/ / Orange essential oil: properties and uses

Orange essential oil: properties and uses

Апельсиновое дерево с его невероятно ароматными fruits were noticed as early as the 4th century BC. It was brought to Europe at the end of the 16th century. For a long time, the Europeans followed the conditions under which it is possible to obtain a greater amount of ripe fruit and what factors adversely affect the yield. The process of domestication began. Now trees are grown on a large scale: they are planted with whole plantations.

orange oil

Orange tree varieties

В настоящее время известны несколько сортов orange trees. The most popular among them is a sweet and bitter orange. Bitter has another name - orange. Citrus fruits of bitter wood are unsuitable for human consumption, but they produce more fragrant orange oil. The color of the resulting product may have different shades, ranging from dark yellow to dark brown.

Unlike the fruits of bitter orange, sweetcitruses are eaten fresh, they are made from juice, canned. However, sweet orange oil has also found wide application. Moreover, its content in the peel is much more. For reference: to get 1 kg of orange oil, you must take 50 kg of fresh peel of these fruits. The smell of sweet orange essential oil is less bright, but in sweet and bitter fruit it is very close to the natural smell of fruit. The color of the oil is mostly dark yellow.

The process of obtaining the essential oil

Масло апельсина на производстве получают в ходе process called "cold spin". No less popular is the process in which there is a simultaneous production of orange juice and essential oil. In this case, the fruits are pre-shredded in special machines placed in centrifuges. During processing, the separation of solid substances (peel) and liquid substances (juice, pulp). Then from the peel get the essential oil of orange. Its properties are incredibly wide. However, the quality of the oil thus obtained is somewhat worse, but the amount significantly exceeds the volume of the product obtained by the method of cold pressing.

Teaching oil at home

Although at first glance gettingthe essential substance is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but in reality it can be cooked even at home. The end result is an excellent orange oil. Its application is possible for various purposes. How to get orange oil with your own hands?

orange oil properties

For manufacturing are necessary:

  • fresh, soft, thick orange peel;
  • vegetable oil, odorless (optional sunflower, it can be olive, corn, cotton).

So, first you need to rinse the peel underjet of hot water. Then cut it into small pieces and put in a glass bowl or jar. Pour the vegetable peel with a layer of approximately 1 cm of vegetable oil, cover with a lid and put in a dark place, for example, a kitchen cupboard. After three days, the resulting mass must be heated in a water bath for half an hour. Allow to cool and then squeeze the peel dry to obtain more orange oil.

No one is added during the manufacturing process.chemical ingredient, only natural products are used, which means that you should not worry about the quality of the obtained essential oil. It is worth knowing that the product can be stored no more than 10 days, so you should not prepare it for future use.

Application area

Regardless of how it is receivedorange essential oil, it can be used for various purposes. It has found wide application in cosmetology procedures: in the manufacture of masks, creams, scrubs, etc. To improve the taste in cooking, orange oil is added to the dishes. Its properties are very diverse, which is why it is also used for health purposes.

orange oil application

Properties of essential oil of orange

  1. Removes toxins from the body, helps with poisoning.
  2. Promotes the emergence of appetite and at the same time struggling with overweight.
  3. In dentistry it is used as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation of the gums.
  4. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.
  5. Relieves eye fatigue, helps restore visual acuity.
  6. Relieves anxiety and fear, helps fight depression and relieves tension.
  7. Helps focus and focus on really important things.
  8. The perfect assistant in the fight against cellulite.
  9. Evens the tone of the face, gives it a healthy look and helps get rid of age spots.
  10. Increases immunity.
  11. Cheers up.

This is just a small list of medicinal properties possessed by essential oil of orange. Properties and its application are still being studied, therefore every year the list is supplemented.

In cosmetology

As mentioned earlier, orange oil is an indispensable tool in a woman’s arsenal in the struggle for beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and, in general, on the state of the female body.

orange essential oil properties and uses

Find finished products with contentOrange oil - shampoos, masks, creams - is quite difficult, since the shelf life of the essential substance is not more than 6 months. That is why to obtain a healing product, it is enough to add a few drops to your favorite cosmetic composition, or to prepare the product yourself.

The most popular masks are those that do not require a large number of ingredients. For example, a fairly simple mask of fresh cucumbers and sour cream:

  • для приготовления необходимо смешать мякоть fresh cucumber with one tablespoon of fat sour cream, add 2-3 drops of orange oil. The mask is ready, put on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Another “summer” strawberry-based mask:

  • take 4-5 ripe strawberries, pound them into mush. Add one teaspoon of cream and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil. Apply to face. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

There are many recipes in whichnot only orange oil is added, but also other essential substances. For example, chamomile, geranium, rosewood, sandalwood, tea tree oil, etc. The basis of the mask can be therapeutic mud, blue or black cosmetic clay, egg yolk and much more.

Important! When making a tool, you need to check whether its components do not cause allergies.

Hand and hair masks

orange oil for hair

In order to tidy up the skin of the hands,give her tenderness and smoothness, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists or use expensive creams. Daily care at home will help to maintain the excellent condition of the skin of the hands for many years. Perhaps the simplest mask is made on the basis of sour cream, in which you can put geranium oil, chamomile, myrrh and orange oil.

For hair, it is enough to add orange oilin shampoo. It is not recommended to pour it directly into the entire bottle, it is better to add a couple drops right before use. Enriched means will give hair smoothness and shine, as well as help get rid of dandruff and brittle hair. All this is due to the fact that the composition contains orange oil. The beneficial properties accumulate, and with each use the condition of the hair improves. This is only the smallest list of beauty recipes that use orange essential oil. Its application in cosmetics is very wide.

In aromatherapy

Due to the large number of useful and therapeuticproperties of orange oil, its use for various kinds of inhalations was a salvation for many people. Just 15 minutes of being in a room filled with citrus scent helps to increase efficiency, increase strength, relieve fatigue, a person has a feeling of happiness and joy.

orange oil reviews

Aromatic lamps with the addition ofessential oil of orange. In order for such procedures to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to choose the right dosage. So, for a room of 16 square meters. m is enough four drops of essential oil. It can be used not only with the help of oil burners, it is enough to put on a clean cotton fabric and put, for example, on the heater. In this case, the room will also be filled with a terrific citrus scent.

Очень полезно принимать ванны с добавлением essential oil of this fruit. It is important to know that it cannot be used undiluted. Milk, honey or sea salt may be suitable as an emulsifier. Bath time should not exceed 15 minutes.

Bath lovers are also recommended.periodically use orange oil. Reviews after visiting such a bath are only the most pleasant! You should know and remember the dosage: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 drops of the essential product. The time of visiting the steam room should not exceed 4-5 minutes.

In cooking

Orange oil can be used not only fordifferent masks, aroma treatments, but also for the preparation of various dishes and drinks. Thus, daily consumption of tea with the addition of one drop of oil helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body, improve digestion, and increase appetite.

On New Year's Eve, try adding one drop of the essential substance of sweet orange to a glass of champagne. The taste of the drink will instantly change, become more saturated, and the color more golden!

Essential oil of orange, the properties and the use of which are not fully studied even at the present time, thanks to the available useful qualities is very popular.


As with all products, these essential oilsfruits also have their own contraindications. The main is the presence of an allergy to citrus. It is also strictly forbidden to take oil for people suffering from gallstone disease. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Do not apply to exposed skin before going outside. Do not expose parts of the body to which it is applied to direct sunlight.


And finally, we propose to take a small test, which will help determine what you really need at the moment.

Imagine two bright smells - the smell of lemon and the smell of orange. What flavor do you prefer at the moment? Both are citrus flavors, pleasant, but you only need to choose one.

Stopped on lemon flavor?So you are attracted to business that does not await delay. Perhaps this is related to work or study, and maybe they are related to new hobbies or hobbies. Not always new things are strong enough, but lemon scent will help restore and continue the activities started!

orange essential oil application

For those who like the smell of orange,There is another explanation. Your body says that it is both physically and psychologically depleted. It is vital to rest. It may not necessarily be a trip, just take some time to yourself. Stay alone in the room with a lit aroma lamp. Add a few drops of orange essential oil. Just stay alone with your thoughts, and then fatigue will remove like a hand. This method is also recommended for people who have experienced severe stress.