/ / Face cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1: reviews, colors, description

Face cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1: reviews, shades, description

Tonal cream is the most important component of not only make-up, but also mood for the whole day. A reliable basis of your beauty should not only eliminate the shortcomings, but also care for the delicate skin of the face.

Below you will find information about the cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1, reviews, features of the choice of shades.

face cream max factor facefinity 3in1 reviews

Why do I need a foundation and that he should be able to

Unfortunately, the ideal skin exists only incinema. In the life of the owners of a person without defects, it is almost impossible to meet. Acne, scars, enlarged pores, peeling - all these shortcomings easily get out of the rut of confidence the most daring girl. Fortunately, there are tonal creams that can make the skin flawless. What functions should these funds carry out?

  • Matiru, that is, eliminate greasy shine, but not to deprive the face of its natural soft glow.
  • Hide the flaws. Scars, pimples, unhealthy circles under the eyes or excessive pallor - all these little things simply have to disappear from your face.
  • Care. No matter how matiruyu, do all the time it's just impossible. Without proper care, the skin will become dull, and defects will appear more and more boldly.

All of the above can use Max's foundationFactor. Facefinity 3 in 1 from Max Factor reviews from customers is mostly positive. Below we will consider all the advantages of this tool.

max factor facefinity 3in1 reviews

Max Factor

Facefinity 3in1 from Max Factor - a tool that is difficult to call simply a cream, as it combines the properties of the corrector, the basis for make-up and konsilera. What is this, consider below.

For an ideal make-up sometimes it is not enoughjust a tonal facility. If the skin is dry, without a foundation, it will peel off, if excessively greasy - an unpleasant annoying shine will appear after a couple of hours. If you have a problem skin or dark circles under your eyes, then you can not do without an equalizer. The finishing touch is the foundation. And now imagine that there is not enough time to make a make-up, or your budget simply does not allow you to buy all these funds.

Here in this situation, you are idealFace cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1 (reviews, shades, photos we will show below). The answer to the question, why it is, lies in its name and composition. "Feysfiniti 3 in 1" - is the basis, corrector and konsiler in one bottle, that is, care, correction of problem areas and matting. In addition, the cream does not contain silicones and has a sunscreen filter SPF 20.

What type of skin is suitable for foundation?

Manufacturers argue that the tool will workfor any type of skin. There are no age restrictions. Let's try to figure out whether Max Factor Facefinity 3v1 is universal, customer testimonials will help us in this.

So, we start with sensitive skin.For owners of skin of this type the cream will do. Its composition is hypoallergenic, it does not have aggressive components. However, if your skin is too sensitive, you should try the product point-wise on small areas of the skin and determine if you will be comfortable.

If you have very dry skin, the cream will not overdry it, but the scaling will emphasize. Rescue the situation with a slight moisturizing light day cream.

For owners of problem and oily skinFace cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1 (reviews, photo shades see below) is just a find. It is light enough, does not clog the pores and does not have any oils in its composition, which lead the problem skin to more troubles. In addition, the matting effect of the drug restrains the appearance of fatty gloss over many hours. The only caveat (which concerns, in principle, any tonal remedies) is a thorough make-up and gentle moisturizing for the night.

face cream max factor facefinity 3in1 reviews shades

Shades of cream

The tonal means "Faithfiniti 3in1" is represented in a rather rich range of tones. There are nine options to choose your own:

v 30 - Parcelain - a soft cool shade with a pinkish podton.

v 33 - Crystal Beige - suitable for tanned or dark skin warm shade.

v 35 - Pear Beige - peach beige. Do not fall for the hook name, peach color you will not see it. It is a gentle warm beige with a terracotta tint.

v 40 - Light Ivory - light ivory. Cold shade with a grayish undertones.

v 45 - Warm Almond - hot almonds. Warm tint.

v 47 - Nude - the shade has recently become fashionable and is not going to come out of it. The most versatile.

v 50 - Natural - the name speaks for itself. A natural pleasant tone with a pinkish podton.

v 55 - Beige - classic beige. A yellowish palate.

v 65 - Rose Beige - perhaps the darkest shade. Suitable for bright brunettes.

face cream max factor facefinity 3in1 photo review

How to find your shade of "Faith Finish"?

Sometimes richness of shades can confuse us andleave in confusion near the storefront or catalog of creams. How not to make a mistake in the choice? Unfortunately, there are no universal councils. Ideal option - the presence of a probe and testing it. But it is not always available due to various circumstances. What is your Max Factor Facefinity 3? 1 foundation? Reviews, shades, photos and descriptions you, of course, will help. But do not rely only on them.

The best option would be a small theory aboutcolor types of skin. We are talking about four types: spring, summer, autumn, winter. You probably already know which color type you belong to. We will tell you what shades should be avoided, and you will choose your perfect tone by the exception method.

  • Spring. This color is suitable for soft pink shades. Avoid the yellow and gray dots.
  • Summer likes juicy colors. But the grayish outflow will only emphasize the merits of this type.
  • Autumn is the warmest color. Avoid pink cool tones, your shades are those that have a soft yellowness.
  • Winter is a cold color. Yellow podtons will make your skin unnatural.

tonal cream max factor facefinity 3 in 1 from max factor reviews

Face cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3in1: customer reviews

We reviewed a lot of reviews about tonalmeans. Naturally, the choice of tonal remedy is very individual, and until there is a cream that would suit absolutely everything. Each manufacturer seeks such a standard, but so far it has been inconclusive. It would be desirable, that such means became a voice-frequency cream "Max Factor" Facefinity 3в1, responses about which are various enough, but positive majority. Try, pick up, and let the self-confidence and good mood does not leave you. Good choice!