Recently, surprisingly allcosmeticians, the black mask becomes more and more widespread. At home, it is used by both women and men to get rid of black spots and acne. These problems appear not only in adolescents in the transition years, but also in many adults. Fortunately, it's not particularly difficult to fight with them, as the black face mask at home is prepared quite quickly, and the magnificent effect is noticeable after the first application.
The causes of black spots and acne
All small nuances on the person's face do not arisejust. Pimples appear by pushing dead cells to the surface, which causes them to clog the passage outward. Oily skin is formed in the case of excessive production of sebum. With these shortcomings, the black mask will help us forever (at home it is quite easy). After all, when acne, acne and other shortcomings become visible on the face, a person feels not only dermal, but also psychological problems that lead to the appearance of complexes and discomfort.
Methods of struggle
Appearance of the skin is especially concerned about girls,who are already accustomed to using different masks. Such wonderful products can easily be purchased at the pharmacy, but the made black mask at home from black dots and other similar ailments will give a much better effect, because when preparing it, ingredients will be used, in which a person is 100% sure.
Quite often the sight of a black mask on the face causesthe surrounding laughter or, conversely, surprise. Because of this, people with problematic skin are embarrassed to use this service in beauty parlors, so they are ideal for a black mask at home (coal + gelatin, clay + infusion of medicinal herbs, mud powder + mineral water and other options are given below) .
People who at least once used this mask, do not even have to think about other means. After all, it eliminates all defects quickly and qualitatively.
Black mask
The color of a unique mask worries the younggirls, but does not scare women who use all sorts of means to get rid of age-related skin problems. It would seem, how can a black mask at home clear the face and give it a more fresh look? In fact, everything is simple: the component composition provides for the presence of a unique active component - black, which can come from activated carbon, clay, and therapeutic mud. These components are distinguished by excellent cleaning properties and the ability to actively combat acne, comedones and some other defects.
Owners of oily skin type will perfectly suitmade a black mask at home without gelatin, which dries and narrows wide pores, not allowing them to clog. Ingredients for the product can be found in the pharmacy or in any specialized store, and the process of preparing and applying the mask will not take much time.
The main varieties
The most common types of funds are:
- Mud mask. Perfectly modeled and quickly removed from the skin, has a plasticity and sufficient softness.
- Clay mask of black color. Unlike the previous version, it is more dense and heavier in weight, so the lightness on the face will be felt only after it is removed.
- A black mask at home with coal is alsocan be done. In the process of application, a film is formed that gently tightens the skin. It quickly dries up and adheres well to the skin, so it will not be possible to remove it as quickly as possible.
All these options are highly efficient. You can apply them to almost all people, but before that you need to consult with a specialist.
Black face mask at home is prepared quickly enough, but it gives an incredible effect. The benefits of using it are:
- thorough cleaning of all kinds of impurities;
- solving problems with oily skin;
- unique lifting effect;
- a significant reduction in puffiness;
- nutrition of the skin with useful elements;
- prevention of inflammation;
- elimination of toxins;
- giving the skin a natural matte finish.
Professional cosmetologists say that the applied black mask at home from black spots saves much better than any modern scrub, whatever quality it may be.
Application features
A mask of this type is created from variouscomponents, each of which has its own effect on the skin. To achieve a good effect, you must use the tool correctly. And for this it is only necessary to know the following nuances:
- People with dry skin type are ideal forCompositions based on clay (cosmetic or curative). In comparison with masks, the main ingredient of which is activated charcoal, such variants are much faster removed from the skin.
- Before use, aSensitivity, putting a little money on your wrist and holding for about 20 minutes. If redness is observed in this area will not be, then the mask is ready for use.
- Applying black to the face is best after taking a bath or shower, when the face is steamed.
- During the week before and after the application of the mask, any exfoliating means should not be used, as otherwise the skin can be injured.
- In the case of preparation of a clay-based agent, it is necessary to apply it on the face in several layers.
- For the first time using the drug it is recommended to try only on the T-zone, and only after that apply to the whole face.
- Remove the mask, forming a film, you need to gently, moving from the bottom up.
- To wash off the product is allowed only with warm water, after which it is necessary to apply immediately to the face a moisturizing cream and within an hour not to go out into the street.
Black mask at home
The quality and the effect of homefunds are no worse than expensive products of popular brands. At cooking it is necessary to spend very little time and a minimum amount of financial resources. And correctly to make a unique cleanser will help the recipes given below.
Options with activated carbon
A wonderful cleanser against acne,acne and other problems, often used to purify the body, is activated charcoal. Typically, this component is used to prepare a mask-film to clean the most problematic areas. The most effective recipes are:
- Black mask at home with gelatin.For cooking, take a couple of activated carbon tablets, crush them thoroughly, mix with 20 grams of gelatin, and then pour warm water (to cover the dry mixture). Insist means should not be more than 5 minutes, after which it can immediately be applied to the face and keep for about half an hour.
- Milk option.More expensive option, since the main ingredients are: a couple of activated carbon tablets, a glass of fatty yogurt / kefir / ryazhenka, and a couple drops of lemon juice. All components are mixed in a separate container, infused for about 3-5 minutes, and then applied to the face and aged for no more than 20 minutes.
- A remedy with the use of aloe.2-3 tablets of activated carbon should be combined with a tablespoon of aloe juice and a couple drops of lemon juice. The resulting thick mixture does not need to be infused, as it is immediately ready for use, and it should be kept on the face for 20-25 minutes.
According to real people, a black mask from acneat home using conventional activated carbon is really good at helping. Certain changes are noticeable after the first application to the face of any of the above. In addition, the preparation does not need to spend a lot of money or long to find the necessary ingredients, because they are sold in any grocery store and pharmacy at an affordable cost.
Clay recipes
Black clay is one of the main ingredients in cosmetology, and therefore masks with it are very popular:
- Classic. The usual dry clay (black) is mixed with mineral or warm boiled water until a cushion mass is obtained, and then applied to the skin of the face not too thickly for about 15 minutes.
- Scrub. Black clay is mixed with coffee grounds and mineral water to a creamy mass, and then applied to the skin with massage movements and aged for no more than 20 minutes.
Clay black mask from acne in the homeconditions, as women say, is no less effective than funds based on activated carbon. It is distinguished not only by its magnificent effect, but also by the pleasant fragrance of some components. Such a tool you want to use every day, because it does not harm health at all, and gives a decent result almost instantly.
Mud Masks
Therapeutic mud is an excellent assistant in the care of the skin of the face and the whole body. It is used in the following ways:
- Black phytomass. Mud powder is dissolved in a pre-prepared infusion of chamomile and mint until a creamy mass is formed. On the face the agent should be kept for up to 25 minutes.
- Sea-buckthorn variant. The recipe is the same as the previous one, but instead of the herbal infusion, sea buckthorn oil is used.
People's opinion
Masks of this type like to apply not onlywomen, but also men. Mud composition pleasantly tightens the skin, so you can feel how toxins and other contaminants disappear from the epidermis. No such means were found, because they do not cost too much and can compete even with professional masks, which not all people can afford.