choose this particular model, exuding that very “star” charm, enchanting everyone around with their masculinity and originality.

Hollywood beard or Brett sets the tone for Hollywood. The brilliant cohort of tough guys on the screen and in life who are its followers is George Clooney, Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr.

Особенно хороша голливудская борода на лице Jake Gyllenhaal. This actor has a rather harmonious form of a somewhat oblong skull. The beard helped in this case to slightly increase the chin, to make the face a little wider.

Ryan Gosling, though he likes to experiment,but nevertheless the classic Hollywood beard without sideburns looks great on his face. The oval shape of the face of the actor is just suitable for the most daring beard options, despite the fact that it is much harder for blonds to give a beard clear boundaries.

Райан Рейнольдс - обладатель заостренного chin up This feature of his face easily softens the beard. The face is visually lengthened, while the eyes are well accentuated. The beard for this actor has become a profitable solution, emphasizing its originality.

Justin Timberlake's beard somewhat “balanced” the large features of his face, hiding a heavy chin from viewers. Gave features some softness and sincerity.

Hollywood actors with a beard

Who is Brett?

Fashionable male Hollywood beard, unfortunately,fit not every man. The main thing here is the shape of the skull and the particular structure of the hair. The most suitable option for this model, when the shape of the face is rectangular or triangular. Much less often Brett looks good on the oval contour of the face. But the chubby face of such a beard should be avoided, since this model even more visually "rounds" the shape of the lower jaw. Therefore, the face of a round shape will look with a Hollywood beard somewhat comical.

With the help of a Brett or a Hollywood beard you canhide the defects in the shape of the chin, give visually solidity to this part of the face, if the chin is too small, hide too long and expand the chin too narrow.

It should be noted here that the length of the beard itself also matters. If a man is not tall, then a lush and long beard will make him look like a gnome.

Tall and slim fit any length of the beard.

The most interesting thing is that using the Brett modelIt is possible to adjust facial features by working directly with a mustache. You can make a mustache a little thinner and accent lips. If you make a mustache more powerful, then the upper part of the face is visually highlighted, the emphasis goes to the eyes. In this case, the eyes look larger than they actually are. Especially this technique is good for those men who wear glasses for myopia.

Thin sideburns are acceptable in combination withHollywood beard, but not always. If the stylist is faced with the task of hiding a small chin, then the sideburns in this case are shaved off. Otherwise, the visual effect of the expansion of the face at the lower jaw will disappear.

hollywood beard how to make

How to grow a beautiful beard?

How to make a Hollywood beard?First you need to check whether it will suit you. You can, of course, find a computer program that will help you choose a model that matches your face type. However, in the photo due to improper lighting or body position in front of the lens, some distortion may occur. Therefore, the result of such a "fitting" beard is unlikely to be reliable. However, to perform the first step is suitable.

Much also depends on the structure of the hair.If you have never grown a beard before, then it cannot be assumed how thick, lush and beautiful your beard will be. You should be patient and just try not to shave for a while.

Hollywood beard, photos of which are givenIn this article, it grows naturally, cutting it and somehow turning over it is not necessary. After all, it is necessary to understand first what will be the “material” with which to work. This preparatory period, on average, can last three to four weeks. Of course, if you prefer a very short beard, then you can make out the model a little bit earlier.

The main thing is not to lose patience, patiently endure the moment when hair growth will cause itching on the skin. It will not last long.

Hair growth rate is highly individualfeature. Some people think that after an intense shave the beard will grow faster. This is not true. In fact, the best remedy is vitamins. Vitamin B group perfectly supports hair growth on the body. Magnesium has a good effect on this process. You can take a multivitamin, biotin, fish oil.

Testosterone is also an important factor forintensive beard growth. Therefore, to increase the level of this hormone, you can include in your diet plenty of spinach, nuts, broccoli, olive oil.

The skin will be well affected by regularcombing regrowing hair. Stimulation of blood circulation makes the hair follicles work more intensively, but do not overdo it, microtrauma is not needed here at all.

In a month you can trust a stylist or try to create a masterpiece of your own.

brett or hollywood beard

Hollywood beard: how to shave?

To trim a beard you will need the following tools:

  1. Razor.
  2. Trimmer.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Shaving brush
  5. Shaving foam.
  6. After Shave Cream.
  7. Towel, including a hot compress.

Preparatory stage

First you need to carefully examine your face andunderstand where the lines of the upper and lower borders of your beautiful beard will be. Then go to the bathroom and moisten your face with water. It is necessary that the hair was wet, so they will be more obedient and easier to cut.

Next you need to towel blot the skin around.future beard, and hair to comb so that they lay all in one direction along their growth. If the skin and hair is dry, naughty, then it is better to soften them with a greasy cream. Tough hair can be put in order with a hot compress, which will additionally cause blood flow to the hair follicles.

We make borders

Then you need to apply to the face soap suds withusing a shaving brush. This will allow the razor blade to slide easily over the skin. Now you should carefully draw the borders of the beard, first on the cheeks, then on the neck. On the cheeks, the border is shaved at a distance of 2-3 cm under the cheekbones. Here you need to be more careful, and make sure that the border lines are smooth and symmetrical, both on the left and right side. It is best to use a trimmer when drawing borders.

After that you should wash the lather from the face, apply the cream after shaving on shaved skin and apply a hot compress. This will soothe the skin and prepare the hair for cutting.

fashionable male hollywood beard

We give a beautiful shape

Now you can proceed to the most important thing -the formation of the beard itself. It is necessary to determine in advance its length and shape. Hollywood beard can also have different versions. It all depends on the shape of your skull and chin. However, in the classic version the length of hair in a Brett model is 3-5 mm.

The thickness of the hair can be slightly adjustedspecially thinning them with scissors. The edges are neatly and symmetrically trimmed. Then given a general form. In this process, you can use not only scissors, but also a trimmer.

hollywood beard how to shave

How to care for a beard?

Blondes may not worry too much, becauseusually with blond people a beard grows soft. She easily holds a form, it is simple to look after her. At the same time, blond hair does not stand out so brightly against the background of white skin, so blond women can afford a thicker and wider beard.

Brunettes will have to constantly monitor the shape of the beard, more often to turn over it and trim it with the help of a trimmer, since hair growth will be very visible and look careless.

It is not recommended to wash the beard with soap daily.It is enough just to rinse it with water while washing it. However, once a week it is necessary to wash the beard with a suitable shampoo, use the appropriate conditioner.

Every day should comb a beard,form the correct direction of hair growth. If your beard is not very thick, but you want to give it more volume, then after water procedures, you should immediately comb it in the opposite direction of hair growth. A towel for drying hair is not necessary. It is better to wait until the beard dries out in a natural way, and then comb it in the direction of hair growth and slightly shape the desired shape with your fingers. It is better to use comb with a large distance between the teeth.