When it comes to inexpensive graphics cardsthe majority of recommendations lead the buyer to choose the most worthy representative of the budget segment for the "price-quality" ratio - the GeForce GT 630 chip. The morally obsolete chip is still considered the sales leader for building many non-game platforms. In this article, the reader will learn what's so special about this video adapter, and a review of the model, feedback from customers and experts will help you get to know the video card more closely.

GeForce GT 630 accelerator market positioning
Recently in the market of computer equipmentthere were some changes: the integrated graphics core moved from the motherboard to the processors and strangely enough increased in price. Now, to build a platform for a home appliance or office computer, you need to purchase an expensive processor and a motherboard that matches the standard (with video outputs). The video card GeForce GT 630 for economic reasons will come to the user cheaper, and the performance of the system as a whole will be several times higher. This is the key to successful sales of this chip. In order to somehow diversify the market with affordable devices on this graphics core, the manufacturer presented its customers with an improved version of the video card, giving it the "REV.2" label, but due to the increased cost, its demand in the domestic market is very low.

Introduction to Graphics Accelerator
The video card GeForce GT 630 features clearlynot gaming, but they are enough to ensure the transfer of video images to the screen and allow the user to play their favorite toy on minimum settings.
- the graphic core of the GF108 is built around a 40-nanometer process and has 585 million transistors;
- the number of stream processors - 96 pieces, texture units - 16;
- the core operates at a frequency of 810 MHz;
- DDR3 memory operates at a frequency of 1800 MHz using a 128-bit bus (1024 MB);
- DirectX 11 technology is supported, and the claimed power is 65 watts.
If you compare the technical specificationsvideo card GeForce GT 630 with integrated chips, it turns out that they are almost identical. A distinctive feature when buying, above all, is the price of a discrete video adapter and the presence of three mixed video outputs (VGA, DVI and HDMI). For most buyers, it is the presence of analog video output that is the basis for the acquisition.
Market of mobile devices
Do not forget that inexpensive video adaptersvery popular among manufacturers of budget notebooks. According to statistics, the graphics core in the mobile version based on the GeForce GT 630, whose characteristics are still adapted to the games, are in great demand among the population. The graphical core of the GF108, in contrast to competitors and more expensive solutions, consumes little power, and accordingly has a low dissipated power. Thanks to such indicators, the GT 630M chip has become one of the best solutions for creating inexpensive laptops.

In mobile devices, along with technicalcharacteristics of clock frequency, memory capacity and its speed, modern technologies (CUDA, PhysX and others) are popular. This chip supports all this at the hardware level, which attracts a potential buyer.
The policy of Nvidia
All users are well aware that manufacturersvideo cards do not provide the market with their products under their own logo, giving such an opportunity to world famous brands. However, many readers review the GeForce GT 630 can lead to video cards from Nvidia itself. There are no explanations on the official website of the manufacturer, however many representatives of other companies insist that the manufacturer simply sells out its video adapters, which because of the high cost were ignored by the well-known video card manufacturers (ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI and others).

As a result, the world market appearedGeForce GT 630 video adapter, built on the basis of GF108, which has a more efficient GDDR5 memory bus with high overclocking potential (the nominal memory frequency is 3200 MHz). He immediately attracted the attention of buyers for its affordable price and made competition to all similar products from other manufacturers.
Products based on GeForce GT 630
Самый большой ассортимент устройств на базе the considered chip GT 630 from the Taiwanese manufacturer - the company ASUS. In the budget segment, this product is positioned as the cheapest among peers. The ASUS GeForce GT 630 video card with passive cooling and two gigabytes of memory on board has been holding leadership positions in the Russian market for several years. The manufacturer has focused on the noiselessness of its product, and this attracted the attention of buyers.

Since the video card's power consumption is 65 watts,except the graphics core, there is nothing to warm up. Therefore, a conventional aluminum radiator without a fan does an excellent job of cooling even during acceleration. Having soldered 4 memory modules, the manufacturer attracted the attention of the buyer with an increased volume of up to 2 gigabytes of RAM. An inexpensive office solution will definitely interest designers and amateurs to work with graphic programs.
Entry level gaming solutions
Even with a good overclocking graphics coredecent performance in games should not be expected from the GeForce GT 630 chip, the reviews of the owners of this device confirm this fact. However, many users still manage to achieve good performance in games by increasing the frequency of the graphics core and memory bus. It all depends on the proper cooling of the video card, because the excess of the standard characteristics leads to a large heating of the crystal.

The same Taiwanese representative ASUSpushes owners of their products to overclocking, installing an active cooling system using proprietary technology based on aluminum radiator and copper tubes for heat removal. The main feature of this manufacturer is the modification of the printed circuit board. Instead of standard capacities, ASUS technologists installed solid-state ferrite drives, which are full of expensive video cards.
Offers from other market participants
Oddly enough, the graphics chip GeForce GT630 customer and expert reviews are only positive, regardless of the representative on the market, under whose brand the products are presented. So, in the domestic budget niche at an attractive price, users will find the video card Gainward, MSI, Palit and many other well-known manufacturers. The difference between them is only in the appearance of the cooling system. None of the brands tried to improve the performance of the device by changing the PCB. Good or bad, it's up to the buyer, the main thing is that all users will be satisfied by purchasing a decent low-cost solution from their favorite brand.
Hope for the gaming qualities of the video adapterGeForce GT 630 is not necessary. In fact, this is the usual video card, which is designed to connect the monitor to a personal computer. All other characteristics, such as gaming, are a kind of bonus that the buyer receives as a gift when buying the cheapest video adapter in the computer market.
Отличительной особенностью видеокарты на базе GeForce GT 630 is affordability, low noise and low power consumption. Accordingly, for businesses and home use this product will be the best choice of the future owner.