/ / What is saturation, contrast, font size?

What is saturation, contrast, font size?

This article will discuss the basic conceptsand definitions that characterize the font. This information is useful in many areas. For example, for web designers: it is really important for them to distinguish between types of fonts. The information is intended for beginners, so you do not need additional knowledge. Next, you will learn what is the font size and other features of the inscriptions.

font size


At the moment, the font has the followingA definition is a graphic image that is used to create the inscription of letters, signs and other symbols. There are even separate families or, you might say, groups. They include fonts, which are combined for some characteristic differences. Everyone who wants can create their own font individually, but this requires certain skills and software. To separate the fonts were invented different characteristics. There are many similar differences. This article will describe features such as width, font and font size. All these features are classified as "basic".


This characteristic includes suchFeatures like: saturation, aspect ratio, slope of characters. The most common font groups of the type have the following names: Normal - normal, Italic - italic (in some cases inclined), Bold - bold, Bold Italic - bold oblique (or italic), Extended - wide, Condensed - narrow. All these groups can be displayed differently in different families. It should be noted such a feature that the italic and oblique font is not the same thing at all. Although in some existing families these groups are displayed identically.

 font for graffiti


A font-size is a strictly defined area,which is allocated for the arrangement of one character. This feature helps to determine in advance the place required for the placement of all letters and numbers. Almost in all industries font size is determined in points. And for a long time, throughout Europe, the Dido calculation system has been used. This method was also adopted in Russia. On the territory of the American states, a similar system called "Peak" is used. But there are no special differences in their calculations. After all, both systems use points to determine the size of the font.


The width determines the distance from the beginning of the symbol toits end. Perhaps you will find that the font size and width are the same characteristics. But this is not so. After all, the width describes each symbol separately by means of its individual characteristics. There are several basic categories for separating this characteristic. For example, the width can be normal, wide and narrow. Either the font width can be divided into two large groups, namely: monospaced and proportional font. Both these categories are widely used at present. The monospaced font uses a system where each character has a strictly defined width (that is, all letters are the same). And the proportional outline allocates for each character a separate (different) place.

, font size

additional information

Now there is an infinite setdifferent fonts. Each of them is used in its field. Therefore, you can find even a separate font for graffiti or for emulating a handwritten record. At first glance, the information may seem too complicated. But you can quickly understand it.