/ / Cream-henna "Phytocosmetic". Consumer reviews, means description

Cream-henna "Phytocosmetics". Customer feedback, product description

In the era of the chemical industry is difficult to findproduct with a natural composition. The unpleasant fact is that even products for face, hair and body care cannot boast of sparing formulas. The most dangerous tool for this is hair dye. An excellent natural replacement for it will be phytocosmetic henna. Feedback from women who use this tool can be heard both positive and negative.

What is henna for hair

Henna is called powdered leaves of lausonia. This plant is used not only as a coloring agent for hair, but also for industrial purposes.

henna phytocosmetics cream reviews

In medieval Africa and India, this product was popular among women: they used it as an eyeliner, a means for strengthening and beauty of hair.

Lawsonia has beneficial properties: nourishes the scalp, stimulates hair growth, makes them strong and thick, eliminates dandruff.

The disadvantage of henna staining is that it is almost impossible to understand what the color of the curls will be after the procedure.

Iranian henna cream from "Phytocosmetic": description

"Phytocosmetics" produces colorless henna cream, classic, with burdock oil.

Colorless henna cream is designed to strengthenhair. In addition to natural Iranian henna, its composition includes a complex of oils: flaxseed, burdock, coconut. Due to the presence of such components, the tool gently cares, nourishes, moisturizes the hair, gives them shine and strength.

henna cream iranian phytocosmetics reviews

Buying ordinary henna, a woman should spendtime to prepare the material for dyeing. Save the time and immediately begin the procedure will help cream-henna "Phytocosmetics". Feedback on the speed of application of such a tool is extremely positive. Women are pleased that it is sold already in finished form - it can be immediately applied to the hair. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour. The composition on the package is listed completely natural.

Cream-henna Iranian natural "Phytocosmetics": reviews

Tint cream with henna is not used.only for the general strengthening of hair, but also for coloring. The colors it gives are quite diverse: chocolate, black, chestnut, copper-red, copper-red.

The composition of such funds is much better thanconventional hair dye. It includes: water, henna, burdock and almond oils, wheat germ oil, ginseng extract, vitamin B, keratin, glycerin, dimethicone, coloring pigment.

For those who want to spare their hair and save on dyeing, proposed phytocosmetic henna cream. Reviews, despite the tolerable composition, there are negative.

phytocosmetics henna cream with burdock oil reviews

Girls complain that hair does not get the same color as stated on the packaging. But some are quite satisfied with the result of staining. The disadvantages include weak resistance.

From the positive aspects of a good composition, easy application, speed of the procedure, hair recovery.

It is worth noting that reviews of ordinary Iranian henna are more positive than of creamy form.

"Phytocosmetics" - cream henna with burdock oil. Reviews

You can not spend a lot of money on the salonprocedures for healing and coloring hair. Many women have long enjoyed natural and inexpensive means. These products include cream phytocosmetics. Reviews about the procedure with the use of such cream paint with burdock oil appear both enthusiastic and not so much.

The fact is that such a product colors the hair.And the result is impossible to guess. It is known that for a weak shade it is recommended to leave the product on the hair for 10 minutes. Having kept the cream paint longer, you will get a more saturated tone. Some women are lucky with color, and some are not.

henna cream iranian natural phytocosmetics reviews

The undoubted advantage that is noted by almost all women is the healthy shine and beauty of the hair after the procedure with the use of henna cream.

Another important factor that convinces girls to buy such a product with burdock oil is the absence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

According to many reviews, the presence of burdock oil in the composition nourishes the hair from the roots to the tips. The curls become thick, and the hairstyle acquires additional volume.

Mode of application

Бесцветную крем-хну применяют следующим образом:Apply the product to wet or dry hair from root to tip, wrap it in plastic and a towel and wash it off after 30 minutes without using shampoo.

Shiny, healthy, thick, strong hair -the merit of such a tool as the cream-henna Iranian phytocosmetics. Feedback from people who have completed 20 procedures suggest that this product really handles all the declared functions. All women recommend this product, insisting that it is a natural, effective, cheap remedy.

Крем-краской пользоваться сложней.It must be applied evenly to the hair, otherwise the result will be deplorable. You can leave the paint on for a while from 10 to 30 minutes, it all depends on what degree of saturation of the shade a woman wants to get. Rinse off the product should be thoroughly, without the use of shampoo. Women praise this paint for the fact that she paints over gray hair. Many women, unfortunately, left a negative impression after using tinted cream henna. It is very difficult to predict what color the hair will be.

Recently, many are looking for natural, but withThis budget products and cosmetics. One of the most popular products is Iranian henna cream. It really improves the condition of the hair, but you should not hope for it as an excellent coloring agent.